Australian Technology Park

Current ATP Master Plan to be revised to increase FSR from 1.2:1 to 2:1 with maximum heights increasing from 9 to 12 storeys. RWA estimate final ATP floor space will increase by 20% to 200,000 square metres providing 5,000-8,000 jobs. Approximately four times the 2006 size. Improved connections to Railway Station and North Eveleigh including reinstating a foot and bicycle bridge as well as possible vehicle tunnel. Zoned as Business Park with some Public Recreation along Henderson Road.
RWA Draft Built Environment Plan - ATP
This section contains the Land Use and Design Concepts for this RWA Strategic Site provided in the RWA Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) in August 2006 as well as the details of the February 2006 Draft Plan.
Major Project Applications for the ATP
In this section of the site we have listed details pertaining to Major Project Applications made to the Department of Planning for Projects at the ATP.
ATP's Operating Blacksmith's Shop
One of the features of the ATP has been the continuation operation of Blacksmith’s shop in Bays 1 & 2 South at the ATP. The construction of the ATP even included the erecting of an acoustic wall so the workshop could continue to function in proximity to its new uses. From the very beginning it has been seen as maintaining a link to the buildings industrial past but that was at threat in 2008 with the RWA serving the occupants with a notice to quit by the 30th September 2008. Following a successful campaign and Open Day the RWA and the Blacksmiths entered into a Lease that preserves the operating Blacksmiths and recognises the importance of heritage preservation in the setting up of the Technology Park. Here you can explore the issues and this successful campaign.
ATP Sites Development Interest Call 31 Oct 2013
Local and international industry are being asked to register their interest on developing three sites in Australian Technology Park as part of the NSW Government’s revitalisation of the Central to Eveleigh rail corridor reports this media statement on 31 October 2013 from Minister Hazzard and UrbanGrowth NSW.
ATP Sale
On 4th December 2014 it was anounced that the Australian Technology Park would be sold through an Expression of Interest (EOI) Process closing on 3oth January 2015. On 12 November 2015 the NSW Government today announced the sale of the Australian Technology Park (ATP) in Redfern to a Mirvac-led consortium. UrbanGrowth NSW advised on 26 April 2016 that settlement had been made on the sale. Here you will find documents related to that sale.
ATP CBA Redevelopment
The Mirvac lead consortium purchased the ATP with a view to developing the three identified development blocks for lease to the Commonwealth Bank. This section of the site deals with that development and the associated public domain and heritage interpretation considerations.
Locomotive Workshop Redevelopment
Mirvac have placed on exhibition a proposal to redevelop the Locomotive Workshop at the Australian Technology Park Eveleigh. Here we have gathered some information about this proposal and the community and heritage concerns about the proposal.