These are Statements made by the SMDA, its Ministers and other Government Ministers concerning the RWA and SMDA or issues relating to Redfern Waterloo in 2012. Earlier Statements appear under the year the statement was made or may also be included in specific topic areas of the site if there are many statements as part of an exhibition or if it is part of a site that has a long history.
Social Impact Scoping and Assessment for Redfern Waterloo - Focus Group Information Sheet Text
The SMDA and Consultants GHD are undertaking Focus Groups in February 2012 on Scoping for a Social Impact Assessment. This is the Focus Group Information Sheet intended for participants. Currently this is the only written information available from the SMDA about the Scoping for the Social Impact Assessment and hence REDWatch is making it available for the information of the broader community. The SMDA welcomes feedback from individuals, organisations and other stakeholders on key issues which they would like considered in the relevant study by the SMDA.
SMDA Studies Presentation 2nd February 2012 to REDWatch
This SMDA presentation provides some background to the SMDA and the studies they are undertaking. It was presented to REDWatch on 2 February 2012 in the lead up to a session focusing on one of the important SMDA studies for residents - the Social Impact Assessment. The file is 2MB PDF.
SMDA & Landcom combined into new Urbangrowth NSW
Urbangrowth NSW will integrate and refocus Landcom and the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) as a key new driver of the Government’s approach to housing delivery. “The Government intends to have the new organisation up and running by mid July,” Minister Hazzard said in the statment below delivered as part of the NSW Budget on 12 June 2012.
SMDA Evidence to Inquiry into Utilisation of Rail Corridors
Below is the proof transcript of Evidence given by SMDA CEO Roy Wakelin-King top the Committee on Transport and Infrastructure Inquiry into Utilisation of Rail Corridors on 28 May 2012. It deals primarily with the operations of the SMDA and not with issues related to Redfern Station.
The Redfern Waterloo Case Coordination Project receives approval from Privacy Commissioner
The NSW Office of the Privacy Commissioner has issued a Direction relating to the Redfern Waterloo Case Coordination Project under s. 41(1) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 allowing the City of Sydney Council and specified Government bodies to exchange information in the referral and management of Complex Cases in the Redfern Waterloo area under the preview of the Redfern Waterloo Case Coordination Senior Officers’ Group, which is comprised of representatives from Participating Organisations and Participating Agencies. The general details of the determination is provided below and the full determination and the definitions can be found at the link at the bottom of this page.
UrbanGrowth NSW will not sell or build homes
The state government body charged with turbo-charging the state's housing sector and replacing Landcom will not sell or build homes, it has been revealed, in a historic shift of responsibilities reports Josephine Tovey in the Sydney Morning Herald of 8 September 2012.
Landcom boss slams housing barriers
THE chairman of the NSW government's development agency, Landcom, has hit out at lengthy delays to government-backed housing projects, such as Sydney's $1.7 billion Green Square in the city's inner south, blaming layers of policy and high costs reports Bridget Carter in The Australian of 8 September 2012.
SMDA Transition to UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation
As of 1 January 2013 the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) will be re-named to become UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation (UGDC) reports a statment from the SMDA on 22 December 2012.
Planning Approval for the Block's Pemulwuy Redevelopment
An exciting new chapter in the history of The Block is set to rise from the streets of Redfern with approval granted for the of the Pemulwuy redevelopment project, NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell and Planning Minister Brad Hazzard announced today (22 December 2012) reports this media release from NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell.
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