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You are here: Home / UrbanGrowth, SMDA & RWA Plans & Activities / RWA Operational Archive / Final RWA Website / Guide to RWA Final Website Content

Guide to RWA Final Website Content

The Redfern Waterloo Authority established its website on 7 October 2005 and it operated until it went off line on 1 May 2012. Some material from the RWA site has been transferred to the SMDA and ATP websites and over time much has already been added to the REDWatch website. Without action by REDWatch the website text and some underlying documents would have been lost to public access. REDWatch has prepared this section of our site to keep accessible material from the final RWA website before it went off line.

REDWatch holds a mirror of the RWA website before it went off line including all underlying documents so we can access all the documents that were linked to by the site but we cannot make this available on line. It does mean that if you want to see a specific document from the old RWA website and can not find it on the SMDA or REDWatch websites we can still extract it for you if you write to mail@redwatch.org.au.

Before you contact us however please do a search for the document both on the REDWatch and SMDA websites. Many documents are already on the REDWatch site from when they were released and the SMDA has taken some of the Redfern Waterloo Plan documents and planning material to www.smda.nsw.gov.au. On the links below we have indicated where you should find the files to download.

As we identify missing documents we will add them to the RWA archive on the REDWatch website. The huge job of removing broken links to the RWA website will probably never be completed. Had the SMDA decided to keep their site functioning as an archive such problems would have been avoided at least in the short term. As at 4 May 2012 any request for the old RWA www.redfernwaterloo.nsw.gov.au website resolved to JesusIsLord.com however a redirect has been put in place for this site which now redirects to the SMDA site. There is no redirect on the other RWA site address www.redfernwaterloo.com.au so not all links to the RWA website from REDWatch will resolve to the SMDA website.

The links provided below will directly open PDF files made of web pages on the RWA website before it was removed. Links in the PDF’s do not work. The files provide the information from the webpages. We have organised these in a similar manner to what would happen if you used the RWA site map rather than the old site's drop-down menu.

We hope this archived information is useful to residents and researchers trying to piece together what has been happening in Redfern Waterloo under the RWA. In the process of doing this we have alerted the SMDA to some important omissions in the move from the RWA to SMDA sites which are currently being addressed.

RWA Website text when the site went off line is as below:




External Links not archived
  • NSW Government
  • Jobs NSW