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Redfern Waterloo Human Services Plan Phase 1

On 14 October 2005 the RWA released Phase One Draft of the Human Services Plan for Redfern-Waterloo. Below are the details of the draft Human Services Plan and material released by the RWA on its website or vis publications regarding the draft HSP. Also below you will find community responses to the draft Human Services Plan, a Copy of the Final Plan and a text comparison of the draft and Final Human Services Plan Documents.
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE OCTOBER 2005
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE October 2005 PDF
Download the PDF file for this RWA Update here. File is 603 Kb.
Draft Human Services Plan - October 2005
This is a PDF file of the Draft Human Services Plan released on 14 October 2005 for consultation until 11 November 2005. The PDF is 288Kb.
Human Service Plan Frequently Asked Questions - 14.10.2005
These FAQ's were added to the RWA website on 14 October 2005 with the launch of the RWA Draft Human Service Plan Consutation.
Feedback Form
This is a copy of the RWA Website Draft Human Services Plan Feedback form placed on the RWA site on 14 october 2005. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A FUNCTIONING FORM IT IS HERE FOR HISTORICAL PURPOSES - If you wish to make your feedback to the RWA over the Draft Human Services plan by 11 November 2005 please use the link at the foot of this page.
Community Consultation Strategy
A section covering the Communtity Consultation Strategy for the Draft Human Services Plan was added to the RWA website on 14 October 2005 with the launch of the RWA Draft Human Service Plan Consutation. There were also some changes made to the home RWA page which are also mentioned below.
Background to Speak Out on RWA Human Services Plan
The information below was provided as background for the ongoing Speak Out on this topic.
Reading List on One Stop Shops
This reading list is based on documents supplied by the RWA to support the proposed three "one stop shops" for youth services in Redfern Waterloo. Comments on this reading list can be posted on the Speak Out Page at . File is 39Kb Word Document.
RWST Literature and program review
This document has been supplied by the RWA to provide background reading regarding the basis for integration of services in Redfern Waterloo. This document is Appendix 1 of the Draft report on the Evalustion of the Redfern Waterloo Street Team (RWST). The current document is a scanned version of the printed section provided. We have ran the document throught an OCR programme so you can copy material from the report but please check any copied text against the original in case of any OCR errors. We have requested a text pdf from the RWA and when this is received we will replace this large document. REDWatch has also requested the RWA to release the full RWST Evaluation as what can be learnt from the evaluation of this program can inform future decisions by other youth service providers. This is a large PDF file 1.3MB.
Community Speak Out on DHSP until 11 November 2005
During the Consultation REDWatch set up a Speak Out Page and encouraged people to make comments on the DHSP. The material below was posted during this time and we have supplied it to the 'Reforming Human Services" section of the RWA so that these comments are part of the formal feedback to the DHSP. During the consultation drafts of some submissions were posted. While these are referred to below we have only posted the final submissions and changed the links so they point to the final submissions. We have established a new "Speak Out" page for any ongoing community feedback on the DHSP.
Redfern Legal Centre's Submission on DHSP
This is a final copy of the Redfern Legal Centre's Submission on the RWA's Draft human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo. The File is a Word Document of 67 Kb.
Elizabeth Rice's Submission on DHSP
This is a final copy of Elizabeth Rice's Submission on the RWA's Draft human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo. Elizabeth Rice is a member of REDWatch with previous experience in working for NSW Human Service's CEO's group. The File is a Word Document of 157 Kb.
REDWatch's Submission to the DHSP
The REDWatch Submission on the RWA's Draft human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo is is elsewhere on this site. We have provided the links to this submission below.
Green's Submission on DHSP
This is a final copy of the Green's Submission on the RWA's Draft human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo. The File is a Word Document of 99 Kb.
Redfern Waterloo NGO Consortium Submission on DHSP
This is a final copy of the Redfern Waterloo NGO Consortium's Submission with covering letter on the RWA's Draft human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo. The Consortium is made up of some of the small NGO's in Redfern Waterloo. The File is a Word Document of 69 Kb.
NCOSS Submission on DHSP
This is a the NCOSS Submission on the RWA's Draft human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo.
Labor Councillors Submission on DHSP
This is the City of Sydney Labor Councillors Submission on the RWA's Draft human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo. The File is a Word Document of 41 Kb.
Kristina Keneally's Submission on DHSP
This is Kristina Keneally MP, Member for Heffron's submission on the RWA's Draft human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo. The File is a Word Document of 34 Kb.
Submissions made Public by the RWA on the Draft Human Services Plan Stage 1
On 13 March 2006 the RWA posted the following submissions on their website. Some of these are not currently on the REDWatch website and can be downloaded from the RWA site
RWA Final Human Services Plan (Phase 1) - 22 December 2005 - PDF
This is a PDF copy of the Final Version of the RWA Human Services Plan (Phase 1) released on 22nd December 2005. File is PDF 297KB.
Final Human Services Plan comparison with Draft
On December 22 2005 the RWA posted the Human Services Plan for Redfern Waterloo that was approved by Cabinet. In this word document (269KB) we have made a text comparison of the Draft put out for consultation with the final Plan as approverd by Cabinet. The document shows deletions and additions in colour and provides a quick overview of the changes that were made as a result of the consultation.
Suggestion for Revised RWA Logo
With the RWA Built Environment Plan's proposal for six 18 storey buildings for the area around Redfern Station one community member thought that in line with truth in advertising (and logo's) that the RWA now should revise its logo. The attached word file includes two suggestions which the author is happy to have in the public domain and to be used as people see fit. If you have any suggestions for alternate RWA logo's you might like to send them to File is in MS Word and is 99Kb.