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Darlington TMAP and heritage

The following response for Lord Mayor Clover Moore to issues raised by REDWatch deals with Councils recent involvement with the SMDA / UGDC in preparing a TMAP dealing with the impact of the North Eveleigh development and in exploring Council's role in heritage activities at North Evleigh. The letter dated 15 March 2012 also deals with the Abercrombie Street upgrade.

Darlington TMAP and heritage

I refer to your email about Council’s role in the Transport Management and Accessibility Plan (TMAP) for the North Eveleigh Affordable Housing Proposal and the heritage areas of the site. I apologise for the delay in responding.


Late last year Urban Growth NSW (which now incorporates the Sydney Metropolitan Development Agency) was doing traffic counts and preparing the TMAP, working with the City. City staff tell me they’re currently waiting for an update from Urban Growth, but that the TMAP will consider other major developments in the immediate area.

The City is also working with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) in its development of the strategic study you mentioned that aims to understand the higher-level traffic network and assess the impacts of major developments in the area. This study won’t drill down to the level of detail necessary for consideration of, for example, individual intersections.

However, as the roads authority for the majority of the local roads, the City will assess in detail any traffic or treatment proposals from any organisation, including undertaking detailed consultations with local residents and businesses.

If you would like to speak with a Council officer about the City’s work on the TMAP, you can contact Mitchell Lee, Transport Planner on 9265 9333 or at

Abercrombie Street

I understand you met with City staff as part of the City’s community consultation in December on the City’s plans for the northern side of Abercrombie Street. Following this consultation, City staff prepared a scoping study for the Abercrombie Street project, which Council endorsed on 25 February.

The study incorporates design plans to enhance Darlington as a village precinct and improve pedestrian access in Abercrombie Street between Lawson Street and Shepherd Street. The project includes widening the footpath on the southern side of Abercrombie Street between Ivy Street and Shepherd Street, and on the northern side of Abercrombie Street between Ivy Lane and Ivy Street. It also features continuous footpaths at small lanes and side streets, brick footpath paving, custom sandstone seats, street trees and garden beds. Traffic changes will include a 40km/h speed zone on Abercrombie Street and supporting shared zones in adjacent lanes.

The City is also implementing the Liveable Green Network across the whole local government area to improve conditions, connectivity and priority for pedestrians and bike riders so these modes of transport become viable alternatives to travelling by car.

If you would like to speak with a Council officer about the Abercrombie Street upgrade, you can contact Jacqueline Ong, Landscape Architect, on 9265 9333 or at

Eveleigh Heritage

As you know, at its 20 August 2012 meeting Council resolved to prepare a report on what role the City can play in protecting and promoting heritage in the Eveleigh railway precinct. It also resolved to explore ways to establish a new government or community-based heritage body to replace the Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce.

Surbjit Bhatti, the City’s Heritage Planner, tells me discussions about the ongoing protection of the Eveleigh precinct’s heritage assets are under way between the City and the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority. These discussions, along with the Redfern Waterloo Authority’s Heritage Taskforce Final Report, will inform the preparation of the Council report and a letter to be sent to the Minister for Planning. This report is expected to be presented to Council in mid-2013.

If you would like to speak to Surbjit about the City’s work in the Eveleigh railway precinct, you can contact her on 9265 9333 or at

Yours sincerely

Clover Moore
Lord Mayor of Sydney