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Human Service Cluster Groups

Based on the Morgan Disney Review of Human Services the RWPP & RWA broke up the services in Redfern Waterloo into seven service clusters. Services in these cluster services are to be "reformed" to improve service delivery to the community. Four of these clusters are the focus in 2005 with the balance expected to be looked at in early 2006. The clusters looked at in 2005 were Aboriginal Services, Family & Children's Services, Health Services and Youth Services.
Aboriginal Services
In 2005 the RWPP / RWA organised Aboriginal Services Cluster meetings to bring together agencies servixcing the aboriginal community to produce a report on what needed to happen to meet the needs of this part of the Redfern Waterloo so it could be incorporated in the Human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo.
Family & Children's Services
In 2005 the RWPP / RWA organised Family and Childrens Services Cluster meetings to bring together agencies servicing these parts of the community to produce recommendations on what needed to happen to meet the needs of this sector of Redfern Waterloo. This was then to be incorporated in the Human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo.
Health Services
In 2005 the RWPP / RWA organised Health Cluster meetings to bring together agencies servicing these parts of the community to produce recommendations on what needed to happen to meet the needs of this sector of Redfern Waterloo. This was then to be incorporated in the Human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo.
Aged Services
Services for the ageing are in the second round opf cluster meetings which are expected in early 2006.
Youth Services
In 2005 the RWPP / RWA organised Youth Services Cluster meetings to bring together agencies servicing these parts of the community to produce recommendations on what needed to happen to meet the needs of this sector of Redfern Waterloo. This was then to be incorporated in the Human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo.
Disability Services
Services for those with Disabilities are in the second round of cluster meetings which are expected in early 2006.
Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Community Services
Services for the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse community will be looked at in the second round of cluster meetings expected in early 2006.