RWIU 2010
Lyn and Geoff Turnbull did not produce RWIU's in 2010. Instead key items were added to the "News Since Last RWIU" section of the REDWatch website. So as to assist people tracking major changes over time we have below provided in one place the contents of the key items form the "News since last RWIU" for 2010 and placed it with the earlier RWIUs. We hope researchers find this collection useful in the absence of the RWIU chronicling the events of 2010.
& Waterloo public housing – many plans & questions
- In August 2010, REDWatch produced the discussion paper, Planning for the Redevelopment of Redfern & Waterloo Public Housing. REDWatch has also been adding background material about relevant issues to its website under the Public Housing tab. All this is in preparation for the expected consultations about the future shape of the Redfern & Waterloo public housing estates. REDWatch’s spokesperson, Geoff Turnbull, explores some of the issues for the South Sydney Herald in their December 2010 issue.
- New Chance for Young People at Risk - 90 Regent St
- Homeless and disadvantaged young people will be given hope, help and opportunities to access education, training, jobs, counseling, and drug/alcohol programs when the Property Industry Foundation takes over City premises at 90 Regent Street, Redfern reports Clover's eNews of Friday 3 December 2010.
- Pemulwuy Project Modification Details Publicly Available
- The Department of Planning (DoP) has posted the Aboriginal Housing Company’s (AHC) Preliminary Plans for modification of the Pemulwuy Project Concept Plan. These documents can now be viewed on the Department of Planning’s Major Project website under Pemulwuy Concept Plan MOD 1. We have provided some background to the changes and a guide to the documents currently available below.
- Seven's studios on city fringe for sale
- THE home of Network Seven's studios in Redfern is on the market for more than $200 million as the joint owners, Flagship Property Holdings and Rebel Property Group, look to cash out and move on reports Caroiyn Cummins the Commercial Property Editor in the Sydney Morning Herald of 4 November 2010.
- Eveleigh Heritage Update - 22 Oct 2010
- This update is to provide a brief Eveleigh heritage update, to make sure that you are aware of the Eveleigh Open Day on 30th October 2010 and to urge your input into the Heritage Interpretation Plan for Former Eveleigh Rail Yards. In this Update: Eveleigh Rail Yards Community Consultation Open Day – Saturday 30 October 2010 / What is the Former Eveleigh Rail Yards Interpretation Plan? / Redfern Waterloo Heritage Task Force (RWHT) / RWHT Heritage Projects / Support the Eveleigh Steering Committee (ESC) / What is happening on the ATP Conservation Management Plan (CMP) / Heritage Installations in ATP Innovation Plaza / Work on Locomotive Workshops Bays 1 & 2 / Update on Other Eveleigh News dealing with Heritage / Conclusion – Make sure you put your ideas forward now!
- HNSW Redfern and Waterloo Renewal - Areas of Responsibility
- Housing NSW released the following list showing the areas of responsibility of various people associated with the HNSW Redfern and Waterloo Renewal / Preliminary Masterplan at a workshop on 7 October 2010. HNSW have undertaken to update details on the list as changes take place so residents are aware of the roles played by various staff and advisors involved with the project. The release of the list follows a request by REDWatch.
- RWA Statement on Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority
- The CEO of the RWA advised that the work of the RWA will continue as per the current plans and that the Australian Technology Park will remain part of the RWA and will ultimately be transferred to the SMDA in this statement on 29 September 2010 regarding the RWA and the Sydney Metropolitan Development Aiuthority (SMDA).
- RWA assumed by new Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority
- As a priority, the authority will focus on areas currently administered by the Redfern Waterloo Authority, including North Eveleigh and the Australian Technology Park. It is anticipated Redfern and Granville will be the two priority areas for the SMDA over the next 12 months. A new interim board has been apointed and the RWA CEO becomes the interim CEO of the new Authority reports this media release of 23 September 2010 from Planning Minister Tony Kelly.
- North Eveleigh Site and City Relief Line
- The announcement by Transport NSW (TNSW) on 29 August 2010 that they will not require private property in and around Leamington Avenue is a welcome relief but the statement does not clarify the situation for the adjoining North Eveleigh site writes Geoff Turnbull from REDWatch on 31 August 2010.
- Leamington Avenue Saved
- The residents of Leamington Avenue, Holdsworth and Pines Streets, Newtown, are extremely relieved the State Government has announced on 29 August 2010 that it will not be compulsorily acquiring their heritage homes to make way for the City Relief Line reports this media release from Save Leamington Avenue Inc on 29 August 2010.
- REDWatch Discussion Paper on Public Housing Redevelopment
- REDWatch's Discussion Paper of 23 August 2010 discusses a recent HNSW meeting “Hava Cuppa with a Designa” and raises some key questions about the future of Redfern & Waterloo public housing and ask: is “Social Mix” a mantra or a resourced solution? The paper aims to encourage discussion about the planning for the coming redevelopment of Redfern & Waterloo public housing.
- $9.8 Million Redfern Health Centre Officially Opened
- Redfern and Waterloo residents will now have access to improved health services with the official opening of the new $9.8 million Redfern Health Centre - a single, central facility to provide a range of community health, drug and alcohol, and mental health services to the local community reports this media release from the Premier of NSW on 5 August 2010.
- Another Brick in the Wall for Public Housing
- A mixed public/private redevelopment plan has gone horribly wrong reports Stephen Pascoe in the Age of 27 July 2010. [REDWatch Comment - Given the similarities between what is proposed for Redfern Waterloo and this Victorian project the issues raised in this article need to be carefully considered in the planning of the redevelopment of Redfern and Waterloo public housing estates to ensure the problems found in this Victorian mixed redevelopment are not repeated here.]
- Jesuit School Plans for Aboriginal Children in Redfern
- A new, tuition-free Jesuit primary school for Aboriginal children is set to open its doors in Sydney in 2011, providing disadvantaged children with a quality, holistic education which responds to the needs of local families and draws from the students' own culture reports Catherine Marshall in the CathNews on 8 July 2010.
- Save Leamington Avenue Meeting - 5 July 2010
- Residents of Leamington Ave have arranged a meeting at Darlington Public School from 5.15pm to 7.15 pm for local residents and supporters to inform people about the Transport NSW Plans and to discuss community action. The text of their leaflet can be found below:
- Commonwealth funds to plan renewal in Redfern and Waterloo - HNSW Update June 2010
- Housing NSW have rleased an explanation of how the Federally funded Master Planning Process for Redfern and Waterloo will work alongside the RWA BEP2. The explanation is contained in Newsletters distributed to Redfern and Waterloo public housing tenants on 29 June 2010. The text below is accompanied by a chart which REDWatch has linked to at the foot of this article.
- “The Castle” rerun? - Local Homes Threatened by Rail Relief Line
- Residents in Leamington Avenue near Macdonaldtown station were reeling after a recent leaflet came through their letterboxes headed “Your House may be Resumed, Help Stop It!” It was the first anyone knew that the houses they were buying, selling and renovating may soon be resumed writes Geoff Turnbull from REDWatch.
- The letter below was sent on 24 May 2010 by REDWatch individually to local politicians urging "the state government and Sydney University enter into negotiations to overcome whatever non-financial obstacles exist to the sale of the North Eveleigh site to the University." The letter was sent to Kristina Keneally, Carmel Tebbutt, Ferity Firth, Tanya Plibersek and Clover Moore.
- Redfern Vine Street Factories for Sale
- Real Estate agents McGrath are advertising by Auction on 31 May 2010 the sale of industrial land at 2 - 23 Vine Street Redfern. The site backs on The Block owned by the Aboriginal Housing Company and is covered by the RWA's Planning Controls. Development would be dealt with under Part 3A by the Department of Planning.
- HNSW Community Renewal Events for Redfern Waterloo - June 2010
- The letter below has been sent by Housing NSW to their Redfern Waterloo stakeholders with details of events HNSW are holding in June 2010 about community and urban renewal for residents and local organisations in Redfern and Waterloo.
- City Supports Sydney University Proposal for North Eveleigh
- Council has provided in-principle support to Sydney University for their proposal to redevelop North Eveleigh. The proposal, which includes using the site for student accommodation and educational facilities, will ensure it remains in publicly owned land and that its heritage is protected reports CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 14 May 2010 - No. 496.
- New Move for CarriageWorks CEO, Sue Hunt
- CarriageWorks announces the resignation of its inaugural Chief Executive. Linda Gregoriou, Acting Chair of CarriageWorks’ Board, has this week announced the resignation of Carriageworks’ Chief Executive, Sue Hunt according to CarriagewWorks May 2010 News.
- RWA Responses to REDWatch Questions
- At the REDWatch meeting of 4 March 2010 attendees placed questions into a question box and these were passed to the RWA for a response. The RWA replied in writing to a number of the questions on 7 April 2010. The balance questions were answered on 5 May 2010. Following the RWA meeting on 15 March 2010 the REDWatch Co-ordinating Group also wrote to the RWA raising a number of concerns. At the end of that letter were a series of questions summarising the issues raised. The RWA responded to this letter in their response of 7 April 2010. For ease of interpretation REDWatch has taken the RWA responses and added into it the questions and the REDWatch Co-ordination Group Letter.
- Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce Eveleigh Sub-Committee & Eveleigh Interpretation Plan
- At its second meeting the Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce resolved to establish an Eveleigh Sub-Committee and to develop a Eveleigh Interpretation Plan. Below is the notice calling from Interest in the Sub-Committee and details of the RWHT decision to set up the Sub-Committee.
- Clover Moore Supports Sydney Uni Public Forum for 28 April
- Clover More in her enews No 492 of Friday 16 April 2010 has welcomed Sydney University's initiative in exploring opportunities for working with the community for mutual benefit over the North Eveleigh site. She will attend the forum being run by the University at CarriageWorks on 28 April. The text from the enews is below:
- Heritage works begin at ATP - April 2010
- In the following extract from ATP News of 7 April 2010, ATPPML advised details of the heritage plans for Innovation Plaza, Bays 1 & 2 and Heritage Lighting around the ATP.
- 52 Suburbs - Suburbs Number 6 Eveleigh & 28 Redfern
- My name is Louise. I've lived in Sydney for over 30 years but have never set foot in most of its 600 plus suburbs. Now I'm on a mission to explore and photograph one new Sydney suburb a week for a year in search of the beauty in the 'burb. Care to join me? [Eveligh & Redfern have already been covered].
- Community Consultation Parking Study in Local Area Adjacent Australian Technology Park
- Following a community meeting in December last year where parking issues were raised, the Australian Technology Park Precinct Management Limited (ATPPML) has appointed Transport and Urban Planning to undertake a parking study in the local streets adjacent the ATP site reports Newsletter 1 from Transport and Urban Planning on 19 March 2010.
- Kevin Rudd’s Opening Speech NCIE Redfern
- This is the text of the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd’s Speech at the Launch of the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence Redfern, Sydney 26 February 2010 - This has not been checked against Delivery.
- Elaine Pelot-Syron : Thinking Outside The Square: A Retrospective (1972-2010)
- "I have been documenting people, places and events for over three decades. As an American emigrant from Bradenton, a small country town in Florida, I came to cosmopolitan Sydney in 1971, with fresh eyes" writes Elaine Pelot-Syron in this media release and invitation to her Thinking Outside The Square: A Retrospective (1972-2010) on 9 March 2010.
- Developers may get site uni seeks to house students
- The housing needs of thousands of Sydney University students have been left hanging by the state government, which has failed to make a decision about a urban renewal site capable of providing mass accommodation reports Josephine Tovey in the Sydney Morning Herald of 5 March 2010.
- Pilot for Stronger and Safer High Rise Public Housing
- A $12 million three-year program – which includes "concierge" style front desk staff, on the ground maintenance teams, and extra security measures, especially at night - will be trialled at six Waterloo high-rise public housing buildings to improve safety for their 1,500 residents reports this media release from the NSW Premier on 19 February 2010.
- The changing face of Redfern and Waterloo: Crime Down, Housing Prices Up, Jobs and Opportunity for the community
- Independent data shows that the partnership approach set up by the NSW Government and the local community is transforming Redfern and Waterloo reports this media release reports this media release from the NSW Premier on 15 February 2010.
- RWA UPDATE Issue #4 - 8th February 2010
- This is the RWA’s electronic Update which was issued on 8 February 2010.
- HNSW Waterloo Update January 2010
- In early February 2010 Housing NSW released separate Updates on HNSW activities in Redfern and Waterloo. Both updates included an update on the RWA Built Environment Plan Phase 2. Below is the text of the Waterloo Update. A link to the Redfern Update is available at the foot of this page.
- HNSW Redfern Update January 2010
- In early February 2010 Housing NSW released separate Updates on HNSW activities in Redfern and Waterloo. Both updates included an update on the RWA Built Environment Plan Phase 2. Below is the text of the Redfern Update. A link to the Waterloo Update is available at the foot of this page.
- Construction on CUB Central Park’s main park and infrastructure set to commence immediately
- The New South Wales Department of Planning has given approval to Frasers Property Australia to commence building the main park and related infrastructure such as roads, footpaths and traffic lights reports this media release from Frasers Property.
- Heritage Update - 28 January 2010
- In this Heritage Update: Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce (RWHT) – Terms of Reference / Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce (RWHT) Call for Projects / ATP Conservation Management Plan (CMP) Input / ATP S170 Heritage Register Overview Report & Moveable Heritage at ATP. This is an update was prepared for railway heritage people by Geoff Turnbull but is equally relevant to local residents concerned about heritage.
- Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce - Call for 2010 Heritage Projects
- The Redfern Waterloo Heritage Task Force (RWHT) has issued a call for nominations of 2010 Heritage Project. Below is the advertisement that is appearing in local papers as well as the Selection Criteria referred to in the add. Nominations close 25 February 2010.
- Needle Van moves from Block to Hudson Street
- The Redfern Waterloo Authority have advised that as of 16 December 2009 that the needle and syringe van that was previously located on the Block has been relocated to Hudson Street.
- ATP Letter on C7 Residents Meeting - 23 Dec 09
- The following letter was sent by the ATP to people who attended the meeting on 15 December 2009 about the 8 Central Avenue Eveleigh (the new C7 and Global Television building). As not all those who attended left contact addresses we are posting the letter so this information is diseminated to all who may be interested.
- ATP Heritage Statement - December 2009
- This public statement on ATP Heritage was issued by Australian Technology Park Precinct Management Ltd (ATPPML) on 24 December 2009.
- Expression of Interest - Indigenous seat on Heritage Taskforce
- Nominations are now open for Indigenous people to participate as a member of the Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce for 2010. Nominations close 25 February 2010.
- Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan Stage 2 (BEP2) Update November 2009
- The Redfern Waterloo Authority and Housing NSW issued the Update below in November 2009. It was handed around at the Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board information day on Saturday November 21st 2009.