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HNSW Redfern Update January 2010

In early February 2010 Housing NSW released separate Updates on HNSW activities in Redfern and Waterloo. Both updates included an update on the RWA Built Environment Plan Phase 2. Below is the text of the Redfern Update. A link to the Waterloo Update is available at the foot of this page.

New public housing in Redfern

Redfern residents took up Housing NSW’s invitation to come along to a BBQ to find out  what’s been happening on the site bounded by Kettle, Morehead and Walker Streets.

The project involves the construction of 106 new public housing homes, including 66 seniors living units and 40 two, three and four bedroom townhouses.

“Work on the project started in May. Now that the scaffolding is being put up for the second and third floors, residents can see the building finally taking shape,” said Housing NSW General Manager for Central Sydney Division, Kathy Roil.

“There’s a lot of interest in this project which will provide housing with fenced outdoor areas for younger families and adaptable and accessible housing for seniors.

“We will be inviting residents to inspect a display apartment in the complex in April,” she said.

Photo: The project is expected to be completed by September 2010.

Upgrading areas facing Morehead Street

Poets Corner residents took time out just before Christmas to consider Housing NSW’s plans for upgrading public areas in front of the three buildings facing Morehead St - Lawson, Kendall and Gilmore.

After looking at the plans and talking to Housing NSW staff, residents said they would support the proposed upgrade program as long as safety and security remained a priority.

Residents said that improvements to pathways, the provision of handrails and removal of steps at the main entries would make it easier and safer for older residents and people with disabilities to get around.

Housing NSW is revising the plans based on resident feedback. The revised plans will be presented to residents in mid February.

Photo: Residents check out landscaping plans

$15 million being spent in Redfern

Housing NSW is doing a lot of work in Redfern to improve homes, upgrade the high rise

buildings and make public areas safer. Much of this work has been made possible

through the Federal Government’s National Building & Economic Stimulus funding to support the building industry.

Work which has been completed or is currently under way includes:

  • new windows in the Purcell building at a cost of over $1 million
  • upgrading garbage facilities in the McKell building
  • fixing damaged roof membranes in Lawson, Gilmore and Kendall buildings at a cost of $2.9 million
  • new garbage bays in a number of walk-up precincts at a cost of over $500,000.

Over the next few months, more work will be done, including:

  • repairing damaged concrete walls in Lawson, Gilmore, Kendall and  McKell buildings at a cost of $2.6 million
  • in-ground sewer upgrades in Kendall, Gilmore and Lawson buildings at a cost of $800,000
  • upgrading electrical wiring at Kendall, Gilmore and Lawson buildings at a cost of $519,000
  • upgrading fire doors in a number of high rise buildings at a cost of around $4 million
  • replacing old electrical wiring in a number of 3 storey walk-up flats in Cooper, Walker and Morehead Streets
  • repairs to the concrete exteriors at 4 Redfern St, 41 Morehead Street and at 56 and 58 Walker Street
  • repairing common area lighting in number of high rise buildings
  • upgrading lifts in the Gilmore building at a cost of about $300,000

The interiors of 1,250 apartments and walk-up flats in the Redfern area are also being upgraded, at a cost of $2.6 million. The upgrade will focus on kitchen replacements and repairs, carpet repairs and replacements and interior painting.

Over $15 million is being spent all up.

“This is the biggest injection of funds for public housing improvements in decades. It will

bring much needed improvements for Waterloo public housing tenants” said Housing NSW Area Director, Meghan Hibbert.

“This stimulus spending will improve tenants’ homes and contribute to making public areas safer and more attractive,” she said.

Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan (BEP2)

The Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) and Housing NSW have been working on a Built Environment Plan covering Housing NSW owned land in Redfern and Waterloo.

Called the BEP2, the plan will propose important planning rules and controls (which may include maximum heights and floor space ratios) for what can be built on this land in the future. It will therefore set a framework for renewal and redevelopment of Housing NSW properties over at least the next 20 – 30 years.

The aim of the BEP2 is to develop a planning scheme to revitalize public housing, improve public areas and open space, and achieve more social mix in the areas of public housing concentration, by providing more affordable housing and privately owned homes.

The Government is committed to the retention of social housing in Redfern and Waterloo. It is a key part of the culture and history of this area. All existing tenancies are

secure and the high rise towers will be retained.

We expect a draft BEP2 will be available for public comment in the early part of 2010.

Contact Information In the case of emergency, dial 000.

If you see crime or anti-social behaviour, phone Redfern Police Station on 8303 5199.

After hours you can phone the Housing Contact Centre on 1300 HOUSING (1300 468 746).

Safety upgrade

Housing NSW, Police, the City of Sydney Council and the Factory Community Centre are working together to make big improvements in safety across the Redfern public housing areas.

The first stage is a Safety Audit to be conducted in February. An audit team will be set up for each of the six precincts in the area.

Each audit team will have a representative from Housing, Police, Council and at least two residents from the precinct.

More information about the audit will be available soon.

Redfern Update is published by:

Housing NSW, Locked Bag 4001, Ashfield BC 1800

Tel: 1300 HOUSING (1300 468 746)

Source:  Human Services - Housing NSW

Also See: HNSW Waterloo Update January 2010


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