These are statements made in 2004 about the RWPP and the the establishment of the RWA. The Statements are made by the Government, Minister Sartor, other ministers and local MP's as well as the Premiers Department's Redfern Waterloo Partnership Project.
Letter from Minister to Concerned Organisations
The letter below was sent in late December 2004 by Minister Sartor to some of the organisations that had raised their concerns with the Minister about the Legislation and the RWA. Organisations noted that the sucessful lobbying of the non Government side of Parliament to change the Redfern Waterloo Bill were described in this letter as resulting from the Government accepting amendments arrising from the Government being conscious of the need to consult!
Your views invited on community advisory structure
The following is a copy of a letter sent to residents in late December 2004 setting out what the Minister was thinking about a community advisory strucasking for the RWA and asking for input from the community. The the final decision mirrored the Minister's initial thinking and was widly considered inadequate by REDWatch and others.
Statement by Minister responsible for the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, Frank Sartor
This statement was produced in mid December and was attached to letters sent out by the Minister and Member for Heffron Kristina Keneally. The Minister's attachment did not contain the last sentence about the Government continuing to keep you informed about the Authority's progress.
Letter to Public Tenants
This letter was sent on 14th December by Member for Heffron Kristina Keneally to public tenants to assure them that the NSW Government would look after public tenants.
RWA Overview Attachment
The following attachment on the Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) was supplied with some of the letters sent out about the RWA in December 2004. The letter makes comment on The Redfern Waterloo Plan, Advisory Committees, Heritage, The RWPP, Aboriginal Housing and the Block, Public Housing and the Sydney City Council.
Top-Level Board Appointed to Steer Redfern-Waterloo Authority
This Media release was issued on 14th December 2004 and announces the Membership of the RWA Board and the appointment of the CEO of the Authority. An attachment provided Biographies of the Board Appointees. Clover Moore who was on the original list subsequently declined the possition after discussion with the City of Sydney Council.
The Redfern Waterloo Plan Frequently Asked Questions
This is the text of the "The Redfern Waterloo Plan" leaflet produced by the RWPP to answer Frequently Asked Questions following the SMH articles on the leaked NSW Cabinet Documents. The leaflet was distributed to residents in the immediate lead up to the rally held at the Waterloo public housing towers. The original pdf file dated 4th December 2004 is 1.5MB and is available for download at the link below. We have maintained the orginal colour scheme so you can recognise the leaflet if you saw the original.
RWPP The Redfern Waterloo Plan Leaflet Download
This is The Redfern Waterloo Plan Frequently Asked Questions. The pdf file dated 4th December 2004 is 1.5MB. A text version is available above.
Human Services Review Factsheet
This is the text of the "Human Services Review" leaflet produced by the RWPP to explain the Findings of the Human Services review and promote feedback seesions to the community by the consultants. The original pdf file dated 3rd December 2004 is 560Kb and is available for download at the link below. We have maintained the orginal colour scheme so you can recognise the leaflet if you saw the original.
RWPP The Human Services Review Leaflet Download
This is The Human Services Review Leaflet. The pdf file dated 3th December 2004 is 560Kb. A text version is available above.
Government Human Services Review to Reshape Redfern Waterloo Social Services
This Media Release and Background notes were issued jointly by Minister Sartor and Minister Tebbutt to annouce the NSW Governments decisions following from the Review of Human Services in Redfern Waterloo. The Media Release was issued on 10th November 2004.
Community Health Facility Factsheet
This is the text of the "Community Health Facility" leaflet produced by the RWPP to explain the NSW Govermnets decision to close the Needle Bus and place a new Community health facility in Lawson Street Redfern. The leaflet was dated November 2004 and a pdf file is not available. We have maintained the orginal colour scheme so you can recognise the leaflet if you saw the original.
State Government Working With The Community To Deliver Redfern-Waterloo Plan
This Media Release was issued by the Minister for Redfern Waterloo about the NSW Governments plan for the area. The statement was issued on 29th November 2004.
Government Announces Jobs Plan for Redfern Waterloo
This Media Release was issued by Minister Sartor and Minister Tebbutt to announce the Jobs Plan for Redfern Waterloo. This statement was issued on 10th November 2004.
Premier Carr Announces 10-year Redfern-Waterloo Plan
This NEWS RELEASE announces the establishment of the RWA and the Governments Plan for Redfern Waterloo. It was issued by Bob Carr Premier of NSW on Tuesday October 26, 2004
Redfern Mobile Needle Exchange Van To Close and New Primary Health Care Facility to Open
This News Release was issued by the NSW Premier to announce the closure of the Needle Exchange Van and the new Primary health Care Facility in Lawson Street Redfern. This News release was issued on Sunday 24th October 2004.
State Government Extends Redfern-Waterloo Partnership Project
This News Release was issued by the NSW Premier to extend the life of the Redfern Waterloo Partnership Project until 2006. This News release was issued on May 27 2004.
Bob Carr Speech at Sydney Forum (extract)
Extract of Speech by Bob Carr at The Committee for Sydney Forum on Sydney. In talking about future growth centres in Sydney the Premier made the following observations on where he saw Redfern in 25 years.
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