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Central to Eveleigh Consultation Report Online

UrbanGrowth's Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program has posted the report of their consultation late last year with community group representatives. You can see this report on the UrbanGrowth website through the link provided below. Below is an email from the new Program Director which summarises the common thesemes in the report. The Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal Area Baseline Analysis undertaken by UrbanGrowth should be posted in the near future.

Dear Resident,

I am now the Program Director for the Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program, replacing Tim Poole who has moved to another project within UrbanGrowth NSW.

I understand that each of you provided a valuable contribution to the Local Community Workshop, one of the three workshops held in November 2013 as part of an initial stage of investigation into long term regeneration of the Central to Eveleigh rail corridor. I am pleased to be able to advise that the report which summarises the consultation activities and outcomes is now on the UrbanGrowth NSW website. Please follow this link to access the report: central2eveleigh.com.au

To summarise, the common themes that emerged from the workshops that participants would like to see driving the regeneration of the Central to Eveleigh precinct in the future were:

  • Community Participation: Embed community participation as a core value in planning and future investigations for the corridor.
  • Global Sydney Precinct: The regeneration potential of the corridor means that the Central to Eveleigh corridor has a critical part to play in the planning and development of central Sydney including its potential as a tourism gateway to the greater Sydney region.
  • Better Transport Infrastructure: Preserve and renew Central and Redfern stations as world class facilities while accommodating long term operational transport needs. Improve connections across the corridor to universities and regeneration areas.
  • Employment, Education and Innovation: Leverage the area’s special attributes associated with technology, education, the arts, creative industries and support services for the health sector.
  • Social Infrastructure: Ensure that social infrastructure such as schools, health services, aged care and community facilities are addressed properly at the beginning and throughout the planning and regeneration process.
  • Remove Barriers and Revitalise Public Spaces: Create connections across the rail corridor to improve connectivity, permeability, walkability and accessibility. Revitalise and activate public spaces to create safe, vibrant places and new green space.
  • Respect, Celebrate, Promote and Conserve a Proud Heritage: Enhance, protect and conserve heritage buildings to celebrate the area’s rich history.
  • Sustainable Living and Design: Integrate land use with transport infrastructure, social and economic sustainability, green star and excellence in building and urban design. Promote walking, cycling and less car use together with an effective parking strategy.
  • Diversity and Integration: Ensure diversity and integration not just in building form and urban design but also community. This includes having a diverse range of housing types including terraces and apartments as well as housing suitable for different incomes and groups such as affordable, social, aged and student housing.

We will also be making a hard copy of the Initial Stakeholder and Community Engagement Report available for perusal at the Australian Technology Park office, Suite 3220 (Bay 4), Locomotive Workshop, Eveleigh.

We will keep you updated on future engagement activities planned in the coming months and future investigations regarding the Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program.

Best regards


Troy Daly
Program Director
