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Heritage works begin at ATP - April 2010

In the following extract from ATP News of 7 April 2010, ATPPML advised details of the heritage plans for Innovation Plaza, Bays 1 & 2 and Heritage Lighting around the ATP.

Innovation Plaza

The upgrade of Innovation Plaza has commenced with the refurbishment of the steam crane currently located in Bays 1 and 2 of the Locomotive Workshops. This work is being undertaken under the supervision of the ATP’s heritage consultant Dr MacLaren North.

Australian Technology Park Precinct Management Ltd has engaged Brolton Engineering for the refurbishment, with heavy tarpaulins erected around the crane during the process. At times Bays 1 and 2 may need to be closed. Advance notice will be provided to tenants when this is to occur.

By the end of the April the steam crane will be moved into the centre of Innovation Plaza. It will be joined by a refurbished Pivot Crane at the southern end of the Plaza before June 2010, with planter boxes, seating and flagpoles to be installed by mid June 2010.

Once complete, Innovation Plaza is set to become a unique and heritage-significant space for tenants and their visitors.

Bays 1 and 2

ATPPML is currently reviewing concept plan proposals for the presentation of unique and valuable heritage items in Bays 1 and 2. In the meantime ATPPML has engaged Metropolitan Restorations to complete necessary structural repairs to both bays. Work commenced late March, and is expected to be completed by the end of June.

Heritage Lighting
ATPPML is also considering lighting concept plans for heritage on the Park. The heritage area encompasses buildings and features from Cornwallis Street through to the Locomotive Workshops. A lighting display will illuminate valuable heritage buildings, features and machinery on display at the Park during night hours.
