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Community Engagement

HNSW have chosen a Master Planning topic each month to engage the community. Here are the materials for SEP 2011 - Connections, Shops & Community Services; OCT 2011 - Streets Parks & Open Space; NOV 2011 - Community Design Workshop; JAN 2012 - Building Design; and MAR 2012 - Enquiry by Design (Note Changes have been made in October and November)
File HNSW Community Engagement Schedule 2011 at 1 Sept 2011
This is the Community Engagement Schedule provided to REDWatch by Housing NSW on 1 September 2011. Events will appear in the REDWatch Calendar. File is 27 Kb PDF.
Connections, Shops & Community Services - Sept 2011
The Engagement focus for September 2011 is on Connections, Shops and Community Services. Here are the flyers and information associated with this months focus.
Streets and Open Spaces - October 2011
The Engagement focus for October 2011 is on Streets Parks & Open Space. Here are the flyers and information associated with this months focus.
Community Design Workshop - November 2011
The Engagement focus for September 2011 will be a Community Design Workshop. Here are the flyers and information associated with this months focus.
Building Design - February & March 2012
The Engagement focus for February 2012 is on Building Design. Here are the flyers and information associated with this months focus.
Community Design Workshop - March 2012
The Engagement focus for March 2012 is on a Community Design Workshop. Here are the flyers and information associated with this months focus.
File HNSW Preliminary Master Plan / HAF Community Engagement Plan
Housing NSW released version 7 of their Engagement Plan (updated 5 October 2011) in response to REDWatch's request to publicly release the final Engagement Strategy. REDWatch was consulted on Drafts v4 on 10 May and made "Comments on Proposed HAF Master Plan Community Engagement" which you can read at www.redwatch.org.au/issues/public-housing/redevelopment/consult. REDWatch was also supplied v5 on 22 June which did not pick up on many of the issues REDWatch had raised. REDWatch was asked not to release the earlier versions and this version is the first public version. Housing NSW have advised that they reported to the Federal Govt's Housing Affordability Fund, who are funding the Preliminary Master Plan, on their Community Building and engagement framework in May 2011. This file is 74KB PDF.
Housing NSW Masterplan takes Shape
Housing NSW has released reports from their November planning workshops for their next round of discussions reports Geoff Turnbull in the South Sydney Herald of February 2012.
File HNSW Request for Feedback on Community Engagement - May 2012
HNSW are looking for feedback on what people thought of their Preliminary Masterplan engagement program in 2011-12. HNSW say your input will assist them to continue to improve their engagement for future phases of our work in Redfern and Waterloo. File is 78Kb PDF
Image Waterloo Masterplan Common Ideas Nov 2011
Map produced by HNSW to show how the common ideas may be reflected in a plan for Waterloo
Image Redfern Masterplan Common Ideas Nov 2011