UrbanGrowth NSW EOI for Urban Design Services May 2014
1 Purpose of Invitation
UrbanGrowth NSW is supporting the New South Wales (NSW) Government's investment in infrastructure by creating and delivering urban renewal opportunities.
The Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program (C2E) is one of five urban renewal opportunities announced by the NSW Government.
UrbanGrowth NSW is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from urban design consultants that can demonstrate experience in providing all of the following, to provide those services for the C2E:
- large-scale, master planned, urban renewal projects
- transit orientated development and transport hubs and in particular development over or adjacent to active rail lineS
- land use planning for a range of mixed and integrated uses including creative and knowledge intensive industries
- planning to attract economic investment and economic development
- active and passive public domain design in an urban environment
- heritage adaptive re-use and themes
- interactive community engagement.
The purpose of this Invitation is to:
- invite suitably qualified urban designers to submit an EOI for the provision of the Services
- give the Respondents opportunity to demonstrate their experience in the provision of services similar to the Services
- provide information about the C2E, including timing, technical requirements and commercial framework o
- provide details of the Evaluation Criteria and procurement process that will be used in evaluating and selecting the shortlist of Respondents
- to facilitate the selection of Respondents who will be invited to submit a Tender to provide the services listed above.
In addition, whilst the primary purpose of the Invitation is to start the process of selection of a consultant for the C2E, UrbanGrowth NSW's portfolio includes a number of other urban renewal projects as set out in section 3 of this Invitation. UrbanGrowth NSW may have regard to EOls submitted in response to this Invitation in selecting consultants who will be invited to submit tenders for the provision of urban design services in respect of thoSe future urban renewal projects.
2 Project
2.1 Central to Eveleigh Location and Context
The NSW Government has announced a major new strategy to extend Sydney's Central Business District (CBD) beyond its existing southern boundary, creating opportunities for investment on an international scale that will renew and transform the Central to Eveleigh Corridor (C2E Corridor).The area being investigated for renewal includes the land used for rail operations and adjoining land between Goulburn Street in Central Sydney and Erskineville Station. The C2E Corridor is over 3km long, and includes train stations, Australian Technology Park, existing parks, railway tracks and supporting uses and heritage buildings.
There is a significant amount of underutilised land in the C2E Corridor that is extremely well-serviced by public transport and close to all of the services and infrastructure Sydney has to offer.
The C2E Corridor has an approximate area of 87ha, and the area's width varies from 70 metres to over 500 metres. It is characterised by contiguous, large landholdings that are owned by State Government agencies and are part of, or adjoin, Sydney's central rail corridor.
Located in the local government area of Sydney, it adjoins Sydney's CBD and many of the city's key educational, entertainment and open space facilities including the University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney, Newtown, Darling Harbour and the Centennial Park. Surrounding and adjoining suburbs include: Redfern, Darlington, Chippendale, Surry Hills, Waterloo, Erskineville and Ultimo.
2.2 Ambition and Outcomes
The ambition of the C2E is to create a vibrant and attractive extension to the CRD, reinforcing Sydney's position as a global city. The C2E will leverage underutilised land and air space in the corridor in order to create a series of major city building outcomes as follows:
- create a viable extension to existing Sydney CBD commercial areas as a means to support a range of significant employment land use outcomes
- deliver a diversity of dense housing typologies at a range of price
points in order to support
housing supply in an area already well serviced by key social and economic infrastructure - create improved connectivity across the corridor allowing easier access for dense living and working populations to major education, health, retail and employment areas
- provide opportunities to create new and regionally linked public domain spaces for the benefit of existing and new residents and workers
- deliver positive outcomes for the existing community especially in relation to access and preservation of cultural and heritage assets, access to community facilities and continued access to a diversity of housing types.
The C2E Corridor can deliver over 1.5 million square metres of floor space, providing a range of housing choices for over 20,000 people and 10,000 jobs in globally competitive industries.
More information can be found at www.central2eveleigh.com.au.
3 About UrbanGrowth NSW
In June 2O12 the NSW Minister for Planning and Infrastructure announced the creation of UrbanGrowth NSW, a government initiative to drive investment in key locations in NSW and help underpin the future prosperity of urban and regional centres.
The NSW Government has charged UrbanGrowth NSW with a new mandate to lead the delivery of major scale renewal projects to boost housing supply near jobs and transport.
As well as coordinating across government agencies, UrbanGrowth NSW role is to support the Government's investment in infrastructure by creating and delivering urban renewal opportunities.
The Major Urban Renewal Portfolio includes:
- Newcastle Urban Renewal and Transport Program
- Parramatta Road Urban Renewal
- Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program
- Parramatta North Urban Renewal
- Green Square Town Centre
Other projects will be added over time.
In creating better cities through urban renewal, UrbanGrowth NSW will strive to:
- drive increase in the supply of housing and jobs
- strengthen the NSW economy by delivering world class centres that attract investment and boost productivity
- optimise public investment in infrastructure through integrating land use and transport planning
- operate on a commercially astute basis, seeking a fair return to tax payers
- promote public sector momentum through collaborating across government, the private sector and the community.
For more information on UrbanGrowth NSW visit www.urbangrowthnsw.com.au.
4 Evaluation Criteria
4.1 Evaluation Criteria
The EOls will be assessed in accordance with the following criteria:
- The capability, competency and experience of personnel proposed to provide the Services; and
- The design excellence and project performance of the Respondent in respect of past projects in respect of which the Respondent has provided services similar to the Services, using the information provided by each Respondent in the attached Schedules as required below.
The evaluation will be carried out in the context of the C2E objectives, key issues for delivery and the scope of the C2E Corridor as set out in this Invitation.
Respondents are not requested to provide any design concepts for the C2E as part of the EOI.
4.1.1 Capability and Competency
Respondents must provide details on the personnel that the Respondent proposes will provide the Services. In respect of each person outline their expertise, qualifications, skills and relevant experience.
The information required by this section must be included on the form included as Schedule 3.
4.1.2 Project Experience and Performance
Respondents must prepare a statement outlining their organisation's relevant experience and ability to undertake the Services as well as a schedule of similar urban renewal projects.
The information required by this section must be included on the form included as Schedule 4.
4.2 Evaluation Process
An evaluation panel will be established by UrbanGrowth NSW to evaluate the EOls in accordance with the Evaluation Criteria. Respondents may be asked to clarify their submissions and provide further information as required to assist in the evaluation process.
5 Commercial Framework
5.1 UrbanGrowth NSW Conditions of Engagement
Respondents are advised that if, following the EOI Phase and Request for Tender (RFT Phase), the Respondent is the successful tenderer, the Respondent will be required to execute an agreement containing terms and conditions substantially in the form of the agreement annexed to this EOI as Annexure A.
As part of their EOI, Respondents are required to provide an acknowledgement and agreement:
- that the Respondent has read and noted the agreement at Annexure A
- that the agreement issued with the RFT will be substantially based on the Agreement at Annexure A, including a similar risk allocation
- that, if the Respondent is the successful tenderer after the RFT Phase, the Respondent will be required to execute an agreement containing terms and conditions substantially in the form of the agreement annexed to this EOI as Annexure A.
See Schedule 2
6 Procurement Process
6.1 Overview
The procurement process comprises of the following two phases:
- EOI Phase - the submission by Respondents and evaluation of EOls by UrbanGrowth NSW to culminate in the shortlisting of suitable Respondents to proceed to the RFT Phase. This EOI Phase is described in clause 6.3 of this Invitation
- RFT Phase - the participation by the Respondents who are issued with the RFT in a competitive tender process which is expected to culminate in the selection by UrbanGrowth NSW of a Tenderer to provide the Services and the awarding of the Consultancy Agreement.
This Invitation relates to the E01Phase only.
6.2 Timetable
The current target dates are as follows:
Activity |
Target Date |
Issue Invitation to submit an EOI |
26 May 2014 |
Closing Date EOl |
11 June 2014 |
Announce Tenderers and Issue RFT |
23 June 2014 |
Tenderer Closing Date |
7 July 2014 |
Select Recommended Tenderer |
21 July 2014 |
6.3 EOI phase
The EOI Phase invites registered participants to provide an EOl that addresses the Evaluation Criteria described in this Invitation.
Respondents are required to nominate their significant personnel in their EOls. If a Respondent is selected as a Tenderer UrbanGrowth NSW expects that these significant personnel will be nominated and included for the same roles in the Tenderer's Tender and, if the Tenderer is the successful Tenderer, the Consultancy Agreement.
6.3.1 Information Documents
To assist potential Respondents' understanding of the C2E and their development of EOls, UrbanGrowth NSW has provided some relevant general and technical information in relation to the C2E. This information can be found at www.centraf2eveleigh.corn.au.
Any further relevant information that becomes available during the EOI phase will be posted to this site and all registered participants and Respondents will be notified via email when new information becomes available.
Source: UrbanGrowth NSW Expression of Interest Urban Design Services Central to Eveleigh Transport and Urban Renewal Program Pages 1-11