These are Statements made by the RWA, its Minister and other Government Ministers concerning the RWA or issues relating to Redfern Waterloo in 2006. Earlier Statements appear under the year the statement was made.
Redfern-Waterloo Human Services Plan phase two forum
The following letter was received by many agencies on May 22 2006 advising them of the process for the development of Phase Two of the RWA's Human Services Plan.
This Media Release was issued by the Minister for Planning and Redfern Waterloo on 2 March 2006 anouncing 26 indigenous jobs being created in the new ATP building construction.
Symbolism cannot solve unemployment and social misery
Redfern and Waterloo are bigger than just one block, however needy, writes Frank Sartor in an Opinion piece in the SMH February 22, 2006
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE February 2006 (Text Version)
This is a text version of the RWA's February 2006 Update which contains - Strategy for Revitalising Redfern-Waterloo / Built Environment Plan Released for Community Consultation / Encouraging Jobs and Enterprise through Development of Strategic Sites / Proposed Land Use for RWA Strategic Sites / North Eveleigh / Australian Technology Park /South Eveleigh / Eveleigh Street Precinct, including the Block /Redfern Station, Gibbons Street and Regent Street Precinct / Redfern Public School / Redfern Police Station and Court House / Rachel Forster Hospital / Planning Instruments for Strategic Sites / How to Have Your Say on the Draft Plan
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE February 2006 (PDF Version)
This is a 156 KB PDF version of the RWA's February 2006 Update which contains- Strategy for Revitalising Redfern-Waterloo / Built Environment Plan Released for Community Consultation / Encouraging Jobs and Enterprise through Development of Strategic Sites / Proposed Land Use for RWA Strategic Sites / North Eveleigh / Australian Technology Park /South Eveleigh / Eveleigh Street Precinct, including the Block /Redfern Station, Gibbons Street and Regent Street Precinct / Redfern Public School / Redfern Police Station and Court House / Rachel Forster Hospital / Planning Instruments for Strategic Sites / How to Have Your Say on the Draft Plan
This Media Release was issued by The Hon Frank Sartor MP, Minister for Planning and Minister for Redfern Waterloo to announce the RWA Draft Built Environment Plan (Stage One).
This Media Release was issued by the Minister for Planning and Redfern Waterloo rubbishing the Opposition Leaders claims about Redfern Waterloo.
Outline of RWA Planning Delegations
The RWA has provided us with this outline of the RWA's Planning Delegations as at 3rd February 2006.
RWA DA Notification Process
The RWA has providsed us with this information regarding the processes for RWA notification of DAs.
This Media Statrement was issied by Hon Frank Sartor MP, Minister for Planning and Minister for Redfern Waterloo celebrating the first Birthday of the RWA.
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE January 2006 (Text Version)
This is a text Version of the RWA's January 2006 Update which contains: Bold Plan for Jobs, Opportunity and Prosperity / 18,000 jobs over next 10 years / The Redfern-Waterloo Employment and Enterprise Plan - Delivering Jobs and Training / North Eveleigh Training Centre to Double as Leader in Indigenous Australian Cuisine / Built Environment Plan for February Release Cabinet Approves Human Services Plan / Visit the RWA Website / Need Assistance?
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE January 2006 (PDF)
This is the 670KB PDF Version of the RWA's January 2006 Update which contains: Bold Plan for Jobs, Opportunity and Prosperity / 18,000 jobs over next 10 years / The Redfern-Waterloo Employment and Enterprise Plan - Delivering Jobs and Training / North Eveleigh Training Centre to Double as Leader in Indigenous Australian Cuisine / Built Environment Plan for February Release Cabinet Approves Human Services Plan / Visit the RWA Website / Need Assistance?
Answers to Parliamentary Questions
The following answers to Parliamentary questions about the RWA have been matched with the questions asked for easier reading.
Free World Cup Action Replays at the ATP
The Redfern-Waterloo Authority proudly presents action-packed replays on the BIG SCREENS at the Australian Technology Park Bay 10, Henderson Road, South Sydney Midday - 2pm on various dates.
$120M Deal to Make Redfern a Media and Employment Hub Wednesday, 28 June 2006
This News Release was issued by Morris Iemma on 28 June 2006 to anounce a new television production centre and commercial offices at the Australian Technology Park (ATP) at Redfern.
Indigenous Centre for Redfern
This is the media kit for the 11 July 2006 anouncement of the ILC's plan to proceed with their purchase and development of the former Redfern Public School site as a National Centre for Indigenous development. The file is a 507 KB PDF with OCR text recoginition overlayed.
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE July 2006 (Text Version)
This is a text version of the RWA's July 2006 Update which contains: Seven Network moves to Redfern / Boost for local jobs / Redfern Station redevelopment / Employment and Enterprise Plan released: 18,000 local jobs in next 10 years / Boost for indigenous training / Indigenous Youth Centre for Redfern / Education, training, jobs, culture / Visit the RWA Website / Need Assistance?
RWA Built Environment Plan Fact Sheets
The RWA issued 8 Fact Sheets in support of the release of the Redfern-Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) on 30 August 2006.
Draft Built Environment Plan
This is the PDF copy of the Redfern-Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) released 30 August 2006. File is 13.3 MB PDF.
This is the Media Release made by the minister to Anounce the release of the Redfern-Waterloo Built Environment Plan on 30th August 2006. File is 12 Kb PDF.
This is the media release anouncing the addition of new RWA Board members on 30th August 2006. File is 10 Kb PDF.
September 2006 RWA Updat - PDF Version
This is a PDF version of the RWA Update issued in September 2006 for the release of the Redfern-Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) on 30 August 2006. File is 163 Kb PDF.
Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE SEPT 2006 - Text Version
This is a text Only version of the September 2006 RWA Update. it includes: Built Environment Plan released / Go-ahead for jobs and urban renewal / ‘Marian Street Park’ saved / What does the Plan seek to achieve? / $6m pedestrian bridge to link ATP and North Eveleigh / $300m committed to new infrastructure / New $10m Community Health Centre at former Redfern Courthouse/Police Station / Major initiative on Aboriginal affordable housing.
Letter from Minister Sartor regarding 3801 and Rail Heritage
The following letter has been received by a number of people who wrote either to Minister Sartor or to The Premier regarding 3801, The Large Erecting Workshop and Railway Heritage. This letter was dated 13th September 2006.
John Watkins MP Deputy Premier Minister for Transport comments on Eveleigh
The following is an extract on Rail Heritage issues and Eveleigh from a letter from John Watkins in answer to a letter on this subject. As the letter covered other issues we have only extracted the comments regarding Eveleigh.
October 2006 RWA Update - PDF Version
This is a PDF version of the RWA Update issued in October 2006 following the release of the Draft Human Services Plan (Phase 2) File is 163 Kb PDF.
October 2006 Redfern-Waterloo Update - Text version.
This is a text version of the October 2006 RWA Update which was released after the Draft Human Services Plan Phase 2. Contents includes: Improving Human Services in Redfern and Waterloo : Draft Phase 2 of Human Services Plan released / Key Proposed Priorities and Actions / New health centre to deliver better services / Catering assistance for community events / Federal State Govts partnership agreement.
Letter from RWA concerning decision not to make link on RWA site to REDWatch
In the Redfern Waterloo Issues update of 4 September 2006 we advised that the RWA considered REDWatch too political to have a link to their site included on the RWA website. One member of the REDWatch Co-ordinating group has been following up this issue and this is the text of a letter from the RWA dated 10 November that e received concerning the issue.
December 2006 RWA Update - PDF Version
This is a PDF version of the RWA Update issued in December 2006 which focused on the RWA Employment and Enterprise Activities. File is 197 Kb PDF.
December 2006 Redfern-Waterloo Update - Text Version
This is a text version of the RWA Update issued in December 2006 which focused on the RWA Employment and Enterprise Activities. Contents Include: Groundbreaking training enterprise - Yaama Dhinawan opens in Darlington / Diploma in Business Management / Congratulations Allana! / Local job creation / Construction opportunities in Redfern-Waterloo / PROFILE: Raymond Russell / Aboriginal Business Service success story
The first students to complete a new indigenous food training course at Redfern were awarded their graduation certificates by Education Minister and Member for Marrickville Carmel Tebbutt on 15th December 2006.
Redfern-Waterloo Authority Annual Report 05-06
This is the text of the RWA Annual Report excluding the Financial Report for the Financial year ended June 2006. The Report can be downloaded as either a full version with pictures (2MB) or without pictures (254Kb). We have provided the RWA Annual report on this form to allow it to be searched easily on this site.
RWA Annual Report 2005-2006 - Without Pictures
This is a 253Kb PDF version of the RWA Annual report 05-06 which has had all the pictures removed to produce a reasonable file size.
RWA Annual Report 2005-2006 - Full Version with Pictures by REDWatch
This is the full 2 MB PDF version of the RWA Annual report 05-06 with all the pictures.
Commonwealth Partnership Agreement
The Minister for Redfern Waterloo Frank Sartor entered into an agreement with the Mal Brough on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia dated 1 June 2006 to co-ordinate NSW Government and Federal activity in Redfern-Waterloo.
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