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LAHC Reply on behalf of Ministers re support for tenants and human services

On behalf of Groundswell agencies Counterpoint, Inner Sydney Voice and REDWatch wrote to Minister's Pavey and Ward regarding a number of matters including the defunding of the support positions for the Waterloo Redevelopment and the future of the promised Waterloo Human Service Plan. The agencies were also involved in a follow up meeting with Alison Frame, the Deputy Secretary of the Housing and Property Group within the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment where LAHC is located. The email below received on 18 August 2020 is the formal reply on behalf of the Ministers to the issues raised.

Thank you for your correspondence of 25 June 2020 to Minister Ward and Minister Pavey regarding the funding for the community workers in Waterloo. The Ministers have asked me to respond on their behalf.

The Waterloo redevelopment project will help deliver the NSW Government’s Future Directions for Social Housing in NSW strategy by providing new and replacement fit for purpose social housing alongside private and affordable housing. LAHC is committed to delivering good urban outcomes for residents of Waterloo and continues to work closely with the Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ) to ensure the best results for the Waterloo social housing residents.

The contracts between LAHC and Counterpoint Community Services and Inner Sydney Voice have provided the Waterloo community with various ongoing support for over three years during the masterplanning process. As confirmed in our recent meeting with Alison Frame on 23 July 2020, LAHC is not in a position to continue the community worker contracts, as the City of Sydney is the consent authority and will lead the community consultation which includes engagement with community stakeholders and public exhibition. As the lead agency for rezoning, the City is now responsible for communicating regularly with stakeholders and providing status updates on the planning proposal. However, LAHC will explore the community needs once the Waterloo redevelopment advances through to the next phases of the project.

As mentioned at our meeting with Alison Frame, the Housing and Property Group within the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment will lead the Waterloo Human Services Plan with support from DCJ. As soon as we are able we will advise you of your key contact for this work. LAHC will provide critical information regarding the Waterloo redevelopment where required.

In respect to the DCJ funded programs for the area, we have been advised by DCJ that it funds Mission Australia to deliver the Tenant Participation and Community Engagement (TPCE) program in Sydney, South Eastern Sydney and Northern Sydney District, including the Redfern and Waterloo area. The TPCE Program is a DCJ State-wide program which supports social housing tenants to access information and services, connect with their local communities and participate in housing and community issues which effect their lives. Under the TPCE Program, Mission Australia supports Neighbourhood Advisory Boards and tenant groups, provides coaching and training opportunities, and communication with tenants. The TPCE program commenced in December 2018, following the consolidation of the Housing Communities Program and Tenant Participation Resource Service.

The University of NSW (UNSW) Community Development Project, which was co-funded by DCJ (then FACS) and UNSW, was discontinued in 2016. At the time, a small number of tenants were being supported by the UNSW Community Development Project. Given the high demand for support from other local disadvantaged communities in the District, FACS negotiated the redistribution of funded resources with UNSW to include a presence in social housing estates in the South Maroubra area.

We acknowledge and appreciate the valuable relationships developed with the community and the meaningful contribution and support provided by the independent community workers over the last few years in Waterloo. We also appreciate your support and involvement with this project and look forward to continuing to work together as we progress through the next phases of the project.


Peter Anderson

Executive Director Portfolio Planning Office

NSW Land & Housing Corporation | Department of Planning, Industry and Environment