Plans to Redevelop Redfern's GCA (TNT) Towers
The Preliminary proposal provided to the Department of Planning is to modify the existing building taking its height up to the 18 storeys permitted but to request a 10% increase on the permitted floorspace.
The proposal would have only have one level basement car park with 22 car spaces fed by a car lift proposed to be from Redfern Street laneway. There are 80 spaces dedicated to the site that are located at 7-9 Gibbons Street via approval MP08_0112 and these spaces will continue to be relied upon in the redeveloped building. Loading and unloading is also proposed to take place via Redfern Lane to the south of the site. [Increasing vehicle activity in this area would conflict with the current high volume pedestrian traffic - REDWatch].
The proponent will now work up their proposal and undertake the work set out by the department in the Director General's Requirements. When this is completed the reports and proposal will be submitted to the the Department of Planning for Public Exhibition.
You can see the Preliminary details in the documents on the Department of Planning and Infrastructure's Major Project web site at 1 Lawson Square, Redfern Mixed use development.
Below we have provided links directly to the main documents
Preliminary Application for Director Generals Requirements
- 6538_11.2_Preliminary EIS_FINAL 2012-03-36.pdf (1.121 MB) - The written report with project overview
- Attach 1_ 1 Lawson Square Redfern CIV Letter 19Mar12.pdf (26.87 KB) - Capital Investment Value (CIV) Assessment
- Attach 2 _DGR_COMPLETE.pdf (7.216 MB) - Architectural Design Package (Drawings for Preferred Option with FSR calculations at end)
- Attach 3_DGR_DDO_COMPLETE.pdf (3.719 MB) - Design Development Options and Studies
- Attach 4_1 Lawson Sq_Structural Adequacy.pdf (42.77 KB) - Structural Engineering Advice
- Attach 5 TRAFFIX Letter_DGRs Submission Version 2.pdf (150.7 KB) - Preliminary Traffic Assessment
- Attach 6_ Community Engagement_ Methodolgy.pdf (91.20 KB) - Community Engagement Methodology
The Director Generals Requirements (DGRs) were initially issued by the Department on 30 April 2012 but were revised following late receipt of requirements suggested by City of Sydney Council and The Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA).
The final DGRs are the Amended Director-General's Requirements_ 15 June 2012.pdf
(1.528 MB). This sets out requirements that must be addressed by the developer in their development application.
current at 3 July 2012.
Information Session - GCA Towers Redevelopment Information Event - 26 June 2012