Central to Eveleigh –
from KJA Consultation Report
During the workshops, participants were asked a number of
questions and led through a series of activities that promoted thought and
discussion about the Central to Eveleigh corridor, as it is now and how it
could be in the future. A number of common themes emerged about what local
communities, Sydney residents, key landowners and government agencies would
like to see driving the regeneration of the Central to Eveleigh precinct in the
future. These are:
1. Community
Embed community participation as a core value in planning
and future investigations for the corridor.
2. Global Sydney
The regeneration potential of the corridor means that the
Central to Eveleigh corridor has a critical part to play in the planning and
development of central Sydney including its potential as a tourism gateway to
the greater Sydney region.
3. Better Transport
Preserve and renew Central and Redfern stations as world
class facilities while accommodating long term operational transport needs.
Improve connections across the corridor to universities and regeneration areas.
4. Employment,
Education and Innovation:
Leverage the area’s special attributes associated with
technology, education, the arts, creative industries and support services for
the health sector.
5. Social
Ensure that social infrastructure such as schools, health
services, aged care and community facilities are addressed properly at the
beginning and throughout the planning and regeneration process.
6. Remove Barriers
and Revitalise Public Spaces:
Create connections across the rail corridor to improve
connectivity, permeability, walkability and accessibility. Revitalise and
activate public spaces to create safe, vibrant places and new green space.
7. Respect,
Celebrate, Promote and Conserve a Proud Heritage:
Enhance, protect and conserve heritage buildings to
celebrate the area’s rich history.
8. Sustainable Living
and Design:
Integrate land use with transport infrastructure, social and
economic sustainability, green star and excellence in building and urban
design. Promote walking, cycling and less car use together with an effective
parking strategy.
9. Diversity and
Ensure diversity and integration not just in building form
and urban design but also community. This includes having a diverse range of
housing types including terraces and apartments as well as housing suitable for
different incomes and groups such as affordable, social, aged and student
Source: Initial Stakeholder and Community Engagement Report - Jan 2014 Executive Summary Page 2-3
Central to Eveleigh Corridor: Concept Plan Themes (June 2014)
Housing and Employment
The preliminary land use strategy is to concentrate employment uses in the Central Station precinct and to a reduced extent in the Redfern Station precinct. Residential uses in the southern part of the Corridor will have a better relationship with existing adjoining neighbourhoods. The Australia Technology Park will continue to support research and technology based industries with improved integration to surrounding development.
UrbanGrowth NSW wants the Corridor to deliver housing diversity and affordability and a range of employment land use opportunities to attract major employers to the area.
•How can UrbanGrowth NSW respond to issues of housing affordability? Do you think more diverse apartment types should be considered including smaller apartments?
•What are good examples of high-density residential neighbourhoods in the area – possibly located near lower density neighbourhoods?
•What would help to make the Central Station precinct feel like part of the City Centre?
•What level of retail services do you think are and will be required for the area?
UrbanGrowth NSW wants to ensure that development promotes lifestyles with the lowest environmental footprint possible.
•Do you agree that lower car parking rates and higher car share parking for apartment buildings could encourage a less car dependent neighbourhood?
•What are the key measures required to reduce car dependency? Local shops? Pedestrian and bike safety? Pedestrian amenity?
•Would you support the inclusion of precinct scale green utilities being incorporated in certain new development areas – such as a recycled water schemes, efficient district heating and cooling facilities, solar arrays?
Connections and Transport
The renewal of the Corridor creates opportunities to reconnect origins and destinations on either side of the Corridor.
•What are the most common weekday and weekend trips across the Corridor?
•Do you think the current connection points (Lawson Street, Cleveland Street, Devonshire Street pedestrian tunnel) service the area well, or poorly – what is wrong with these existing connections?
•What are the key destinations in the local area you believe require new cross corridor connections for walking and bike riding?
•What public transport upgrades should be considered?
•What are the existing traffic issues?
Public Spaces and Social Facilities
UrbanGrowth NSW will incorporate new public spaces and community facilities into future development to support new and existing residents.
•What are the best examples of local public spaces and local community facilities? Why are they attractive to use?
•Which areas of the Corridor would be good locations for new public spaces?
•How attractive would a ‘linear park/ green walk and bike travelway’ largely connecting thelength of the Corridor from Central Station to Erskineville?
•What are the highest priority community facilities required in the area (now and in the future)? Schools, childcare, parks?
Heritage and Culture
An overarching heritage strategy is required for the Corridor to examine how Aboriginal and European heritage should be retained and made accessible to the community. A strategy to support and grow key local cultural activities will also be developed.
•How would you like to experience the history of the area? Would a history/heritage trail that interprets a wide cross section of historical places and activities be of value?
•Which buildings or other heritage items are of most value to the community and what uses would the community like to see in restored heritage buildings?
•What are the key local cultural aspects of the Corridor? What additional cultural activities should be provided for in the Corridor?
Australian Technology Park
Australian Technology Park will continue to play an important role in the Corridor attracting
new employment, sustaining major heritage assets and providing spatial connections
between places.
•How do you use ATP now and what things would you like to see retained or expanded?
•What uses, facilities and activities would you like to see introduced as ATP continues to evolve?
•What have you learned from previous development at ATP and what should be avoided in the future?