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You are here: Home / UrbanGrowth, SMDA & RWA Plans & Activities / Rail Corridor Expansion / Sydney Metro Waterloo or Sydney University Options - Until 17th July

Sydney Metro Waterloo or Sydney University Options - Until 17th July

Sydney Metro has placed on exhibition until 17th july its proposals for the Metro including the options for a station at Waterloo or Sydney University. Proposals for the new Metro on public exhibition until 17th July 2015.
Sydney Metro Waterloo or Sydney University Options - Until 17th July

JBA Urban Planning consultants proposal for Waterloo Station location

There is a list of Community information sessions the closest one for Waterloo will be on 20 June 2015 from 10am - 2pm at Redfern Oval or 18 June 2015 from 4pm - 8pm at TfNSW Information Centre Ground Floor, 388 George Street, Sydney.

There is a web page looking for comment on the Sydney University vs Waterloo station proposals which can be found  here – currently lots of comments in support of Sydney University option. 

The Waterloo Station detail is sketchy. The official map Sydney Metro Waterloo - Sydney University Options seems to be centred on Waterloo Green on Raglan Street however this is thought to be unlikely as that is where the airport line goes. A JBA Urban Planning consultants have produced a paper on  Sydney Metro Key Stations –this paper has the station centred on the existing Waterloo shops. It also has Sydney University centred on where the University joins Victoria Park.

Either Waterloo option would fit with the stated aim of connections to Botany Road buses and UrbanGrowth’s density proposal based on the Waterloo station option being accepted – see UrbanGrowth’s Indicative Density Central to Eveleigh May 30 2015

The proposal says of a Waterloo Station:

A new metro station at Waterloo would help revitalise the Waterloo precinct and support the extension of the CBD to the south.

It would also:

  • Provide a high quality connection with bus services along Botany Road 
  • Provide additional connectivity to Australian Technology Park and Redfern Station
  • Contribute to the NSW Government objective to transform Waterloo and Redfern.

The metro station would also allow further development and expansion of the Global Economic Corridor between the Sydney CBD and Green Square.

UrbanGrowth have their consultation underway during June on http://engage.centraltoeveleigh.com.au/

We encourage you to look at these proposals and make your views known.