These are Statements made by the RWA, SMDA, its Ministers and other Government Ministers concerning the RWA or issues relating to Redfern Waterloo in 2011. Earlier Statements appear under the year the statement was made.
- Documents on the RWA Release of BEP2
- On 27 January 2011 the RWA released its Draft Built Environment Plan Phase 2 (BEP2). The Plan, The Redfern Waterloo Update and other Government Documents and statements connected to BEP2 can be found in another part of this website and the documents have not been duplicated in this section.
- Council to Consult SMDA on Planning Activities in Redfern-Waterloo Growth Centre
- Below is the text of a letter from The Director General of the Department of Planning to the Lord Mayor of Sydney requesting council to "Council defer finalisation of the DCP amendment for the Lachlan Street Precinct until the SMDA have been consulted with, and their views have been considered. More broadly I encourage you to consult with the SMDA on other planning activities and amendments that you propose within their identified growth centre for Redfern-Waterloo".
- RWA Email Update February 2011
- In This RWA Update - DEVELOPMENT NEWS: BEP 2 open for community consultation NEWS: The new Redfern brand / The Big Issue moves to Redfern with $1.25 million / New art space for Weave Youth Services / Waterloo Green Neighbourhood Project / Local community organisation receives $135k grant / Redfern recognised in Order of Australia Awards / Eveleigh Market Christmas Banner Winners / Mural planned for Redfern Fire Station / Innovation Plaza transformed on film / New CEO for CarriageWorks WHAT’S ON: RWA BEP 2 Information Sessions / Housing NSW BEP Information Sessions / 19 February - Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / 6 March - Artisans’ Market – 1st Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm
- RWA Email Update March 2011
- In This RWA Update - DEVELOPMENT NEWS: Draft BEP 2 consultation & thank you barbeques / Heritage Interpretation Plan NEWS : Join the Redfern brand evolution / Building a brighter future through Aboriginal employment / A Night Off the Grog Forum / Local kids learn about healthy lifestyles DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS: Internal fit out and additional flues - Biomedical Building, 1 Central Avenue, Australian Technology Park / Filming in the area bounded by Eveleigh, Vine and Louis Streets, Redfern / Modification - temporary Gardener's Compound, Australian Technology Park / Installation of a Solar Power System, NICTA Building, Australian Technology Park / Use of the former Clothing Store building, North Eveleigh WHAT’S ON: 21 and 22 March – draft BEP 2 Thank You Barbeques / 23, 27 and 30 March - Good Neighbourhood Barbeques / Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm
- RWA Email Update - 20 April 2011
- In This RWA Update - NEWS: Bush Tucker pioneer receives award / Domestic & family violence forum / Draft BEP 2 Thank You Barbeques / New chef at Yaama Dhiyaan / Art is a load of rubbish / Family connects with local heritage / Rabbitohs hop along to Easter Eveleigh Market - DEVELOPMENT NEWS - Public exhibition and interpretation of heritage artefacts, Bays 1 & 2 Locomotive Workshop, Australian Technology Park / Internal fit out and additional flues at the Biomedical Building, 1 Central Avenue, Australian Technology Park / Filming in the area bounded by Eveleigh, Vine and Louis Streets, Redfern - WHAT’S ON - Alexandria Community Garden – 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month / Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / Eveleigh Artisans’ Market – first Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm
- RWA Email Update - 26 May 2011
- In this RWA Update - NEWS: Redfern welcomes a new Minister / Redfern shop front improvement matching grant program / Uniting the community through sport / Artists rev up at Eveleigh Artisans’ Market for charity car rally / Weave Arts Space opening exhibition / Local volunteers recognised / Koori Mail – 20th year celebration / NCIE celebrates its first anniversary - DEVELOPMENT NEWS - Modification - Temporary Gardener's Compound, Australian Technology Park / New Gardener's Compound, Australian Technology Park / Fashion event at the former Clothing Store, North Eveleigh / New way finding signage, Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh - WHAT’S ON
- DoP "Redfern Waterloo Precinct Outcomes Brief" for SMDA
- The Department of Planning posted in June 2011 the "Redfern Waterloo Precinct Outcomes Brief" which sets out the Director General of the Department of Planning's brief to the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA). This brief follows a meeting of agencies including the City of Sydney Council. The SMDA will now undertake the required studies and report back as set out in Guideline for State Environment Planning Policy (Urban Renewal) 2010 which can be found on the Department's website at www.planning.nsw.gov.au/StrategicPlanning/UrbanRenewal/tabid/486/language/en-US/Default.aspx
- RWA Email Update - 20 June 2011
- In this Update: NEWS: Minister tours Redfern / Redfern Fire Station mural unveiled / New Redfern home for community groups / Redfern makes its mark online / ATP joins Biggest Morning Tea / Nathan Merritt reaches his 150th game / Bike fever hits Redfern-Waterloo / In memory of Trevor Davies / DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS : Art Bar at 70 Regent Street, Redfern / Redfern RSL Club Fit Out / Youth Hostel at 90 Regent Street, Redfern / WHAT’S ON: 3-10 July NAIDOC Week / 1 July - Storytime / 4 July - Flag Raising Ceremony / 5 July - Elders Luncheon / 8 July – Family and Sports Day / 9 July - Bush Tucker Talk / Black History month / Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / Eveleigh Artisans’ Market – first Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm / Alexandria Community Garden – 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
- RWA Clarification on RWIU of 22 June 2011
- Following Geoff and Lyn Turnbull's Redfern Waterloo Issues Update of 22 June 2011, the RWA provided the following clarifications regarding North Eveleigh, BEP2 Consultation Process and the Redfern Waterloo Transport Study.
- June 2011 - RWA Redfern Waterloo Update - Text Version
- In this Update: Capturing Redfern with a smile / A message from our CEO / Over 850 jobs and counting / RWA welcomes new Minister / Draft BEP 2 update / The Big Issue moves to Redfern / New art space / Art is a load of rubbish / Underbelly comes to Redfern / New Director for CarriageWorks / Education pioneer wins award / New chef at Yaama Dhiyaan / Commitment to the community / RWA Board Member honoured / Connecting local families / Farm cooperative offers the tastes of the world / Local kids learn top tips about health / A Night Off the Grog Forum / Domestic and family violence forum / NASCA Gala Day / Contact Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority
- RWA Email Update 25 July 2011
- In this Update: NEWS : Built Environment Plan Stage 2 (BEP 2) Update - Stakeholder Engagement Report - Community Facilities Report - Future community engagement / Barani Book launch – City of Sydney / Media attention for The Block / NAIDOC Week success / Redfern brand continues to gain momentum / DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS: Modification to temporary car parking in the Australian Technology Park WHAT’S ON: 1 August – Koori Job Ready Course 3 begins / 3 August - Redfern and Waterloo Community Learning and Research Group / 4 August –REDWatch meeting with Tanya Plibersek MP / 20 August – Saturday in Design / 20 August - Redfern Waterloo Urban Renewal Study and Housing NSW Master Plan EXPO / Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / Eveleigh Artisans’ Market – first Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm / Alexandria Community Garden – 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
- RWA Email Update - 29 August 2011
- In this RWA Email Update Update: NEWS - Redfern Gets a Warm Welcome / Shop Front Improvement Program / Master Planning Expo / Redfern RSL Works Continue / Eveleigh Market Wins Delicious Award / Souths Push For the Finals / NCIE Update / Call for Heritage Volunteers / Underbelly Transforms The Block - DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS - Interpretative and exhibition fit out of Part of Bays 1 & 2 of the Locomotive Workshop, Australian Technology Park (ATP) / New wayfinding signage at ATP / Modification to the use of Track 8 and Track 12 within the Carriage Workshops, North Eveleigh / New standby generator and building works to the Transport Management Centre, ATP - WHAT’S ON
- RWA email Update 27 September 2011
- In this update: NEWS - Commitment to business growth in Redfern / Providing technology for local school / Housing NSW community building activities / Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre services / The Settlement is on the move / Purple Goanna offers catering service / SMH recognises Billy Kwong at Eveleigh Market / Celebrate at the Souths Cares Red & Green Ball - DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS - Rachel Forster Hospital Development Update / Youth Hostel at 90 Regent Street, Redfern / Modification to temporary car parking arrangements at Australian Technology Park / Modification to the use of Track 8 and Track 12 within the Carriage Workshops, North Eveleigh / Building identification signage to the external facade of the Locomotive Workshop, Australian Technology Park / Demountable building at 255 Wilson Street, North Eveleigh - WHAT’S ON
- Don Harwin Welcomes $5000 boost for Redfern Preschool
- Additional funding to bolster the work of small preschools has been welcomed by Liberal Duty MLC for Heffron Don Harwin.
- Repeal of Redfern Waterloo Authority
- In an email to Ministerial Advisory Committee members on 19th October 2011, the RWA advised that the NSW Government introduced the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Repeal Bill 2011 on Tuesday, 18 October 2011. A link to the Bill can be found in the text of the email below.
- Brad Hazzard Speach on introduction of Redfern-Waterloo Authority Repeal Bill 2011
- On 18 October 2011 Planning Minister Brad Hazzard introduced the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Repeal Bill 2011 to the NSW Legislative Assembly. In his speech below he outlines that the Bill will transfer certain functions of the RWA to the SMDA including the operation of the ATP. Planning consents below $10m will be transferred to the City of Sydney Council. The SMDA will be responsible for implementing The Redfern Waterloo Plan and collecting developer contributions. The Repeal Bill removes the "switching off" of the Heritage Act provisions in The Redfern Waterloo Act and preserves the provision that requires the Aboriginal Housing Company and other relevant representatives of the Aboriginal community to be consulted in relation to the Block. The full text of Brad Hazzard's speech is given below:
- RWA Email Update - 26 October 2011
- In this Update: NEWS: Transition of RWA’s functions / Important changes to Development Applications / Help celebrate and promote Redfern / BEP 2 Update / RWA Business Advice Service / Community building partnership funding / ATP reduces its carbon ‘thumbprint’ / Christmas banner competition / UNSW students present ideas for Redfern-Waterloo / The memory of Trevor Davies lives on DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS: Removal of parking restrictions to the use of the lower car park, ATP / New entry doors to Bays 1 & 2 of the Locomotive Workshop, ATP / Corporate event in the Former Clothing Store, 231 Wilson Street, North Eveleigh / Clothing and bicycle retail shop at 116 Lawson Street, Redfern / Bike shop / cafe & workshop at 1/156 Abercrombie Street, Redfern / Telecommunications facility upgrade, Biomedical Building, 1 Central Avenue, ATP / Enlargement of smokers' balcony in Railz on Regent, 56 Regent Street, Redfern / Demountable building at 255 Wilson Street, North Eveleigh / Building identification signage to the external facade of the Locomotive Workshop, 2 Locomotive Street, ATP / New standby generator and building works to the Transport Management Centre, 25 Garden Street, ATP WHAT’S ON: 1 November – Juvenile Justice Reform Public Forum / 16 November - Roll Up Redfern Business and Community Briefing / Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / Eveleigh Artisans’ Market –first Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm / Alexandria Community Garden – 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
- Minister promises greater transparency
- The promise of greater transparency under the new State Government was made at a recent meeting between REDWatch Co-ord Members Michael Shreenan, Irene Doutney and Geoff Turnbull and the Planning and Infrastructure Minister Brad Hazzard, who has oversight of the RWA/SMDA reports the October 2011 issues of the South Sydney Herald.
- RWA wind up
- The Planning Minister Brad Hazzard introduced the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Repeal Bill 2011 to the NSW Parliament on October 18 reports the November 2011 issues of the South Sydney Herald.
- Redfern-Waterloo Authority Transition Fact Sheet
- Below is the text of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Transition Fact Sheet released by the RWA on 2 November 2011 advising of the changes within the RWA's activities as a result of the winding up of the RWA.
- Redfern-Waterloo Authority Repeal Bill
- The NSW Government introduced the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Repeal Bill 2011 on Tuesday, 18 October 2011 which will be presented to the Legislative Council accordingly. This is the RWA Statement released on 2 November regarding the Repeal Bill.
- RWA Repeal Bill 2011 - Lower House Speaches
- Following the Minister's introduction of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Repeal Bill 2011 on 18 October 2011 a number of members debated the bill in the transcript below. Speakers included Linda Burney; Bart Bassett; Kristina Keneally; Mark Speakman; Clover Moore; Craig Baumann.
- RWA Email Update – 23 November 2011
- In this Update: NEWS - RWA Repeal Bill Update / Draft BEP 2 and Urban Renewal Study / Redfern Photo Competition / Redfern Ambassadors / Pemulwuy Project Community Information Event / Housing NSW Community Design Workshops / Vote for your favourite Christmas banner / RWA newsletter out now! - DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS - Enlargement of Smokers' Balcony in Railz on Regent, 56 Regent Street, Redfern / Redfern RSL Club fit out on Level 2, 157 Redfern Street, Redfern / Clothing and bicycle retail shop at 116 Lawson Street, Redfern - WHAT’S ON - 23 and 24 November 2011 – Housing NSW Community Design Workshops / 15 December 2011 – RWA Seniors Christmas Party / Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / Eveleigh Artisans’ Market –first Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm / Alexandria Community Garden – 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
- November 2011 RWA Update - PDF Version
- This is a PDF version of the November 2011 RWA Update issued on 17 November 2011. The File is 986KB PDF.
- November 2011 RWA Update - PDF Version
- In the November 2011 RWA Update: Commitment to Redfern-Waterloo / A message from our CEO / Commuters receive a warm welcome / Shopfront Improvement Program / RSL development / BEP 2 Stakeholder Engagement Report released / Master Planning Expo / Aboriginal Employment Program joins ATP / Solar panels complete / Call for heritage volunteers / ATP Open Day / AIME high to help Indigenous youth / New Redfern home for community groups / Eveleigh Market wins Delicious Award / Redfern East wins award / Redfern Fire Station mural unveiled / Saturday in Design / Redfern has the right moves / Redfern takes to the stage in Turkey / Christmas Banner competition / Contact the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority.
- RWA Email Update - 20 December 2011
- In this Update: NEWS - Conclusion of the RWA / Future of RWA Services / Consultants appointed for the Draft BEP 2 and Urban Renewal Study / Stolen banner trumps Christmas Banner Competition / Redfern Photograph Competition – entries open! / ATP Open Day / The RWA is moving / Future Updates / Season’s Greetings - DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS - Removal of parking restrictions to the use of the lower car park, ATP / Temporary event in the former Clothing Store, 231 Wilson Street, North Eveleigh / Bike Shop / Cafe & Workshop at 1/156 Abercrombie Street, Redfern / New entry doors to Bay 1 of the Locomotive Workshop, ATP / Telecommunications facility upgrade, Biomedical Building, 1 Central Avenue, ATP - WHAT’S ON - 24 December 2011 – Eveleigh Farmers’ Christmas Market / 28 January 2012 – Return to Redfern / 4 February 2012 – Eveleigh Artisans’ Market / 25 February 2012 – ATP Open Day / Alexandria Community Garden – 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
- Sartor: RWA was Cosmetic politics - Robert Domm was undermined
- Frank Sartor, the Minister responsible for setting up the RWA, deals in passing with the RWA in a section on "The Undermining of Robert Domm" in his 2011 book "The Fog on the Hill - How NSW Labor Lost its Way". Below is the text dealing with the RWA and Robert Domm who was the first CEO of the RWA - REDWatch has earlier covered media reports on some of the matters mentioned in Frank Sartor's account.