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News since last Redfern Waterloo Issues Update.
Campaign on Track
THE Lift Redfern Campaign will finally get its moment in parliament tomorrow reports James Gorman in Central on 22 August 2012.
North Eveleigh could be New Enterprise Zone :Green Paper - Exhibition until 14 Sept 2012
The NSW Government released on 14 July its Green paper on the new Planning System, it is on exhibition until 14 September. The plan proposes greater up front community involvement in where development goes with less community input once these decisions have been made. Included in green paper are new Zonings including an Enterprise Zone with "very little, if any, development controls providing they do not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts". The Green Paper uses North Eveleigh as an example of where an Enterprise Zone could be established. REDWatch is concerned as the Department of Planning has previously recognised that traffic impacts from this site have a significant impact on the surrounding area. More details on the New Enterprise Zone is provided below.
Plans to Redevelop Redfern's GCA (TNT) Towers
Director's Generals Requirements (DGRs) have been issued for 1 Lawson Square for alterations and additions to the existing towers to create an 18 storey mixed use development with commercial/retail use provided at the ground floor level over one (1) level of basement car park. The western tower (Tower 1) proposes commercial space from levels 1 to 5. Levels 6 to 17 will be residential. The eastern tower (Tower 2) will be residential from Levels 1 to 17. As the Development sits within the Redfern Waterloo State Significant Site area the proposal is State Significant with Application Number SSD-5249.
Kristina Keneally Resigns from NSW Parliament
The Hon Kristina Keneally MP today (23rd June 2012) announced she will resign from NSW Parliament effective 29 June 2012 reports this media statement from Kristina Keneally.
Lack of site security major Rachel Forster meeting concerns
One of the major issues to emerge from the Rachel Forster meeting on 16 June 2012 was the ongoing lack of security on the site. Residents reported that people had often been seen in the abandoned building and it was still possible to access the site. Residents said that they had seen material such as copper being stolen from the building and other activity which had resulted in material including asbestos being thrown from the site. There was concern that as the redevelopment of the site was still some way off that this issue needed to be addressed to ensure these problems did not continue and that the chance of a fire on the site was minimised. The developer said he visited the site weekly and did drive-bys more frequently however local residents said much more needed to be done to secure the site. The facilitator from ABC Planning said the issue would be addressed.
SMDA & Landcom combined into new Urbangrowth NSW
Urbangrowth NSW will integrate and refocus Landcom and the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) as a key new driver of the Government’s approach to housing delivery. “The Government intends to have the new organisation up and running by mid July,” Minister Hazzard said in the statment below delivered as part of the NSW Budget on 12 June 2012.
North Eveleigh Early Works conflicts with Concept Plan Approval : REDWatch
REDWatch opposes the SMDA Early Works proposal as it both differs from the Approved North Eveleigh Concept Plan and is in direct conflict with the Concept Plan Approval conditions. The details of the REDWatch comparison of the Early Works Application and the North Eveleigh Concept Plan Approval is provided below in their submission of 25 May 2012 below.
North Eveleigh Community Forum & Submission Background
Here you will find some background to the North Eveleigh Concept Plan and links to documents repating to the plan and the Affordable Housing Exhibition. Due to changes on the RWA & SMDA website we have provided new links to documents. This document was originally sent out as an email to people with an interest in North Eveleigh Issues.
11 000 demand immediate action to make Redfern Station accessible
A coalition of residents, workers, business, disability and community groups demands immediate action to ensure access at one of Sydneyʼs busiest railway stations as disabled and less mobile community members continue to be shut off from the transport network says this media release from Lift Redfern on 30 April 2012.
Sydney University Lodges Abercrombie Street Campus Revised Plan
Revised plans for the University of Sydney’s new Business School at the Abercrombie Precinct in Darlington have been submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure. The plans are expected to go on public display on the Department’s website within the next 2 weeks reports this media release from Sydney University.
Funding for 61 Affordable Housing Units at North Eveleigh
The Hon Brendan O'Connor MP Federal Minister for Housing and The Hon Brad Hazzard MP, Minister for Planning and Infrastructure in NSW made a joint release on 18th April 2012 announcing that the federal Housing Affordability Fund is funding infrastructure for the placement of 61 affordable housing units at North Eveleigh. The text of the joint media release is below:
Council escalates Lift Redfern campaign
The City of Sydney has stepped up pressure on government ministers to address the issue of poor facilities at Redfern Station reports Punam Vyas in City News on 12 April 2012.
Campaign ratchets up pressure for lifts at Redfern
REDFERN: Campaign organisers and local residents gathered outside Redfern station on Monday March 19 to mark the official launch of the Lift Redfern campaign, as frustration over government inaction grows. The campaign is lobbying for lifts to be installed at Redfern station, as current access options are unsafe and unusable for many public transport users with mobility issues reports Charles Turnbull in the April 2012 edition of The South Sydney Herald.
Lift Redfern Media Launch Statement - 18 March 2012
Media Conference to Launch Lift Redfern will happen at Redfern Station - Rosehill St entrance at 8am, Monday 19 March. Speakers: Australian Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes, City of Sydney Lord Mayor and Member for Sydney Clover Moore, Professor Stephen Garton, Acting Vice Chancellor of the University of Sydney, Greens Councillor Irene Doutney and members from the local community. The text of the media statement of 18 March 2012 is below:
Preliminary Master Plan not to be made Public
Housing NSW have declined a REDWatch request that the Preliminary Masterplan be made public for community consultation before it is reported to the Federal Government by advising that "the preliminary masterplanning is an internal working document exploring options for Housing and Property Group’s major sites and is in a constant state of development". Housing NSW has also declined REDWatch's request to publicly release the HNSW Preliminary Masterplan progress reports to the Federal Government. Below you can see what REDWatch requested and why and how HNSW have responded. REDWatch wrote to HNSW when it became apparent HNSW had made no provision in their consultation to publicly exhibit their Preliminary Masterplan.
Council Decision on Abercrombie Street Upgrades - Feb 2012
Council decided to proceed with its upgrade scoping proposal for Abercrombie Street with the addition of a flush road treatment at Ivy Street. It was also resolved that a scoping report be prepared for council covering areas not covered by the current scoping report including the Northern side of Abercrombie Street.
Social Impact Scoping and Assessment for Redfern Waterloo - Focus Group Information Sheet Text
The SMDA and Consultants GHD are undertaking Focus Groups in February 2012 on Scoping for a Social Impact Assessment. This is the Focus Group Information Sheet intended for participants. Currently this is the only written information available from the SMDA about the Scoping for the Social Impact Assessment and hence REDWatch is making it available for the information of the broader community. The SMDA welcomes feedback from individuals, organisations and other stakeholders on key issues which they would like considered in the relevant study by the SMDA.
Housing NSW Masterplan takes Shape
Housing NSW have released the reports from their planning workshops in November as the basis for the next round of discussions. The separate reports for Redfern and Waterloo include details of what came out of the workshop and a summary at the end of the “Ideas for Improvement”. This summary and the accompany map shows what Housing NSW believe the community wants where. Below we have extracted the summary findings of each report top make them easily accessible. The links to the full reports are at the foot of this article.
Pemulwuy Mixed Use Development - Exhibition until 29 Feb 2012
Below is the text of the letter sent on 13 January 2012 by the Department of Planning & Infrastructure to land owners in the vicinity of the Aboriginal Housing Company's proposed Pemulwuy Project. At the foot of this page we have provided links to the pages where the documents on exhibition will appear.
Getting off at Redfern: wheelchair access denied
Over 40,000 passengers per day walk through the turnstiles at Redfern station, but 10 years after Disability Standards for Accessible Pubic Transport were introduced, there is still no access for disabled people at one of Sydney’s busiest train stations reports Jason Marshall in City Hub on 5 January 2012.
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