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RWIU 7 Nov 2007

REDWatch Federal Election Candidates Housing Forum – 6.30pm Monday 12th November 2007 Redfern Town Hall / Making Input on Public Housing Renewal / Some Housing Issues in the Media / AHC Concept Plan with Department of Planning for Pemulwuy Project / Redfern Waterloo Street Team Evaluation Report Surfaces / RWA Minister and CEO answer Questions on Redfern Waterloo / Anchor Tenant for CarriageWorks’ new Commercial Retail Area / Eveleigh Railyards on National Trust Top Ten List of Australia’s Heritage at Risk / Sale of Rachel Foster Hospital - Public Tender Closes 2pm Tuesday 20th November 2007 / National Indigenous Development Centre Update / Frasers CUB Design Workshop – 11 am – 4 pm Saturday 17 November 2007 / Souths Leagues Club / Local Action Plans Matching Grants Program Expressions of Interest – 14 December 2007 / Jobs Available at The Settlement – 16th November 2007 / Koorikuto Benefit night – 8pm Saturday 10th November 2007 / Business Crime Prevention Forum – 13th & 14th November 2007 / Aboriginal Karate Program Grading at The Settlement – 17th November 2007 / Rally in Support of NT Aboriginal Communities – 10am Sunday 18th November on the Block / Hands Up for Indigenous Rights – 11am Sunday 18th November 2007 / Redfern-Waterloo Authority Seniors’ Christmas Luncheon – 12 noon Tuesday 20th November 2007 / Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (including in Redfern Waterloo) – Submissions Close 30th November 2007 / Human Rights Arts and Film Festival – 6th December 2007 / The Balnaves Foundation Open House Program - Santa Babies, 13th December, 12pm, Ages 2-5 / Local Entertainment in the media / South Sydney Herald / Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations

Dear All

[Please use the list of articles at the top of the email to find what is of interest to you. We do not expect you to be interested in everything. Depending on your email programme and computer settings these headings may also give you a link to jump directly to the story of interest.]

In this Update:

REDWatch Federal Election Candidates Housing Forum – 6.30pm Monday 12th November 2007 Redfern Town Hall

Making Input on Public Housing Renewal

Some Housing Issues in the Media

AHC Concept Plan with Department of Planning for Pemulwuy Project

Redfern Waterloo Street Team Evaluation Report Surfaces

RWA Minister and CEO answer Questions on Redfern Waterloo

Anchor Tenant for CarriageWorks’ new Commercial Retail Area

Eveleigh Railyards on National Trust Top Ten List of Australia’s Heritage at Risk

Sale of Rachel Foster Hospital - Public Tender Closes 2pm Tuesday 20th November 2007

National Indigenous Development Centre Update

Frasers CUB Design Workshop – 11 am – 4 pm Saturday 17 November 2007

Souths Leagues Club

Local Action Plans Matching Grants Program Expressions of Interest – 14 December 2007

Jobs Available at The Settlement – 16th November 2007

Koorikuto Benefit night – 8pm Saturday 10th November 2007

Business Crime Prevention Forum – 13th & 14th November 2007

Aboriginal Karate Program Grading at The Settlement – 17th November 2007

Rally in Support of NT Aboriginal Communities – 10am Sunday 18th November on the Block

Hands Up for Indigenous Rights – 11am Sunday 18th November 2007

Redfern-Waterloo Authority Seniors’ Christmas Luncheon – 12 noon Tuesday 20th November 2007

Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (including in Redfern Waterloo) – Submissions Close 30th November 2007

Human Rights Arts and Film Festival – 6th December 2007

The Balnaves Foundation Open House Program - Santa Babies, 13th December, 12pm, Ages 2-5

Local Entertainment in the media

South Sydney Herald

Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations

Coming Events (look at the new local events entered on the REDWatch website that are not covered here)

REDWatch Federal Election Candidates Housing Forum – 6.30pm Monday 12th November 2007 Redfern Town Hall

REDWatch has organised a Candidates Forum for the federal seat of Sydney with a special focus on Housing. Redfern Waterloo has large quantities of public housing and the state government plans to double the area’s population while keeping the same number of public tenants. At the same time the RWA is exploring options for affordable housing in the area. The federal government provides funding for public housing through the Federal State Housing Agreement which comes up for renewal next year. Many statements about the affordability of housing in the private market have also been made during the federal election. This forum will be an opportunity not only to meet the candidates, but also to hear them address a policy area with a major impact on Redfern Waterloo; whether your interest is public, private or affordable housing.

REDWatch has arranged for Nick Warren, a Senior Policy Officer at Shelter NSW to provide an introduction to the issue and then we will hear from the candidates followed by an opportunity to ask the candidates questions. Refreshments will be provided and the Forum will be held at 6.30 on Monday 12th November at Redfern Town Hall, Pitt Street, Redfern. You can download a leaflet from the REDWatch website to help us advertise the Forum here (188Kb PDF). For more information phone 0416 410 374.

Making Input on Public Housing Renewal

Following the RWA’s newsletter article that the RWA and DoH are Planning for public housing renewal, we have heard of both public tenants and local business people who are making submissions to the RWA and the DoH about what they think should be included in the plans being developed for the next part of RWA’s Built Environment Plan. The exhibition phase of the Built Environment Plan phase 2 proposals will probably only happen again after the proposals have been signed off by cabinet. So if you have something to say we think you should consider putting your comments in writing to the RWA and the DoH now rather than just waiting until the plans are exhibited after the plans have been put together and approved by cabinet.

For those who would like to put something in to the RWA or the DoH you may find A Few Basic Figures on Redfern-Waterloo Public Housing of use. While these figures were supplied to us 18 months ago, they provide some of the only information available about the make up of the housing stock in the area and the people who live in Redfern Waterloo public housing. For those unfamiliar with the areas covered by public housing you may also find this CoS DoH Properties in Waterloo & Redfern Urban Design Area (PDF 278Kb) map useful.

Also on public housing we note the article Council Committee approves New Department of Housing Dwellings for Redfern in CLOVER'S eNEWS of Friday 19 October 2007 which reports that the DoH proposal to build 106 new dwellings in Redfern received the unanimous support of Council's Planning Development and Transport Committee.

Some Housing Issues in the Media

Apart from the to-ing and fro-ing in the federal election there have been a few other articles on housing over the last few weeks which might be of interest to people in Redfern Waterloo. Of particular interest was Call for public housing review about the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute’s report into the decline of public housing. John Hall one of the authors made the rather obvious, but often overlooked point that “public housing is the bedrock of affordable housing”. The report calls for a mix of public tenants rather than just those with the highest needs. Flight of vital workers spurs cheap rent plan looks at steps being taken by some councils to put affordable housing policies in place while Cheap housing quota off the boil looks at the NSW government backing away from affordable housing.

In Redeveloped public housing estate not so public Brian Robins reports that the cost of redeveloping the Bonnyrigg public housing estate has blown out from an estimated $500 million to $730 million and just 30 per cent of the housing will be public. Bonnyrigg is the first public private redevelopment of public housing and it is expected to be a template for other areas.

And finally we can not let Garry Mallard’s comments on "Public Housing not a Right" says Labor (!) Minister go past without comment. Thankfully the desperate Houso blog has also picked up Garry’s Tenant Support Network comments so we can link to there rather than having to reproduce the full comment here. Garry reminds the Minister and others that the human right to housing is explicitly set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other international human rights treaties and Declarations – some of which he goes on to list. If you have an interest in housing Garry at The National Tenant Support Network operates an email service that will deliver free to your inbox articles from around Australia and New Zealand on Housing. You can contact him on ph:(02) 6492 0355  Fax: (02) 6492 3749.

AHC Concept Plan with Department of Planning for Pemulwuy Project

On Wednesday 24th October the Aboriginal Housing Company submitted its Concept Plan for the Pemulwuy Project to the Department of Planning. The Concept Plan will now be assessed by the department to see if it meets the Director General’s Requirements. If it is passes its test of adequacy it should go up on the Department’s website for community consultation in the next few weeks. The project is the culmination of seven years of consultation with the Redfern community, government and the business sector. “With 62 new houses, a sport centre, retail, commercial and cultural facilities for the Block, the plan is to provide the opportunities for a strong and safe community with an emphasis on homeownership, business enterprise and cultural tourism”, said the Pemulwuy Project’s internationally renowned architect Peter Lonergan.

Redfern Waterloo Street Team Evaluation Report Surfaces

There have been many attempts to gain access to the Redfern Waterloo Street Team (RWST) Evaluation over the last couple of years. The Street Team was held up as “a new and innovative approach to addressing the issues of children and young people” in the government’s submission to the Redfern Waterloo Inquiry in April 2004. In 2005 the programme was evaluated and closed down but the proposals for youth services in the RWA Human Services Plan were said to be based on what had been learnt from the Street Team, but only the last chapter of the draft evaluation report was ever released. REDWatch requested the full report and was told we would have to make an FOI submission which was subsequently turned down on the grounds that the documents related to cabinet decisions. The upper house in NSW also called for the documents on a Call for Papers (twice) but again the documents were declined to the NSW upper house. On October 30th 2007 the Sydney Morning Herald website carried the story Redfern plan backfires: report which reveals some of the information that the government was trying to keep out of the public eye. The article by Sunanda Creagh reads:

“Redfern plan backfires: report

A $2 million State Government program for disadvantaged Redfern youth actually encouraged children to stay out on the street late at night and exacerbated tensions with local police, a secret report reveals.

The Government has gone to great lengths to hide the embarrassing review of the Redfern Waterloo Street Team - a group of welfare workers parachuted into the suburb in late 2003 - by refusing to release the report under freedom of information laws.

The secret report slams the Government for establishing the street team "as a result of a cabinet minute, rather than through a planned response ... by determining the 'solution' to a perceived problem at a senior level, those charged with responsibility for implementing the model were constrained in their ability to develop a more flexible response to actual needs."

The street team, made up of workers from the Central Sydney Area Health Service, the Department of Community Services and non-government organisations, conducted late night walks to encourage young people to go home and referred cases to social services for follow up.

A key program goal - guiding children on the street late at night home - ended up backfiring, with "staff suspecting they were encouraging many young people to be out later on the streets as they knew they could get a lift home from the [Redfern Waterloo Street Team]".

The review found administration took up too much time and resources and the street team worsened community relations with local police.

Helen Campbell from the Redfern Legal Centre said the findings did not surprise her.

"If they found you on the street at 11 at night, you would get a pizza and a free trip home. Why wouldn't you stay out later?" she said. "There is still no youth refuge in Redfern. If a kid is out at night, one of the question you have to ask is, is it safe at home?"

Geoff Turnbull from the REDwatch community group warned that despite its failure, the Government had not learned any lessons from the street team experiment.

"If they had started to change the way they operated in the area, I wouldn't be as concerned. But decisions continue to be made at a cabinet level and implemented without working with what is already happening in Redfern and Waterloo," he said.

"The [Government's Redfern-Waterloo] Human Services Plan says that the stuff they are doing in terms of youth services is based on what they have learned out of the street team. That was the reason we wanted to see the evaluation. The future of what happens to services here is based on the street team."

A spokeswoman for the Minister for Redfern-Waterloo, Frank Sartor, said the minister dissolved the project shortly after inheriting it in 2005 and reallocated funding to other community projects.

The Yaama Dhiyaan indigenous training college received $750,000, $500,000 went to a new Police Citizens Youth Club at the redeveloped former Redfern Public School, and leftover funds were diverted to South Sydney Youth Service and the Fact Tree youth service.”

We think it is time for the RWA to come clean and to release the final Redfern Waterloo Street Team Evaluation Report publicly so all human service providers, especially the youth services that the RWA Human Services Plan wants to see re-organised, have access to the report. Government has been quick to criticise non-government organisations’ capacity and programmes based on consultant’s evaluations and yet one of the projects trumpeted by government to be at the cutting edge of their involvement in Redfern Waterloo turns out to have been an ill-advised cabinet intervention which made things worse. With so many documents kept from public view on the grounds of ‘cabinet in confidence’ as the NSW cabinet lays down its plan for Redfern Waterloo, those who live and work in the area are now even more entitled to wonder if what is going on always matches the RWA and government spin.

RWA Minister and CEO answer Questions on Redfern Waterloo

Minister Sartor and RWA CEO Robert Domm appeared before NSW Parliament’s General Purpose Standing Committee No 4 for “Estimates Hearings”. Those that follow Redfern Waterloo Issues closely will find the transcript of Minister Sartor & the RWA CEO’s Answers at Estimates Hearing – 15 October 2007 of considerable interest as we do not otherwise get a chance to hear what our Minister thinks about the issues of the area firsthand away from the crafted spin. The responses cover how the Minister and the RWA CEO see progress in Redfern Waterloo, the CUB voluntary planning agreements, Redfern railway station, public housing redevelopment and the RWA’s involvement in human services and Aboriginal employment. We have given you a few quotes below but to see who said what you will need to read the uncorrected transcript:

“It will be called the National Indigenous Development Centre and will provide local families with learning, recreational and employment opportunities.

RailCorp and the Redfern-Waterloo Authority have participated in a joint concept study and that is as far as the work has reached on Redfern station. A number of options have come out of that study that need to be considered by Cabinet. Two of those options would involve a degree of private development alongside the railway station. [The plans will be made public] After they have been to Cabinet and there is a Cabinet decision that allows that to be done.

[On funding of public housing redevelopment] At this stage we are operating on the premise that there is no new government funding. We are looking at opportunities for upgrading existing high-rise buildings and looking at low-rise estates to see what development potential there is to be retained.

[On spending-client ratio of the programs that are funded] The Redfern-Waterloo Authority is not a service provider, therefore, those community services are provided by other government agencies. I cannot answer that question.

[On future co-ordination of human services] There is a bit of transitionary money. My understanding is that the issue was to do with research. The issue really is to make sure that the targeting of the $30 million to $40 million per annum spend of funds by existing government agencies is improved. That was the only issue I am aware of there.

 [On per capita funding spent on Aboriginal people] Our main emphasis in Redfern is opportunities for people, rather than cash handouts. We do not do cash handouts.

[On work readiness post CDEP] The CDEP is a Commonwealth Government funded project, and the Redfern Aboriginal Corporation derives a lot of its funding from that project. So it seems to have fallen over as a result of that program being closed down. It has got nothing to do with Redfern Waterloo or the State Government.”

Anchor Tenant for CarriageWorks’ new Commercial Retail Area

Commercial and retail tenants are about to occupy the remainder of the CarriageWorks building according to an article in The Australian Financial Review Art mover set to shake up Sydney October 29th 2007. In part the article says:

“Mrs Schwartz, who has an eponymous gallery in Melbourne's Flinders Lane, will be an anchor tenant in a new commercial and retail area adjacent to CarriageWork's cavernous performance spaces. It is not known if she has received reduced rent or other financial incentives from the NSW government, which last year opened the $49 million contemporary performance space in the old Eveleigh rail yards. Mrs Schwartz said yesterday that she would not talk about her expansion until later this week.

It is hoped that the second stage of the CarriageWorks development, the commercial and retail area in which Mrs Schwartz's gallery will sit, will help attract visitors to the cultural precinct.”

Eveleigh Railyards on National Trust Top Ten List of Australia’s Heritage at Risk

The Eveleigh Railyards were nominated by the National Trust of NSW for the national list of Australia’s heritage at risk sites. In Tasmania, on Saturday 3rd November 2007, the country’s top ten at risk sites were announced and the final list included Eveleigh Railyards as well as Garden Island Hammerhead crane. The Ku-ring-gai Blue Gum missed on inclusion in the top ten after receiving a pledge from the Federal Government to help preserve the area. The “Our heritage at Risk website” contains details of all the nominations including Eveleigh Railway Workshops, Redfern, New South Wales. The New South Wales Media Release (50Kb PDF) of the announcement said of Eveleigh:

“The Eveleigh Railway Workshops are some of the finest historic railway workshops in the world, containing one of the most complete late 19th century and early 20th century forge installations, and an excellent collection of cranes and power systems.

Various buildings within the facility have already been redeveloped and adapted to a range of non- railway uses but several significant buildings have been rezoned for multi-storey development.

Government policy at this stage appears primarily directed towards the commercial redevelopment of this historic site, with rail heritage consigned to remote facilities, unlikely to have the resources to properly present and conserve these historic trains.”

REDWatch and The Friends of Eveleigh continue to campaign to try and retain the Large as a functioning heritage rail workshop to service heritage groups from around the state and as a Sydney base for heritage rail tourism. With the RWA planning to sell the bulk of the North Eveleigh Railway yards with a concept plan in 2008 and occupants of the Large being told they could continue to use the building until 2008 there is little time to change the mind of the Office of Rail Heritage and the NSW Government about the need to preserve at least part of the Eveleigh Rail yards as functioning rail heritage.

If you support the vision for the Large outlined by the Friends of Eveleigh in Friends of Eveleigh’s Concept Plan (PDF 974 Kb) then please write in support of the Large being retained in active rail heritage use rather than being classed as being surplus to RailCorp’s heritage rail requirements and the building being passed to the RWA to become part of the Australian Technology Park. We suggest you write or contact the Office of Rail Heritage with copies to the ministers involved with the future of the LES. 

·         Director, Office of Rail Heritage, Ms Marianne Hammerton, PO Box K349 Haymarket NSW 1238 Ph: 93796598 Fax: 93794550

·         NSW Premier - Mr Morris Iemma, Level 40 Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, SYDNEY NSW 2000 Ph: (02) 9228 5239 Fax: (02) 9228 3934

·         NSW Transport Minister - Mr John Watkins Level 30 Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, SYDNEY NSW 2000 Ph: (02) 9228 4866 Fax: (02) 9228 4855

·         NSW Minister Planning, Arts and Redfern Waterloo Minister (including Heritage) - Mr Frank Sartor, Level 34 Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, SYDNEY NSW 2000 Ph: (02) 9228 4700 Fax: (02) 9228 4711

In other Railway / Eveleigh related news we hear that the major termite infestation in Mortuary station includes the main beam so don’t book to go there in a hurry – it is expected to take up to 12 months to fix the problem. We have not been able to find out if this will slow down the Mortuary stations proposed use as a city coaling, watering, de-ashing and layover spot for heritage rail in the absence of Eveleigh’s LES. On the two commissioner’s cars we can advise that they have not yet been returned to their heritage register home at the LES but they are under cover at Thirlmere. Some details on the Concept Plan for the new work at Thirlmere are on the RTM site here... We hear that before any sod has been turned that the project is already over budget by $3 million. Incidentally $3 million over the next five years is the price tag for ensuring the adequacy of the Large Erecting Shed in Eveleigh to continue its heritage rail activities – not much really to keep active rail heritage functioning at Eveleigh.

Sale of Rachel Foster Hospital - Public Tender Closes 2pm Tuesday 20th November 2007

The Concept Plan approval documents for the RWA’s proposed redevelopment of Rachael Forster hospital are now up on the Department of Planning’s website and these are the links to the Director-General's Assessment Report (706 Kb PDF) and notice of approval (124 KB PDF) of the concept plan. The former hospital site with the approved concept plan is now up for sale by tender and the proceeds are to go to develop the new community health centre in the former Redfern Court House and former police station. The site is being marketed by Savills Australia and the listing can be seen at Rachael Forster Listing. The listing says:

“Concept Plan Approved for Residential Development for up to 150 units. Large regular shaped site of approximately 6,923m2 within a well established residential sector in a fast growing suburb on the fringe of Sydney’s CBD. The site is Concept Plan approved for a residential development of up to 150units and 160car spaces with an allowable floor space of 13,866m2. The Plan also provides for a publicly accessible park of approximately 1,100m2 off Pitt Street.

National Indigenous Development Centre Update

The Department of Planning have now posted the approval documents for the ILC’s Concept Plan for the former Redfern School site. These can be downloaded from the DoP Notices of Determination website or from these links Director-General's Assessment Report (2 MB PDF) and notice of approval (87 KB PDF). The Minister’s approval makes a provision for contribution plan payments - “$226,383 is to be paid to the Redfern-Waterloo Authority towards the provision of affordable housing” and for a further “$598,749.52 (2% of the proposed cost of development) is to be paid to the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, unless agreement is reached in accordance with Clause 16 of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Contributions Plan”. The ILC is of the view that its contribution to the community through the provision of the PCYC on the site should allow for an exemption under the Contributions Plan and discussions will continue.

The National Indigenous Development Centre issued the following statement on 22 October 2007 concerning the next steps for the site:

“The project in brief

The National Indigenous Development Centre is a project of the Indigenous Land Corporation, a Federal Statutory Authority. The vision for the Centre is as a facility to nurture sporting excellence and personal and leadership development among Australia’s Indigenous community. The Centre will provide sporting and educational facilities to be used by Indigenous groups from across the country. Many of the facilities will be available to the local community on a user pays basis.

National Indigenous Development Centre Approval and Timetable

The Indigenous Land Corporation welcomes the decision of the Minister for Planning to approve the development of the National Indigenous Development Centre on the site of the old Redfern Public School. The Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) is now finalising the tender documents to be used to select a list of builders. The call for tenders will go out shortly. The selection process will take a number of months and it is likely that a builder will be signed up in the first quarter of 2008. Construction is likely to commence in the second quarter of 2008, with an approximate construction program of 18 months.


The Minister for Planning attached a number of conditions to the project approval, including:

    * An experienced conservation architect must be engaged in the design, development and construction of existing heritage buildings on site.

    * Alterations, demolition and new penetrations to existing heritage-listed buildings are to be kept at a minimum.

    * A test excavation must be undertaken on the site by a qualified archaeologist prior to construction with respect to Aboriginal and European heritage.

Community Engagement

ILC will continue to ensure that the local community is kept informed over coming months. Updates will be emailed and posted out on a regular basis, and the on-site signage will be kept up to date with latest news.

Shortly before construction starts ILC will hold an open house information event on site. This will be attended by the  project  team, including  representatives from the ILC and the builder, and will be an opportunity for the local community to learn about how the Centre will look, how it will be used and managed, the range of facilities available for community use, and how the construction is to be conducted. It will also provide an opportunity for questions and feedback from the community. This event will be open to everyone with an interest in the project. Further details will be provided closer to the event.

If you have questions or would like additional information about the NIDC, please contact Stuart Waters at Twyford Consulting at the details listed below.

For more information on the Indigenous Land Corporation see

Frasers CUB Design Workshop – 11 am – 4 pm Saturday 17 November 2007

Frasers have posted the Display Boards from Community Consultation and for those that could not attend the exhibition you can now look at the display boards on line and use the Frasers feedback web page to provide your comments. Frasers is currently working with the ideas raised through the sessions to see how these issues can be addressed in their planning and design for the project. In an email out to their contact list Frasers said the community asked about a range of issues including:

  • Sustainability, particularly how we will seek to minimise energy, water consumption and car usage and encourage walking and cycling
  • Managing traffic flow into, out of and around the site
  • The design of buildings and open spaces and how you can be involved in this
  • How we intend to work cooperatively with our immediate neighbours during site clearing and recycling.

Following the exhibition Frasers’ Chief Operating Officer, Nicholas Wolf, accepted an invitation from Chippendale groups to walk the area with them and to listen to their concerns. Frasers has also made an application to the City of Sydney for Owners Consent for parcels of Council land which are critical for the creation of the public park. There was some confusion about Frasers Design competition for the site following the item CUB Owners Seek Consent for Park Works in Clovers eNEWS of 26th October 2007 but the situation was clarified the following week in Frasers Clarifies CUB Design Excellence Process. Frasers subsequently have provided the following details for a design workshop to be held on Saturday 17 November:

“Frasers Property is holding a design workshop for key elements of the Frasers Broadway site. We are interested in hearing your thoughts and ideas on one of Sydney’s most significant urban renewal projects. The workshop will provide an opportunity to work alongside some of the key personnel who will be developing plans for the site. Your input will help inform the briefs for the architectural and design team.

The workshop will be held Saturday 17 November from 11.00 am – 4.00 pm on the Broadway site in the Administration Building. Entrance will be via the security gate near the Clare Hotel.

Further information on this event and the detailed program will be provided shortly via an email update. If you would like any further information please email back or call Caline at Elton Consulting on 9387 2600. The workshop is being held in a heritage building please let us know in advance if you have any special access or mobility requirements.”

On Tuesday 16 October 2007 Frasers lodged their demolition application with the Department of Planning following receipt of the Director-General requirements for Environmental Assessment (806 KB PDF). Their application is currently undergoing a test of adequacy by the DoP and once it has been assessed by the DoP, Frasers will make it available on the Frasers Broadway website and alert their email list subscribers. The Preliminary assessment (592 KB PDF) in the meantime will provide some indication of what is proposed.

Frasers are in the process of updating their website to include all the relevant documents which will make the documents easier for the local community to access. At the time of this update going out the Concept modification (MP 06_0171 MOD 1) documents Modification request (9 July 2007) (77KB PDF), Director-General's Assessment Report (37KB PDF), modification approval (100KB PDF) and consolidated approval (42KB PDF) have not been added to the Frasers website so we are including the links here in the short term. We have bought this to Frasers’ attention.

Souths Leagues Club

The initial application for the redevelopment of Souths Club in Chalmers Street was dealt with at the Council meeting on Monday 29 October 2007. You can view the Officer’s report Development Application: 261-265 Chalmers Street Redfern - South Sydney Leagues Club | PDF 703Kb and the plans in Attachment A | PDF 4Mb. The final decision accepted the officer’s recommendations and the final approval can be found from page 979 in the Meeting Minutes - 29 October 2007 | PDF 515Kb. An additional resolution requested the club to look at a smaller size supermarket when it come back for the DA for the supermarket operations.

Council has this week advertised the next DA for 261-265 Chalmers Street REDFERN NSW 2016 for “a 64 seat restaurant, a lounge and gaming area, two smokers terraces fronting Douglas Street, and ancillary office space at level 1 of the South Sydney Leagues Club. The proposed hours of operation are 10:00am to 12 midnight Sundays to Wednesdays and 10:00am to 2:00am the following day Thursdays to Saturdays. The proposed smokers terraces have a maximum capacity of 6 patrons with hours of operation 12 midnight, 7 days per week.

Local Action Plans Matching Grants Program Expressions of Interest – 14 December 2007

You may recall earlier in the year that we campaigned for the reinstatement of Local Action Plan Grants in the City of Sydney Budget. Enough money was reinstated to run some trial projects in 2007-8. The CoS has supplied the following information about the LAP Matching Grants Programme.

“The City of Sydney is calling for expressions of interest from community based organisations, committees and groups for applications for funding from the City’s Local Action Plans Matching Grants Program. Submissions close Friday 14 December 2007. The Local Action Plan Matching Grants Program is for small grants (in-cash/in-kind) from the City of Sydney of up to $5,000. It is envisaged that Projects receiving funding will commence between March 2008 – June 2008. Application & Guidelines Matching Grant Program > Application & Guidelines | MS Word 8Mb

The City of Sydney’s Local Action Plans Matching Grants Program has been established in response to the outcomes of the Local Action Plan Strategy and provides a mechanism for community engagement, skills development, capacity building and shared funding arrangements for the delivery of appropriate programs. The aim of the Matching Grants Program is to support identified community projects or objectives in the Local Actions Plans by matching with City Resources what is raised in-cash or in-kind by the community.  Through supporting participative community projects the Program encourages the generation of social capital to assist in developing stronger communities.

The significant difference between general grants or sponsorships and a matching grants model is the intent to support projects that involved genuine community participation.  With the community involved in projects and outcomes, relationships develop within the community and between the City. By 'matching' what the community contributes to the project the City is building and strengthening partnerships between the City and the community, supporting projects identified by the community and building a sense of community as people work together on the project. Community contributions recognised include:

·         In-kind contributions such as donated supplies, materials or services;

·         volunteering time such as labour, set up & pack down, and meeting time to identify, plan and implement projects;

·         direct cash input to the project (donations, income generated)

The City contribution will match the community contribution to projects in-cash or in-kind.  In-kind contributions from the City are defined as those things which would normally be charged for but are provided at a reduced rate or free of charge.  This may include park hire, venue hire, banner pole hire.  The City may contribute cash to match community in-kind contributions i.e. a project involving a community in-kind contribution for donated supplies, labour and volunteer hours to coordinate the project estimated at $2,500 could receive a cash grant of $2500 from the City for the equipment and specialist staff required for the project.”

Jobs Available at The Settlement – 16th November 2007

The Settlement Neighbourhood Centre that services many in the Redfern Waterloo Aboriginal Community has two full-time Youth Worker jobs available in Redfern. Depending on qualifications and experience the jobs are SACS Grades 3-4 and include:

·         Youth Project:  - an energetic team player to run and create programs for local young people is needed.

·         Muralappi Program:  - a creative Aboriginal person to deliver innovative health programs and cultural camps for young Aboriginal people at risk. Class C car licence or LR Licence is essential.

There are also two part time jobs for an Administrative Assistant (15 hours per week) and a Cleaner (10 hours per week). Award rates and conditions.

All enquiries for job packs should be addressed to Michael Gravener at The Settlement Neighbourhood Centre ph:(02) 96983087 or email Applications close 16th November.

Koorikuto Benefit night – 8pm Saturday 10th November 2007

Koorikuto will be fundraising for The Settlement & Women's Reconciliation Network with a show, ‘Aunty Ali Golding and the Jarjums’, Saturday 10th November – 8pm til late at Abercrombie Hotel, Broadway The Opening Ceremony by Aunty Ali at 8pm, on the Garden Stage will feature dance performances, Dreamtime story telling, Indigenous short films and VJ DAMAGE. As well there will be other artists on two more stages. $15 before 9pm - $20 after 9pm.

Business Crime Prevention Forum – 13th & 14th November 2007

Local businesses may benefit from free 60 minute Business Crime Prevention Forums presented by NSW Police, NRMA Business Insurance and the City of Sydney. Topics to be covered include: Crime prevention strategies for businesses; Designing a safer work place; Crime scene responsibilities; Common risks and how to minimise them; Fraud and credit card crime. Download the form to register now for a workshop that could assist with putting crime out of business - your business. Business Crime Prevention Forum - Registration Form | PDF 1.3Mb. The details of the forums are:

·         Tuesday 13 November 2007 2:30pm - Hoyts Broadway, Broadway Shopping Centre, Level 2, Corner of Bay Street and Broadway, Broadway

·         Wednesday 14 November 6:00pm - Redfern Police Station, Tower 1, Lawson Street, Redfern

The Council’s website has a range of crime prevention and safety tips for businesses and the broader community -  Safety

Aboriginal Karate Program Grading at The Settlement – 17th November 2007

Over the past couple of months young people from The Settlement have been involved in a Karate program each Monday night. On Saturday 17th November the NSW Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council, the Seido Kazoku Dojo and The Settlement would like to invite you to join us at 11am at The Settlement Neighborhood Centre, 17 Edward St, Darlington for the first Aboriginal Karate Program Grading. There will also be some special black belt demonstrations, followed by a sausage sizzle. For details view the Aboriginal Karate Program Grading at The Settlement Invite (88KB PDF) or contact Michael Gravener at The Settlement on 9698 3087 or Linda Crawford at the AJAC on 9228 8036 if you wish to attend. RSVP by the 14th November for catering purposes.

Rally in Support of NT Aboriginal Communities – 10am Sunday 18th November on the Block

A public meeting at Redfern Community Centre on 29th October came out strongly in support of Northern Territory Aboriginal Communities. The meeting endorsed a resolution from a meeting of Aboriginal women from the proscribed areas of the NT held at Tangentyere on 18th October 2007. The meeting also urged the federal government to implement the alternative approach to the Little Children are Sacred Report recommended by the Combined Aboriginal Organisations of the Northern Territory and urged the federal government to recognize and engage with the members of the National Aboriginal Alliance as a national voice for Indigenous peoples.

The meeting resolved to hold a rally to press these demands and protest the federal government intervention. The rally will gather on the Block at 10am to support NT families in their quest for justice and then march to Victoria Park to link up with the ANTaR celebrations. The Aboriginal community has asked for all people who are concerned at the Northern Territory Intervention to join with them in this rally and show your support. For further information contact Shane Phillips, Millie Ingram, Sol Belair or Roy Ah-See.

Hands Up for Indigenous Rights – 11am Sunday 18th November 2007

ANTaR NSW will celebrate 10 years of community action in support of Indigenous people’s rights with a Sea of Hands event on Sunday 18th November between 11am & 3pm. at Victoria Park, Parramatta Road, Camperdown. There will be music, speakers, BBQ or BYO picnic. For further information or contact Leigh Bowden on 9555 6138, email if you would like to help on the day.

Redfern-Waterloo Authority Seniors’ Christmas Luncheon – 12 noon Tuesday 20th November 2007

The Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) is inviting local seniors to a luncheon Christmas Party at the Australian Technology Park on Tuesday 20 November at 12 noon. The luncheon is a free event with free return transport available from central collection/drop off points in Redfern and Waterloo. For those considering driving, please note that there is a fee for parking at the ATP.

To reserve your seating, contact reception at the RWA between 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday on 9202 9100. If you require transport, please book it when reserving your seat. The luncheon party will be held in the Dining Room, Australian Technology Park Conference Centre, Bay 4, Locomotive Street, (entrance off Garden Street) Eveleigh. The RWA would love to see you. Come and enjoy good food, good company, entertainment and prizes.

Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (including in Redfern Waterloo) – Submissions Close 30th November 2007

A reminder that the NSW government set up an inquiry called into “Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage”. Submissions close on 30th November 2007. The full details can be found in the Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage media Release and more information can be found on the Inquiry website at Overcoming Indigenous disadvantage. In the last update we explained how this Inquiry allows issues relating to the RWA to be considered see explanation here.

Human Rights Arts and Film Festival – 6th December 2007

The launch of the inaugural Human Rights Arts and Film Festival is on December 6th at the Chauvel Cinema Paddington. For more information, visit - The program starts 7pm sharp featuring: the very best of HRAFF's short films, installation artwork direct from The Block, introductions by patrons Justice Michael Kirby and Ms Margaret Pomeranz as well as a very special performance by Sydney's own Street Choir! For bookings email

The Balnaves Foundation Open House Program - Santa Babies, 13th December, 12pm, Ages 2-5

The Sydney Opera House and the Balnaves Foundation are offering $5 tickets to Santa Babies on 13th December at 12pm for Ages 2-5. This is the last show in the Opera House’s 2007 program and the tickets are available to concession card holders such as healthcare cards, pensions etc but not to student card holders. So if you qualify come and sing your favourite carols and help us decorate our very own Babies Prom Christmas tree. Tickets: Call the Opera House Booking Line: 9250 7777 and mention the Balnaves $5 Show. Group Bookings: 02 9250 7812 (Mon-Fri only) or Eva on: 9698 3775 Mondays: 10-2pm.

Local Entertainment in the media

A couple of recent stories also caught our attention on the entertainment side. In Hip-hop mob get their own Redfern recording label we learnt that Redfern Records Entertainment which bills itself as the first urban and independent Aboriginal record label leapt into life with a party in Kings Cross. While in Songs in the Keyes of life there is an insight into Redfern Waterloo song writer and Souths fan Perry Keyes and his songs.

South Sydney Herald

The PDF of the November South Sydney Herald was not available as this update went out, but when we receive it we will post it on the REDWatch website at SSH November 2007. The SSH have however supplied us with text versions of the main Redfern waterloo stories which we have put onto the REDWatch website. In the November 2007 edition the South Sydney Herald covers the Councils Urban Design Study tensions in Developers gamble on re-zoning in Chippendale and they also cover the announcement by Anglican Retirement Villages for Aged care in Green Square. Local services also get coverage this month with Fresh fruit and vegies to the inner city on the Food distribution Network and the anniversary of The Factory – 30 years in Waterloo. The SSH also cover the Uniting Church’s special service Celebrating creation and supporting its creatures, the RWA’s latest Yaama Dhiyaan graduates in Catering to students with dreams and asks will the Ban on pokies at Souths to set a trend? The SSH follows up on its pre-election articles with a seat of Sydney synopsis, Another election, another race card and Labor thinks local. Trevor Davies in his Have you heard column covers Dan Murphy’s still not welcome in Alexandria, The Luncheon Club in Waterloo supports an Afghanistan orphanage, Erskineville shops fighting for survival, A sensible way to help teenagers curb excessive drinking and Aboriginal Affairs Minister snubs Reconciliation Council. Trevor let people know about the Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (including in Redfern Waterloo) – Submissions Close 30th November 2007 by referring to our email updates which was appreciated. When we see the final edition of the SSH we will put up any other local stories we think might be of interest if we have not already covered them here.

Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations

Below we have listed consultations currently open for community input and provided a link for further information: 

Source: Redfern Waterloo Issues Update (RWIU) 7th November 2007.