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REDWatch Comments on CME ROI

The following comments were made by REDWatch to the news of the CME ROI.

Transport for NSW has commenced a Registration of Interest (RoI) process for prospective tenants of the Chief Mechanical Engineers (CME) building on Wilson Street Eveleigh. TfNSW is proposing changes to the CME’s building to re-furbish this unused heritage asset as a new commercial space potentially for innovative or creative industries. The proposed renovations will create over 1,000 square metres of commercial space with modern fixtures and finishes, and accessibility improvements. 

REDWatch has long supported the CME’s building being renovated and bought to a use independent of the North Eveleigh redevelopment. For years the building suffered from neglect while plans for North Eveleigh changed. The building was deteriorating until Urbangrowth NSW undertook restoration work to the exterior of the building. At the time the inside of the building was not restored.

This is a very important site for NSW Railways as it was the office where design work for bridges across the state, including work on Sydney Harbour Bridge was undertaken. The site was also very closely connected to Sydney University’s School of Mechanical Engineering. As a result the refurbishment needs to be closely monitored to maintain as much as possible of the heritage fabric and to allow the building to be open to heritage tours at least as part of Heritage and History weeks rather than totally closed off from the community.