A new Town Centre for Redfern is the centrepiece of a draft plan to drive much-needed urban renewal and jobs growth in the inner-Sydney area.
Redfern-Waterloo Minister Frank Sartor today released the Built Environment Plan for public comment, detailing the Government’s blueprint for 444,000 square metres of new employment space and 2,000 new dwellings.
Mr Sartor said the strategy is the third and final element of Stage One of the Redfern Waterloo Plan to promote social and economic revitalisation.
“The best way to deliver long-term improvements for residents of Redfern and Waterloo is by creating more job opportunities,” Mr Sartor said.
“The Redfern-Waterloo Authority is already implementing plans to streamline human services in the area. I can also announce that an Employment and Enterprise Plan for the area has been adopted by Cabinet which targets the creation of 18,000 new jobs.
“Today’s draft Built Environment Plan shows how those jobs will be provided – by regenerating strategic largely state-owned sites to establish a new Town Centre around
Redfern Railway Station as a hub for community and commercial activity.
“This strategy will be implemented through new zoning controls for eight key sites outlined in a draft State Environmental Planning Policy which provides incentives for developments that create new jobs.
“The benefits of this economic growth must be shared across these suburbs, which house some of Sydney’s most disadvantaged residents.
“The construction of 2,000 new dwellings will also provide more housing choice and will be supported by an affordable housing program.”
Under the framework outlined in the draft Built Environment Plan:
- 35 hectares of largely State-owned land has been earmarked for regeneration, including the Eveleigh Railyards, the former police station and court house, the old Rachel Forster Hospital and the Eveleigh Street precinct;
- an upgraded Redfern Railway Station, civic square and public domain providing better amenity, safety and surveillance;
- Pedestrian access will be enhanced through linkages to residential and business hubs;
- The RWA will work with other Government agencies to address local traffic issues and improve connectivity between east and west Redfern;
- High-quality urban design and architecture will be promoted as a key element of urban renewal;
- Opportunities for the establishment of Aboriginal enterprises and cultural facilities will be improved.
The Draft Built Environment Plan and the Draft SEPP are on public exhibition for two months until 7 April, 2006.
A Development Control Plan will be prepared in 2006 including general guidelines for growth as well as site-specific design and planning requirements.
Copies of the Plan are available online at the Redfern Waterloo Authority website at
www.redfernwaterloo.com.au or by phoning the RWA on 9202 9100.