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The Large Erecting Shop

Under the RWA proposed zoning the Large Erecting Shop could be replaced by an up to 12 storey building and the current heritage rail tours, maintenance and training being undertaken from the site could have been lost. There has been a long campaign to save the this operational heritage. RailCorps decision in 2008 to retain the building for heritage rail use has been welcomed. Properly managed the "Large" could not only be an important operational heritage site but it could also be a significant heritage tourism attraction.
The Large Erecting Shop
Under the RWA proposed zoning the Large Erecting Shop could be replaced by an up to 12 storey building and the ongoing heritage rail tours, maintenance and training could have been lost. There has been a long campaign to save the this operational heritage and RailCorps decision to retain the building for heritage rail use has been welcomed. In the campaign to save the "Large" there have been proposals made to include a tourism element along side its heritage operations. You can read more about the campaign to save the "Large" and its potential as a heritage attraction on the South Eveleigh section of the website.
Friends of Eveleigh - Concept Plan for the Large Erecting Shop
In their submission to the NSW Tourism Review Friends of Eveleigh have spelt out their vision for how the Large Erecting Shop could continue as a functional Heritage Railway Workshop servicing rail heritage throughout the state while at the same time providing a tourist destination for public access into the "Large" to view heritage rail items and the operations of the Shop. This File has a couple of typing corrections from the original submission and is 974 Kb PDF.
Situation at the LES 28th October 2008
The Eveleigh heritage meeting of 28 October 2008 coincided with the AGM of 3801 Ltd at which it was revealed that the RailCorp Board had approved the retention of the large Erecting Shop fort rail heritage purposes subject to final funding approval. It was also revealed that 3801 Ltd were in discussions with the Office of Rail Heritage continued occupancy of the "Large". Further details of the issues raised about the Large can be found here.
RailCorp: Large Erecting Shop retained for continuing rail heritage purposes
In the extract below RailCorp CEO provides one person who wrote to the Minister for transport about the Large Erecting Shop with some encouraging news that “RailCorp's plan for the Large Erecting Shop is consistent with the Friends of Eveleigh proposal that the workshop be retained for continuing rail heritage purposes”. The letter was dated 1 December 2008.
Train tragics' heritage project on track
PUT the name Rowling into a story about a famous train and most people will think the Hogwarts Express reports Mark O’Brien in the St George and Sutherland Shire Leader of 19 February 2009.
A new centre for heritage transport at Chullora - Eveleigh Implications
On 30 November 2018 Transport for NSW announced a new Heritage transport centre at Chullora. The media release below, along with the factsheet also below, made specific reference to the Large Erecting Shop (LES) at Eveleigh as being "adapted for new uses". The ATP sale sale to Mirvac contained a provision which allows it first right of refusal to the LES if not required by Transport for NSW. The media statement also makes reference to the Paint Shop at Eveleigh but it is not referenced as being "adapted for new uses". The text of the statement and the fact sheet are below.