Eveleigh Heritage Plan finalised
The SMDA provided no summary of submissions or any indication of why some suggestions made in submissions were taken up while others were not. REDWatch has produced on its website a comparison of the draft and final reports highlighting the modest changes. With the disbanding of the Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce (RWHT) in mid 2012 there was no longer a heritage reference group to discuss the submissions or the changes to the final report.
The Interpretation Plan is a “non-statutory policy framework” which contains a Project Implementation Schedule setting out areas of responsibility of each landowner. Worryingly it provides no mechanism to replace the RWHT or to co-ordinate heritage activities across the entire site into the future.
Comments on a study of Aboriginal Connections with Eveleigh by Dr Michael Davis are being sought by the SMDA until April 12.
Geoff Turnbull is Spokesperson for REDWatch.
Source: The South Sydney Herald April 2012 – www.southsydneyherald.com.au