Ministerial Advisory Committees Terms of Refernce
Redfern Waterloo
1. Built Environment Advisory Committee
Provide advice on urban design, traffic, public access, public transport, land use, affordable housing, public housing, and urban renewal.
Membership: Relevant Government agencies and 6-8 representatives from the local community.
2. Employment and Enterprise Advisory Committee
Provide advice on increasing job and business opportunities in the area, including for the Indigenous community.
Membership: Relevant Government agencies and 6-8 representatives from the local community.
3. Human Services Advisory Committee
Provide advice on all human services and health issues affecting Redfern‑Waterloo.
Membership: Relevant Government agencies and 6-8 representatives from the local community.
4. Community Forums
Provide the Minister with advice on planning for the Redfern Waterloo area and provides the community with a direct link to the Minister. Community Forums would meet at least four times a year and be open to members of the public to attend.
Membership: Community at large.
5. Community Representatives on Advisory Committees
Community representatives are to be appointed as individuals and not on an ex-officio basis. Whilst their membership of a local community organisation is a relevant consideration it should not be the basis of their appointment.
16 June 2005