Council Resolution in Support of Eveleigh Railway Heritage
The Transport, Heritage and Planning Sub-Committee decided that consideration of this matter be deferred to the meeting of Council on 26 August 2013.
At the meeting of Council, it was moved by Councillor Mant, seconded by Councillor Green –
It is resolved that Council note:
(A) the Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce report, as shown at Attachment A to the subject report, and the Eveleigh Railway Workshops Interpretation Plan by 3D Projects, as shown at Attachment B to the subject report; and
(B) the Lord Mayor has written to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure requesting:
(i) a community and government planning and heritage taskforce be convened to provide input into planning and heritage matters for the Eveleigh Railway Workshops; and
(ii) consent authority for the Redfern Waterloo precinct be returned to the City of Sydney and the Central Sydney Planning Committee.
Variation. At the request of Councillor Doutney, and by consent, the motion was varied by the addition of the following new clause:
(C) in the event that a government heritage taskforce is not established within a reasonable time, the City will work with the Australian Technology Park, Carriageworks and UrbanGrowth and other members of the previous Taskforce, with a view to bringing the parties together to explore how a co-operative effort could strengthen heritage interpretation and promotion across the former Eveleigh Railway Workshops site for the benefit of all parties.
The motion, as varied by consent, was carried unanimously.
Source: Minutes - 26 August 2013 PDF 485.5 KB Page 2013
Here you can see the Council Officer’s report that went to the Planning and Development Committee on 20 August 2013 on Eveleigh Railway Workshops Heritage .