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News since last Redfern Waterloo Issues Update.
REDWatch Preliminary Analysis of Councils Waterloo South Planning Proposal
The Analysis below was produced by REDWatch and circulated by our email distributiuon lists on 19 February 2021. This analysis seeks to explain some of the key issues arrising from the Council Planning Proposal and some of REDWatch's concerns.
City of Sydney's planning proposal for Waterloo South - 11 February
The City of Sydney (CoS) Council released its proposal for the planning controls to govern the proposed Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) redevelopment of Waterloo South on 10th February 2021. The Council proposal is part of the papers for the Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee on Monday 15 February 2021 where Councillors will consider the proposal from Council staff. The proposal is also considered by the Central Sydney Planning Committee (CSPC) at 5pm on Thursday 18 February 2021 before going to the Council Meeting on Monday 22 February and then to the Department of Planning Infrastructure and Environment for approval for public exhibition later this year. Below is some information on the proposal documents and the original Land and Housing Corporations proposal made public by the Council.
Housing 2041 Policy Media Release from Minister for Water, Property and Housing
This is the text of the media release issued by Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey on 5 May 2021 on the release of the Housing 2041 strategy and an initial two-year action plan to deliver improved outcomes immediately and into the future by focusing on housing supply, diversity, affordability and resilience.
Questions & Answers from Botany Road REDWatch meeting
At the REDWatch briefing on the Botany Road Corridor a couple of questions were asked that Council said they would respond to after the meeting. These two questions and the answers are below concerning the impact on rates and strata compulsory sale.
North Eveleigh Paint Shop Sub Precinct – some ideas to consider in responding
Bruce Lay is a Architecture graduate with an interest in heritage that lives opposite the North Eveleigh site. Below are some issues that he things people should consider in making their submission. REDWatch would welcome suggestions from others who wish to share their expertise with the community.
REDWatch Redfern Station & North Eveleigh Connectivity
This paper was prepared for a Workshop on 22 April 2021 to explore Redfern Station & North Eveleigh Connectivity. It deals with issues related to bus connectivity at Redfern Station, the operation of the Southern Concourse, movements from Waterloo Metro to Sydney University and the need for North and South Eveleigh to be connected as part of the Redfern North Eveleigh vision.
Groundswell Local agency input to Independent Advisory Group on Waterloo South Planning Proposal
On 8 April 2021 11am local Groundswell agency representatives (Geoff Turnbull REDWatch, Claire McAteer ISV and Michael Mackenzie Shreenan Counterpoint) met online with the Waterloo South Independent Advisory Group (IAG) regarding Waterloo South. The agencies also responded to requests from the IAG regarding the consultation timeline for previous engagement on the Waterloo Visioning, Options, Preferred Master Plan prior to the Council proposal and LAHC's decision to only progress the southern precinct. Some Groundswell agencies also supplied written submissions to the IAG. On 8 April the IAG had separate 25 minute meetings with representatives from Groundswell, The NAB's Waterloo Redevelopment Group, The Waterloo Public Housing Action Group and representatives from the Aboriginal community. Below are the talking Points that the local Groundswell agencies managed to fit into its 8 minute presentation to the IAG.
Draft Waterloo South People and Place Consultation - Extended until 14 June 2024
The Draft People and Place Plan released on 17 April by Homes NSW Housing Portfolio for input from tenants, stakeholders and community. It describes how the NSW Government and the renewal partner will work together with the community to realise positive outcomes for the people and places in Waterloo South. This document includes the following focus areas: Relocations and support, Human services, Connecting with Country and Place making and management. Feedback on the draft plan was open until Friday 14 June 2024.
A Quick REDWatch Guide to the North Eveleigh Consultation
This is REDWatch's Guide to the Exhibition consultation and and the documents. It is based on our email to our distribution lists and includes an additional section at the end matching up the proposal's studies to the Appendix of the main Planning Report.
Waterloo Metro over Station Development Submissions Guide – Until December 2nd 2020
On 5th November 2020 the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) put the State Significant Development Applications (DAs) for the Waterloo Metro over Station Development (OSD) on exhibition until December 2nd 2020. There are five different DAs that the community is expected to digest and comment on within the 28 days exhibition period!
LAHC Reply on behalf of Ministers re support for tenants and human services
On behalf of Groundswell agencies Counterpoint, Inner Sydney Voice and REDWatch wrote to Minister's Pavey and Ward regarding a number of matters including the defunding of the support positions for the Waterloo Redevelopment and the future of the promised Waterloo Human Service Plan. The agencies were also involved in a follow up meeting with Alison Frame, the Deputy Secretary of the Housing and Property Group within the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment where LAHC is located. The email below received on 18 August 2020 is the formal reply on behalf of the Ministers to the issues raised.
Redfern North Eveleigh Place Design Forum - 26-27 August 2020
2020 Planning for Redfern North Eveleigh will kick off with a Place Design Forum - 26-27 August 2020 that REDWatch has been asked to attend akong with other community. business, education and government stakeholders. REDWatch has been involved in discussions about the redevelopment of North Eveleigh since 2004. You can find the history of this precinct up a level on this website. Below is the initial information about the Place Design Forum.
REDWatch Correspondence with Council regarding release of Waterloo South Documents
Following the June 2020 REDWatch meeting, REDWatch wrote to LOrd Mayor, Clover Moore regarding the release of Land and Housing Corporation's proposal for Waterloo South. Below you will see our letter to Clover and her response which has addressed the concerns that we have raised with her about the lack of transpaency of the Waterloo South proposal, for which Council was being blamed.
LAHC's Waterloo South Plan released by City of Sydney
Following representations from REDWatch, Agencies and public tenants, the City of Sydney has released a plan showing proposed heights and layout of Land and Housing Corporation's proposal for Waterloo South. In releasing the plan the Council has reworked their web page to show the LAHC proposal alongside the 2019 LAHC Preferred Master Plan and the Councils's own 2019 proposal. Council has made it clear that "It is likely changes will be made to the proposal the corporation has submitted as the process of review will continue during the assessment phase."
LAHC stops funding for Waterloo Community Positions
LAHC has verbally advised Counterpoint Community Services that it will not extend the funding for the Waterloo Community Development, Aboriginal Liaison and bi-lingual educators (Russian and Chinese) past the end of June 2020.
REDWatch Update on Redfern Station Southern Concourse Exhibition until 24th June 2020
This REDWatch update provides a quick overview and links to the exhibition materials as well as to support materials produced by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
Waterloo Plan Changes - REDWatch Update
Below you will find REDWatch's analysis of the material released by Council and LAHC about the rezoning proposal for Waterloo South LAHC have submitted to the City of Sydney Council. This material was sent out as a REDWatch Email Update to Members, Supporters and Agencies
Clover Moore response to Waterloo South Lodgement
Clover Moore responded to the announcement of the Waterloo South lodgement on Facebook on 1 June 2020. The text of the post is below.
Waterloo Redevelopment moves forward - Government Media Release
This media release was issued on Sunday 31 May 2020 jointly by Melinda Pavey, Minister for Water, Property & Housing, Rob Stokes Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and Gareth Ward Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services.
Waterloo South rezoning proposal from City of Sydney Website
This information was placed on the City of Sydney website on 29 May 2020. On the City website it was spread over a number of pages but for ease of access we have bought this together in one document and only used some graphics.
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