Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce - Call for 2010 Heritage Projects
The Redfern Waterloo area has a broad extent of local heritage with significant values for both the local community and wider public. The purpose of the Taskforce is to identify opportunities for the active conservation, interpretation and, where appropriate, the adaptive reuse of the heritage of the Redfern Waterloo area. This will occur in tandem with the revitalisation and renewal of the area. A project based approach has been chosen in order to achieve a broad and comprehensive treatment of the area’s diverse heritage values.
If you have an interest in history and heritage matters and would like to contribute to the conservation of our heritage, you are invited, as an individual or as a working party, to nominate a Heritage Project.
Individuals who wish to participate but do not wish to nominate a distinct Heritage Project should contact the Heritage Project Manager (details below) who will seek to match interests and skills with proposed Heritage Projects.
Heritage Projects will be assessed and approved by the Taskforce prior to their commencement.
To be considered by the taskforce all Heritage Project nominations must address the selection criteria available at (under community - heritage).
For further information contact Juliet Suich at the Redfern Waterloo Authority on 9202 9100 or by email at
Nominations close Thursday 25 February at 5 pm.
Heritage Project nominations must address the following selection criteria:
- Describe how they will achieve enhanced public understanding of the history of the area and its significance to residents, workers and visitors;
- Describe any active links that will be developed with the community, as well as with tourism, education and/or recreational activities;
- Demonstrate clear objectives and outcomes that accord with the RWHT Terms of Reference;
- Identify Heritage Project milestones, deliverables and timeframes, including the submission, on completion, of a Heritage Project report by 30 September 2010.
Funding is not available for the conduct of 2010 heritage projects that must be completed on a voluntary basis.
Terms of Reference can be found at: Redfern Waterloo Heritage Task Force (RWHT) Terms of Reference