These are Statements made by the RWA, its Minister and other Government Ministers concerning the RWA or issues relating to Redfern Waterloo in 2009. Earlier Statements appear under the year the statement was made.
Roy Wakelin-King Appointed New CEO of Redfern-Waterloo Authority
The Minister for Redfern Waterloo, Kristina Keneally, today announced the appointment of Mr Roy Wakelin-King as the new CEO of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority reports this Ministerial media statement of 5 February 2009.
Eveleigh Market is bursting with Fresh Food and Artistic Flair
Sydney’s newest market destination is gearing up for a big weekend – with the 2009 season launch of the weekly Eveleigh Farmers’ Market and the monthly Sunday Eveleigh Artisans’ Market says this media release from Eveleigh markets of 12 February 2009.
RWA Response to REDWatch Meeting Questions - 5 March 2009
The Minister for Redfern Waterloo, Kristina Keneally attended the REDWatch monthly meeting on 5 March 2009 with RWA CEO Roy Wakelin-King. The following written responses were received subsequently from the RWA to both questions supplied at the end of the meeting and as follow up to questions from the meeting.
Comments on North Eveleigh Issues - 29 March 2009
The following is an extract from an email from RWA CEO Roy Wakelin-King to Wilson Street Resident Bruce Lay following a walk round of the North Eveleigh site during which a number of iossues were raised about the site. We have reproduced the extract below, which was copied to us and the City of Sydney CEO, as it provides some useful clarification on some community concerns about the North Eveleigh and the RWA.
April 2009 RWA Update - PDF Version
This is a PDF version of the April 2009 RWA Update issued on 20 April 2009. The File is 1.2MB PDF.
April 2009 - RWA Update – Text Version
March 2009 - RWA Update – Text Version / North Eveleigh Concept Plan approved / New CEO Roy Wakelin-King writes / All Blacks basketball teams are winners / Eveleigh Market is open for business / The Coloured Digger Project – ANZAC Day 2009 / Housing NSW Redfern Redevelopment Project: 106 houses and 20 jobs / Congratulations Allana! RWA’s frst trade qualifed carpenter / On the tools and in the classroom / Factory Community Centre: 30 years – still going strong / Koori Job Ready Course in warehousing and storage / Rohan Tobler honoured at ACTU Awards / New sport and recreational services in Redfern / Need assistance?
RWA meets with Frasers Property to discuss Voluntary Planning Agreement
The new Chief Executive Officer of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA), Mr Roy Wakelin-King met yesterday with key executives from Frasers Property, the owners of the former Carlton United Brewery (CUB) site, to discuss the Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) that has been made with the RWA reports this media release from the RWA on 23 April 2009.
Roy Wakelin-King - Biography
Roy Wakelin-King was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of the Redfern Waterloo Authority on 16 February 2009. Below is some background information on Roy Wakelin-King provided by the RWA.
Message from the ATP MD Roy Wakelin-King
The following appeared the ATP's electronic newsletter in May 2009 and it provides some information about activites at the ATP. The link to the newletter is provided at the foot of the page.
Professor Patrick Dodson dines at the RWA’s Yaama Dhiyaan
Esteemed Aboriginal leader Professor Patrick Dodson visited the Redfern Waterloo Authority’s Aboriginal training facilities on his recent visit to Sydney in his role as the Director of the Indigenous Policy and Dialogue Research Unit of the University of NSW reports this media release of 2 June 2009 from the RWA.
Exhibition of Amended RWA Town Centre Development Controls
The Department of Planning has placed changes to RWA Height of Buildings map for the Redfern Town Centre. The changes reduce the street wall / podium heights from 5 to 2-3 storeys and reduce the setbacks of tower buildings. The full details of the exhibition are in the advertisement below which appeared in the classified section of Central of 1 July 2009. The RWA website will soon include a link to the exhibited documents.
Redfern Waterloo Human Services Plan Phase One Evaluation Report Released
The Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) released the first evaluation report of the Redfern-Waterloo Human Services Plan Phase One today (28 July 2009) reports this media release from the Redfern Waterloo Authority.
Australian Technology Park Tree Replacement Program - Henderson Road
The Australian Technology Park will begin removing sick poplar trees on Henderson Road and replacing them with healthy native specimens in August 2009 reports this media release from the RWA on 14 August 2009.
RWA Questions at Estimates Hearing - 16th September 2009
Below we have extracted the examination of proposed expenditure for the portfolio areas of Planning and Redfern Waterloo by General Purpose Standing Commiittee No. 4 on Wednesday 16 September 2009. This transcript has been extracted from the draft transcript. For the final transcript please refer to the link at the end of this transcript.
RWA Statement on Allegations referred to ICAC
Chief Executive Officer of the Redfern Waterloo Authority, Mr Roy Wakelin-King, said the anonymous allegations referred to in the Budget Estimates Committee hearing on 1.6 September 2009 had been referred to ICAC reports this media statement of 25 September 2009.
RWA Update - 6 October 2009
The RWA has launched a new electronic RWA Update. The first Issue below says "This information service has been developed to provide you with the latest in development news, courses, events, programs and anything else that is a part of this vibrant community. In order to keep you informed, the RWA Update will now be delivered by email on an ongoing basis."
ATP Heritage and Developments
Since I last wrote, the Australian Technology Park’s busy program of civic and heritage works has progressed says ATP MD Roy Wakelin-King in this extract from the ATP electronic newsletter number 3 on 6 October 2009. One of the most exciting recent achievements has been to complete a refurbishment of the Pump Room. Located in the Locomotive Workshop, adjacent to Bay 4, the room contains two hydraulic pumps that are in excellent condition and were operating as late as 1988.
Yaama Dhiyaan Hospitality Training Centre celebrates third anniversary by passing the 100 graduate mark
The Yaama Dhiyaan Hospitality Training Centre held its third graduation for the year last Friday with eight Aboriginal students receiving their Certificate II training in Hospitality Operations reports this media release from the Redfern Waterloo Authority on 6 October 2009.
The Eveleigh Markets have won The Sydney Morning Herald 2010 Foodies Award for Best Markets in Sydney and more than 3,000 people a week are enjoying them reports this media release from Minister Kristina Keneally on 10 October 2009.
Redfern Station - Transport Minister Responds to Clover Moore Questions
On 1 September 2009 Clover Moore asked a series of questions of the Transport Minister regarding Redfern Station. The Minister responded on 6 October 2009. The Qestions and the Minister's answer is below. The Minister concludes "RailCorp and the Redfern Waterloo Authority have identified a preferred option for development at the station, although the Redfern Waterloo Authority has requested that RailCorp amend a few elements of that option. I understand that this is currently being done. A community consultation plan is currently been developed. It is expected that community consultation will begin in 2010, once funding for the project has been secured." " 's and printed in Questions & Answers Paper No. 158.
Roy Wakelin-King Leter to Central 14 October 2009
The following letter was written by RWA CEO to Central Magazine in response to articles appearing in 30 September 2009 Issue of Central concerning the RWA.
RWA, Council & Chamber Letter to Redfern Waterloo Businesses
In a letter dated 22 October 2009, to local businesses in the Redfern-Waterloo area, the RWA, City of Sydney and the Redfern Chamber of Commerce joined forces to inform business of the exciting developments in the area, and the opportunity to take part in Redfern's promising future. The text of the letter is provided below.
Minister for Transport on Redfern Station October 2009
At the Estimates hearing on 17th September 2009 The Transport Minister David Campbell took a question about Redfern Station on notice. The breif answer to the questions on notice includes that "a preferred option has now been identified and is being refined"!
Redfern Waterloo Estimates - Answers to Questions on Notice
On 16th September 2009 in Estimates Hearings into Redfern Waterloo and Planning a number of questions were placed on notice either in writing or taken during the hearing. Below are the answers provided to these questions.
October 2009 - RWA Update – Text Version
October 2009 - RWA Update – Text Version / Redfern Waterloo the best in Sydney’s eyes / A message from our CEO / Family and Culture Days rockin’ at The Block / Redfern businesses need to network; Chamber / Pemulwuy gets the nod for The Block / Eye screening day sees to children and parents / Local Plug [NCIE] / Redfern Town Centre guidelines closer to public exhibition / Redfern Waterloo Business Advice Service / South Sydney Youth Services / Making our community safer / Professor Patrick Dodson dines at Yaama Dhiyaan / Yaama Dhiyaan Hospitality Training / The Factory acknowledges community’s ‘unsung heroes’ / Award Winners / Want to be heard?
October 2009 RWA Update - PDF Version
This is a PDF version of the October 2009 RWA Update issued on 20 April 2009. The File is 1.1MB PDF.
RWA Update Issue 2 - 4 November 2009
This is the RWA’s second electronic Update which was issued on 4 November 2009.
Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan Stage 2 (BEP2) Update November 2009
The Redfern Waterloo Authority and Housing NSW issued the Update below in November 2009. It was handed around at the Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board information day on Saturday November 21st 2009.
ATP Heritage Equipment Public Statement
Below is the text of the Australian Technology Park Precinct Management Ltd's public statement on ATP Heritage issued on 3 December 2009.
RWA UPDATE Issue #3 11th December 2009
This is the RWA’s second electronic Update which was issued on 11 December 2009.
RWA responds to SSH regarding “Channel Seven rates poorly in Alexandria“
The following letter was also published in the December 2009 Issue of the South Sydney Herald.
Redfern-Waterloo - 2008:09 Annual Report – Text Extract
This document extracts the text sections from the RWA 2008-2008 Annual Report with an aim to make it more accessible to researchers and easier to electronically access. The Financials and Notes to the Accounts have been excluded from this text version.
RWA 2008-2009 Annual Report PDF
This is the Redfern Waterloo Authority Annual Report for 2008 - 2009 issued in January 2010. REDWatch has also extracted text from this Anual Report and made this available as a text document similar to the text version originally produced by the RWA in 2006 and 2007.
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