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News since last Redfern Waterloo Issues Update.
REDWatch - Initial questions regarding the proposed Waterloo redevelopment
Below are a series of questions from REDWatch relating to the Waterloo redevelopment announcement. As the issues raised in many cases stretch across responsibility areas for UrbanGrowth, LAHC and Housing NSW REDWatch supplied these questions to all three organisations. REDWatch has previously been actively involved in the BEP2 and Housing NSW Draft Master Plan discussions and these discussions inform the questions raised in the attached document. The document is also informed by recent REDWatch forums on the Waterloo development and questions raised with us following the announcement and the subsequent HNSW forums and discussions. As answers to questions become available we will make these available on this website.
Councillor Linda Scott comments on Waterloo anouncement
Below is the media release issued by Councillor Linda Scott on the Waterloo anouncement
Tenants Union Blog response
The Tenants' Union of NSW's social housing estate redevelopment and portfolio renewal blog the Clearing House reported the anouncement of the Waterloo redevelopment and raised a number of concerns.
Jan Barham MP & Jenny Leong Media Release
Jenny Leong (MP for Newtown which covers Redfern and Waterloo public housing north of Raglan Street) and Jan Barham (The Greens Public Housing Spokesperson) issues the following joint media release.
Councillor Irene Dountney Comments
Below are the comments made by Irene Dountney on her blog.
REDWatch Social Media Statement
Below is the post that appeared on FaceBook from REDWatch raising questions about the Waterloo anouncement.
Jenny Leong MP Statement on Waterloo Announcement
Below is the text of MP for Newtown Jenny Leong's statement upon the announcement of the Waterloo Metro and associated redevelopment of the Waterloo Public Housing Estate.
For More Information
Below are the links to the major government bodies dealing with Waterloo
UrbanGrowth Statement on Waterloo Redevelopment
UrbanGrowth reproduced the statements by the Premier and Minister Hazzard on its websites. It also made the following statment as a Central to Eveleigh Update email and placed it on the Waterloo section of UrbanGrowth's Central to Eveleigh website.
Sydney Metro Announcement
Below is the text of the statement issued by Sydney Metro following the Premier's announcement of the Waterloo Metro Station.
Minister Hazzard Media Release on Waterloo Redevelopment
Below is the text of the media release issued by Minister Hazzard on 16 December 2015 regarding the redevelopment of the Waterloo Public Housing Estate.
Premier Baird Waterloo Announcement
Below is the text of the announcement made by Premier Baird on 16 December 2012 regarding the new Metro Station and the redevelopment of the Waterloo Public Housing Estate.
Letter from Minister Hazzard to Waterloo Tenants
Below is the text of the letter which was letterboxed to Waterloo public housing tenants on 16 December 2015 when the announcement was made that the Waterloo Estate would be redeveloped.
Counterpoint Community Services (The Factory Community Centre) Statement
Counterpoint Community Services (The Factory Community Centre) issued the following statement regarding the announcement on 17 December 2015.
Links to Waterloo Redevelopment History
Here you will find some of the history behind the announcement to redevelop the Waterloo Public Housing Estate.
Building Standards — Minimum Requirements for North Eveleigh
The Presentation below was made to a community meeting called by Newtown MP Jenny Leong about Eveleigh on 28 November 2015. The presentation by Bruce Lay sets out minimum requirements that should be asked for on the North Eveleigh and other sites. The meeting supported the recomendations ands resolved that Bruce should make a submission to UrbanGrowth on behalf of the meeting.
REDWatch Co-ordination Group Report for 2014-2015
Sydney Metro Waterloo or Sydney University Options - Until 17th July
Sydney Metro has placed on exhibition until 17th july its proposals for the Metro including the options for a station at Waterloo or Sydney University. Proposals for the new Metro on public exhibition until 17th July 2015.
REDWatch Submission on the ATP Sale EOI
REDWatch negotiated an exension for groups to comment on the Central to Eveleigh ATP Sale EOI until after the City of Sydney released the indenpendent review of the opportunities and risks relating to the sale of the ATP by HillPDA Consulting. Below is the text of the REDWatch submission setting out our concerns to UrbanGrowth Central to Eveleigh.
CoS Mayoral Minute on ATP - 23 February 2015
Below is the text of the Mayoral Minute of 23 February 2015 in response to the HillPDA Consulting independent review of the opportunities and risks relating to the Sale of the the ATP. The minute includes the recommendations put to Council by Lord Mayor Clover Moore.
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