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Focus Group Questions for Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan

These questions were used for discussion groups at the REDWatch Meeting 2nd May 2024. The questions may help people think about their own responses to the Draft People and Place Place Plan which is open for feedback until the end of May 2024.

Focus Group Questions for Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan
REDWatch Meeting 2nd May 2024

Welcome, and thank you for participating in this important discussion. Today, we are gathering your insights and feedback on the Draft People and Place Plan proposed by Homes NSW for the Waterloo South redevelopment.

You can find the Draft People and Place Plan and the consultant’s reports on Connecting to Country and a Place Framework on LAHC’s Waterloo website

This plan deals with the people and place aspects of the redevelopment, the impacts on the existing public housing community,  those being relocated and those living in the redeveloped area and the shifting balance between public housing supported by Homes NSW and CHP tenants supported by the CHPs over time.

Your perspectives are invaluable in ensuring that the plan adequately addresses the needs and aspirations of the public housing community.

Introduction Questions:

Can you briefly share what you value most about the current Waterloo community?

What are the biggest challenges we are likely to face as a community?

Understanding the Plan:

Do you find the plan and its actions easy to understand including who is responsible for delivering the actions?

From what you know or have heard, what aspects of the plan do you think will most positively impact the community?

Do you think it is a good enough start to support the entire community deal with the people impacts of the redevelopment (before, during and afterwards)?

Identifying Gaps and Missing Elements:

Can you find where your concerns are covered in the plan? Are there any critical issues or community needs you expected to see that the plan does not address?

We want you to look and comment on three parts of the plan:

1)    Working with Social Housing residents (page 20) - The plan aims to work closely with tenants, agencies, and the Aboriginal community. Are the collaboration and inclusion strategies outlined sufficient? Are any groups or needs being overlooked? Do they reflect undertakings already provided.

2)    Supporting Health and Wellbeing (Page 26) - Do you feel the plan's approach to health and wellbeing sufficiently covers issues such as mental health support and resources and other services to improve health and wellbeing? (The report uses Waterloo wide 2021 Census data but the public housing area data is very different – eg people with a mental health condition in Waterloo South was 18.6% not the 9% Waterloo and City of Sydney average in the draft plan.)

3)    Feeling Safe and Welcoming (Page 32)– Will the actions proposed foster a more welcoming environment for all community members? The draft refers to a recent survey finding only 41% of Waterloo tenants felt safe walking around their neighbourhood at night while 78% felt safe to very safe in their homes.  

Practical Application and Implementation:

What are your biggest concerns regarding the implementation of this plan?

How do you believe the community should be involved in monitoring and evaluating the plan’s progress?

Final Thoughts and Suggestions:

If you could add one action or revision to the plan, what would it be and why?

How hopeful are you about the positive impact of this plan on the Waterloo redevelopment and its residents?


Your input today will help REDWatch and our Groundswell partners better understand community perspectives on the Draft People and Place Plan and advocate for a final plan that meets the needs and aspirations of Waterloo’s public housing community. Thank you for your valuable contribution.