These are Statements made by the RWA, its Minister and other Government Ministers concerning the RWA or issues relating to Redfern Waterloo. The RWA came into exisitence in January 2005. See 2004 statements for anouncements abouit the RWA's establishment.
Redfern-Waterloo Authority Annual Report 04-05
This is the text of the RWA Annual Report excluding the Financial Report for the Financial year ended June 2005. The Report can be downloaded as either a full version with pictures (12MB) or without pictures (275Kb). We have provided the RWA Annual report on this form to allow it to be searched easily on this site.
RWA Annual Report 2004-2005 - Without Pictures
This is a 275Kb PDF version of the RWA Annual report 04-05 which has had all the pictures removed to produce a reasonable file size.
RWA Annual Report 2004-2005 - Full Version with Pictures
This is the full 12 MB PDF version of the RWA Annual report 04-05 with all the pictures.
This media release was issued by Minister Sartor regarding the release of the RWA Draft Employment and Enterprise Plan.
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE NOVEMBER 2005
This is a Text copy of the Redfern Waterloo UPDATE November 2005. This Update deals with the sale of Redfern School and the launch of the National Centre of Excellence for Aboriginal Youth under the ILC and the Exodus Tutorial centre programme. The Update also looks at Progress on Human Services Plan and the $2 Million Funding for Youth. Other items include: Celebrating our Diversity; Creating Better Public Housing; Midnight Basketball at PCYC; support for Blackout Violence and the RWA taking DA approval on developments under $5m on State Significant sites.
The Following Media Release was issued on 30th October 2005 to announce the agreement between the Department of Education and Training (DET), the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) and the Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) for the sale of the Redfern Public School site to the ILC for the establishment of a National Aboriginal Youth Development Centre.
Overhall of Human Services in Redfern-Waterloo - 13.10.2005
The Redfern-Waterloo Minister Frank Sartor today released a media release announcing the Phase one of the Human services plan for redfern Waterloo. The Plan will be out for community consultation for a month. Details of consultation opportunities will be on the RWA website.
Draft Redfern Waterloo Human Services Plan - 14.10.2005
On 14 October 2005 the RWA released Phase One Draft of the Human Services Plan for Redfern-Waterloo. Below are the details of the draft Human Services Plan as well as the material released by the RWA on its website or via publications regarding the draft HSP. These documents are posted in the Human Services Section rather than the RWA statements section of the REDWatch site. We have provided the links below.
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2005
This is a txt version of the September 2005 Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2005 issued by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority in October 2005. This issue deals with Built Environment Issues including a new Building and Master Plan for the ATP, Planning for future change in public housing and the RWA involvement in North Eveleigh including the construction of the Performing Arts Centre. The Update also announced that the New Website was up and running which was hoped to be the case as of the 7th October when the Update was to be distributed.
RWA Web Launch Statements - 07.10.2005
On Friday 7th October 2005 the RWA launched its long awaited website. The site included much new information. We have included here the statements made when the website was launched. Websites change over time so we have included the statments made when the web site was launched as part of the historical record of statements made by thge RWA. As the website changes we will also try to include changes in the statements section as they are made.
ATP Newsletter Special Edition - September 2005
This is a PDF copy of the ATP special Edition Newsletter on 05 October 2005 (which covered some of the same announcements as the RWA Update of similar date). PDF 1.2MB.
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE September 2005 PDF
Download the PDF file for this RWA Update here. File is 174 Kb.
RWA Add for Urban Renewal, Planning and Administration Professionals - July 2005
The following advertisement appeared in July 2005 seeking applications for a number of RWA positions connected to urban renewal and Planning. This add and the associated Position Descriptions provided an early indication of how the RWA was approaching urgan renewal and planning.
Expressions Newsletter - ATP Community Newsletter - Special Edition 23 September 2005
This is the special edition of the ATP newsletter dated 23 September 2005 in text form. The pdf file is 1.2MB so this is an easier way for many to access this infoirmation. While similar in some of its content to the RWA Update of September 2005 there is some additional information on the ATP spects.
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE August 2005 PDF
Download the PDF file for this RWA Update here. File is 155 Kb.
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE August 2005
This is the text version of first issue of the RWA's Redfern-Waterloo Update which was distributed on September 1st 2005. The front page had an open letter from Frank Sartor to Mick Mundine of the Aboriginal Housing Company. The Minister reiterates his position of the last 6 months that he does not want more than 19 tenancies on or arround the block and asks the AHC to join an RWA taskforce to discuss everything else about The Block which is on the table for discussion. "Let's work together to find a shared vision for the Block" the Minister says but this still does not appear to include the possibility that the Minister might change his view about housing on the Block!
Minister Sartor letter to Public Housing Tenents
The following letter was received by some public housing tenents inviting them to a meeting organised by the Minister. Contry to the letter Kristina Keneally MP and representatives from the Department of Housing did not attend. The notices for this meeting only went out a few days before the meeting on 9th July 2005.
This media release was issued on 24th May 2005 by Minister Sartor to announce new funding for the RWA's "task of creating job and training opportunities, improving human services and renewing infrastructure in the area". It also officially anounced the RWPP's absorption into the RWA and proovided some indication of what was planned for community consultation.
This media release was issued to announce the agreement between the RWA and the CFMEU for the inclusion of indigenous training and employment opportunities in RWA construction activities.
Expressions of Interest for Redfern-Waterloo Ministerial Advisory Committees - 19.04.2005
This is a text version of the RWA publication "Redfern-Waterloo Plan #3" of April 2005. This leaflet informed the community about the Ministers decision to stick with the Ministerial Advisory Committees (MAC's) and community consultation he had put out for comment in December 2004. It called for nominations to the MAC's. The leaflet was distributed throughout the Redfern Waterloo area however within a short period the meeting place, dates and times had changed for the Human Services Review meetings. The pdf file of this leaflet is very large at 1.2 Mb for double sided A4.
Redfern Waterloo Plan #3 File
This is the pdf file for the Redfern Waterloo Plan #3, April 2005. The file is 1.2Mb.
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