Human Services Plan Phase 2
In late June 2006 the RWA started the process for developing Phase 2 of the RWA Human Services plan for services provided to older people, people with disabilities, homeless people and migrant communities.
- RWA Human Services plan Phase 2 Forum Issues Papers – Read Text Webpage
- This is a text file of the RWA's REDFERN-WATERLOO HUMAN SERVICES PLAN PHASE 2 FORUM ISSUES PAPERS Issued in 2006. The link to the RWA's PDF version of the file is at the foot of this page. (To obtain a rough translation of this page paste the web address into your preferred web based translation tool from the links at )
- RWA Human Services plan Phase 2 Forum Issues Papers – Download PDF Version
- This is a 91 Kb PDF version of the RWA's REDFERN-WATERLOO HUMAN SERVICES PLAN PHASE 2 FORUM ISSUES PAPERS Issued in July 2006. The link to a text version of the file is at the foot of this page.
- RWA Human Services plan Phase 2 Forum Issues Papers – Download Word Version
- This is the Word version of the Final RWA Human Services Plan Phase 2 Issues papers circulatred by the RWA. MS Word 977 Kb.
- REDWatch Comments on RWA Issues Papers for Phase 2 HSP
- REDWatch has major concerns about the process used by the RWA for phase 2 consultations. These concerns include:
- South Sydney Consortium response to RWA HSP Phase 2
- The South Sydney Consortium has produced a number of papers in response to the RWA's HSP Phase Two Issues papers. Only two of these were available by the submission dealine.
- Redfern Legal Centre Response to RWA HSP Phase 2 Papers
- Due to the short lead time RLS has placed their comments in italics within the text of the RWA's Papers. We have added it to the site as a MS Word document (89Kb).
- Elizabeth Rice's Submission on the RWA HSP Phase 2 papers
- This is a copy of Elizabeth Rice's submission is in MS Word format (136Mb). In the submission Elizabeth draws on her experience implimenting whole of government human service plans.
- NCOSS Submission on RWA HSP Phase 2
- This is the NCOSS submission to the RWA HSP Phase 2 Forum. MS Word 101KB.
- South Sydney Community Aid - Issues for People from CALD Backgrounds
- This is the South Sydney Community Aid Submission to the RWA HSP Phase 2 Issues papers. The submission incorporates the content of the letter that SSCA sent to the RWA which was in the papers distributed at the Forum. MS Word 38KB.
- Workshop Participant List RWA Human Services Forum Phase 2 - 24 July 2006
- The RWA Human Services Forum Phase 2 had a lot less attendees than the community was told would be attending. Below we have provided the list of the organisations of attendees on Monday 24 July 2006 by discussion group so that you can get some idea of who participated in the first day of the Forum. The RWA has expressed concern about posting the names and organisations of attendees on the internet.
- Yellow Group - Day 1 Report
- The RWA Human services Phase 2 Forum was broken up into 5 work groups to assess the issues papers. This is the report from the Yellow Group for Day 1. MS Word 219 Kb.
- Red Group - Day 1 Report
- The RWA Human services Phase 2 Forum was broken up into 5 work groups to assess the issues papers. This is the report from the Red Group for Day 1. MS Word 201 Kb.
- Pink Group - Day 1 Report
- The RWA Human services Phase 2 Forum was broken up into 5 work groups to assess the issues papers. This is the report from the Pink Group for Day 1. MS Word 190 Kb.
- Green Group - Day 1 Report
- The RWA Human services Phase 2 Forum was broken up into 5 work groups to assess the issues papers. This is the report from the Green Group for Day 1. MS Word 188 Kb.
- Blue Group - Day 1 Report
- The RWA Human services Phase 2 Forum was broken up into 5 work groups to assess the issues papers. This is the report from the Blue Group for Day 1. MS Word 190 Kb.
- Consolidated Summary of Human Services Stage 2 Forum
- This is the Official RWA Consolidated Stage 2 Forum report sent to Forum delegates on August 4 2006. It is identical (with the exception of the deletion of the incorrect "Blue Group" references) to that handed to Forum attendees on the Tuesday. File is MS Word 279Kb.
- RWA HSP Phase 2 Forum – Summary of key Themes– Read Text Webpage
- This is a copy of the Summary of Key Themes distributed to Forum participants following the Redfern Waterloo Human Services Plan Phase 2 Forum held 25-25 July 2006.
- RWA HSP Phase 2 Forum – Summary of key Themes– Download Word Version
- This is the Word Document version of the Summary of Key Themes distributed to Forum participants following the Redfern Waterloo Human Services Plan Phase 2 Forum held 25-25 July 2006. MS Word 48Kb.
- Yellow Group - Day 2 Report
- The RWA Human services Phase 2 Forum was broken up into five work groups to assess the issues papers. Each groups comments were then combined into a Consolidated report of day One. This is the report from the Yellow Group on the Consolidated report. MS Word 198 Kb.
- Red Group - Day 2 Report
- The RWA Human services Phase 2 Forum was broken up into five work groups to assess the issues papers. Each groups comments were then combined into a Consolidated report of day One. This is the report from the Red Group on the Consolidated report. MS Word 182 Kb.
- Pink Group - Day 2 Report
- The RWA Human services Phase 2 Forum was broken up into five work groups to assess the issues papers. Each groups comments were then combined into a Consolidated report of day One. This is the report from the Pink Group on the Consolidated report. MS Word 183 Kb.
- Green Group - Day 2 Report
- The RWA Human services Phase 2 Forum was broken up into five work groups to assess the issues papers. Each groups comments were then combined into a Consolidated report of day One. This is the report from the Green Group on the Consolidated report. MS Word 44 Kb.
- Blue Group - Day 2 Report
- The RWA Human services Phase 2 Forum was broken up into five work groups to assess the issues papers. Each groups comments were then combined into a Consolidated report of day One. This is the report from the Blue Group on the Consolidated report. MS Word 177 Kb.
- RWA Draft Human Services Plan Phase 2 - October 2006
- This is a copy of the RWA Draft Human Services Plan Phase 2 which was released for public exhibition and comment in October 2006. File is PDF 125 Kb.
- Draft Human Services Plan Phase Two comparison with Issues Papers
- In October 2006 the RWA released the Draft of the Human Services Plan Phase Two for Redfern Waterloo. In this ritch text / word document (203KB) we have made a text comparison of the Issues Papers produced by the RWA in July 2006 with the Draft put out for consultation. The document shows deletions and additions in colour and provides a quick overview of the changes that were made as a result of submissions, the Human Services Forum and consideration by relevent government departments.
- Model for Resident input into the RWA HSP Phase 2
- At the November 1st 2006 REDWatch Meeting Faye Williams from the Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development presented a model for consultation with residents about the RWA Draft Human Services Plan phase 2. The document makes a useful summary of the RWA proposal and proposes a process to help community members respond to it. MS Word 49 Kb.
- NCOSS Submission on Draft Human Services Plan Phase 2
- This is a copy of the NCOSS Submission on the RWA Draft Human Services Plan (Phase 2) in November 2006. MS Word 63 KB
- Redfern Legal Centre - Submission on Draft Human Services Plan Phase 2
- This is a copy of the Redfern Legal Centre's Submission on the RWA Draft Human Services Plan (Phase 2) in November 2006. MS Word 48 KB
- REDWatch - Submission on Draft Human Services Plan Phase 2
- This is a copy of the REDWatch Submission on the RWA Draft Human Services Plan (Phase 2) in November 2006. MS Word 71 KB
- PIAC Submission on the RWA Draft Human Services Plan
- The Public Interest Advocacy Centre's Homeless People's Legal Service made this submission to the RWA Draft human Service plan (Phase 2). Please note the mention of Fines reform mentioned at recommendation 2 is based on a research report 'not such a fine thing' which can be found on the PIAC website at Document is MS Word 439Kb.
- RWA Human Services Plan Phase 2 - July 2008
- This is a copy of the Final RWA Human Services Plan Phase 2 which was released on 11th July 2008. File is PDF 143 Kb.
- Human Services Plan Text Comparison of Final with Draft
- This is a text comparison between the Draft RWA Human Services Plan Phase 2 exhibited in October 2006 and the Final Human Services Plan Phase 2 released in July 2008. This comparison has been produced from a comparison programme. While it has been manually checked and some changes made to reflect changes of the order of some points in the HSP2 it should be taken as a guide only. It has been produced for those familiar with the draft Plan who wish to get a quick idea of where changes have been made in the final Plan. Please confirm and changes highlighted in the document by comparing the Draft and Final versions rather than rely on the total accuracy of this document, formatting in particular is likely to be lost in such a document comparison.. In this document Green text indicates additions to the text where Red strike through indicates deletions and Red Underlined indicates changed text. The file is MS Word 251 KB.