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You are here: Home / UrbanGrowth, SMDA & RWA Plans & Activities / Eveleigh Rail Heritage / Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce / Eveleigh Railway Workshops Interpretation Plan - Draft and Final Comparison

Eveleigh Railway Workshops Interpretation Plan - Draft and Final Comparison

REDWatch has produced a document which compares the Draft Eveleigh Railway Workshops Interpretation Plan exhibited in April 2011 with the Final Report released in March 2012. No report setting out the issues raised in submissions was produced by the RWA / SMDA, nor was there anything that explained why some submission ideas were not accepted or what had changed. One area of concern to REDWatch is that there is no replacement body to deal with Heritage issues across the entire site. This document is provided so it is easy to see what has changed from the Draft. It shows both reports side by side with the deletions and additions shown in colour. It is electronically produced and is a guide only and to be certain of a change the two documents should be manually checked. This is a large document at 7MB PDF.

ERW_IP_compare_sidebyside.pdf — PDF document, 6841 kB (7005409 bytes)