These are Statements made by UrbanGrowth, its Ministers and other Government Ministers concerning the UGDC RWA and SMDA or issues relating to Redfern Waterloo in 2013. Earlier Statements appear under the year the statement was made or may also be included in specific topic areas of the site if there are many statements as part of an exhibition or if it is part of a site that has a long history.
Premier & Cabinet Memorandum on UrbanGrowth NSW
The Memorandum below was issued on 30 January 2013 by the Department of Premier and Cabinet regarding the structure and operations of UrbanGrowth NSW.
UrbanGrowth in Redfern-Waterloo
The state government authority responsible for delivering the BEP2 planning controls for public housing estates in Redfern and Waterloo and for planning on the former Eveleigh Railyards has made yet another transformation. The SMDA, which was formally the RWA, became the UrbanGrowth Development Corporation (UGDC) on January 1. The UGDC retains the SMDA’s Growth Centres powers which allow it to compulsorily acquire land and consolidate it in designated growth centres (currently Redfern-Waterloo and Granville). It will play a broader re-development role alongside a partner agency called UrbanGrowth NSW reports Geoff Turnbull in the February Issue of the South Sydney Herald.
David Pitchford appointed UrbanGrowth NSW CEO
John Brogden, Chairman, UrbanGrowth NSW announced today the appointment of Mr David Pitchford CBE as the new Chief Executive Officer of UrbanGrowth NSW reports this UrbanGrowth NSW media release of 22 July 2013.
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