These are Statements made by the RWA, its Minister and other Government Ministers concerning the RWA or issues relating to Redfern Waterloo in 2010. Earlier Statements appear under the year the statement was made.
RWA UPDATE Issue #4 - 8th February 2010
This is the RWA’s electronic Update which was issued on 8 February 2010.
The changing face of Redfern and Waterloo: Crime Down, Housing Prices Up, Jobs and Opportunity for the community
Independent data shows that the partnership approach set up by the NSW Government and the local community is transforming Redfern and Waterloo reports this media release reports this media release from the NSW Premier on 15 February 2010.
Pilot for Stronger and Safer High Rise Public Housing
A $12 million three-year program – which includes "concierge" style front desk staff, on the ground maintenance teams, and extra security measures, especially at night - will be trialled at six Waterloo high-rise public housing buildings to improve safety for their 1,500 residents reports this media release from the NSW Premier on 19 February 2010.
Waterloo Green Project General Information Sheet
This is the information sheet put out by Housing NSW concerning the Waterloo Pilot for Stronger and Safer High Rise Public Housing" anounced by the NSW Premier on 19 February 2010. See also the media release in this same section. File is PDF 196 Kb.
February 2010 RWA Update - PDF Version
This is a PDF version of the February 2010 RWA Update issued on 23 February 2010. The File is 794KB PDF.
February 2010 - RWA Update – Text Version
February 2010 - RWA Update – Text Version - Redfern: A Centre for Excellence / A message from our CEO / Specialist Health Centre set to serve Redfern / Premier Keneally retains Redfern Waterloo ministry / World-class movies to be made in Darlington / Alexandria wins with Emu Astrology Banner / Seniors party like its Christmas time in ‘09 / Local graduates take out top awards / Redfern & Aunty Beryl, fit for a Prince / Heritage Taskforce underway / Family Violence Taskforce extends reach / Offering youth a clean slate / Mudgin-Gal on the up and up / Community Information Meeting on Technology Park / REDWatch meeting and Alexandria follow-up / Redfern Waterloo Business Advice / The girl has got skills / Redfern Police Chief steps into the ring / Aboriginal Men’s Group wears the logo / REDWater Community Market / Find out the latest from the Redfern Waterloo Authority: / What’s happening around the Australian Technology Park?
RWA Update Issue # 5 - 8 March 2010
RWA Update - 8 March 2010 - NEWS: Redfern: A Centre for Excellence / Premier highlights changing face of Redfern Waterloo / Human Services boost at the RWA / RWA CEO attends REDWatch meeting / Parking consultant engaged for Alexandria / Heritage update / RWA helps Babana find new home / New services map on RWA website / Coca Cola comes to Redfern Waterloo / Redfern Waterloo Newsletter at your doorstep / News from the ATP / WHAT’S ON: Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / REDWater Community Market – 20 March / Family and Culture Day on The Block – 27 March / Yaama Dhiyaan - 2010 dates / Koori Job Ready: Information Day on 7 April
Australian Technology Park — Community Meeting Update - 1 March 2010
The following letter was sent to interested resident concerning issues arising from the meeting of 15 December between Alexandria residents and the ATP. The letter advised the details of the Traffic Consultant engaged by the ATP to investigate issues raised by local residents.
RWA Responses to REDWatch Questions
At the REDWatch meeting of 4 March 2010 attendees placed questions into a question box and these were passed to the RWA for a response. The RWA replied in writing to a number of the questions on 7 April 2010. The balance questions were answered on 5 May 2010. Following the RWA meeting on 15 March 2010 the REDWatch Co-ordinating Group also wrote to the RWA raising a number of concerns. At the end of that letter were a series of questions summarising the issues raised. The RWA responded to this letter in their response of 7 April 2010. For ease of interpretation REDWatch has taken the RWA responses and added into it the questions and the REDWatch Co-ordination Group Letter.
RWA Comments on North Eveleigh - April 2010
Apology - In the April issue of the SSH we reported that the Redfern Waterloo Authority had not responded to our questions in regard to the sale of North Eveleigh. The RWA's Community Relations Manager had indeed forwarded the following responses.
May 2010 - RWA Update – Text Version
In the May 2010 RWA Update - NEWS / Redfern chosen for Greater Sydney Partnership launch / New ‘What’s On’ Calender / Generation One function at Yaama / Heritage update / Graffiti Action Day / Farmers’ markets on SBS and in Sydney Magazine / News from the ATP / RWA staff update - DEVELOPMENT NEWS / Redfern RSL redevelopment begins / Car park on Gibbons Street exhibition / Abercrombie and Cleveland St, Redfern application / Momentum event in North Eveleigh - WHAT’S ON / Yaama Dhiyaan - 2010 dates / The Factory Community Centre: World Festival of Children’s Theatre Germany 2010 / Waterloo Community Forum / Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / Artisans’ Market – 1st Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm
RWA Answers Questions from Human Services Forum
Below are answers from the RWA to Questions raised at the human Services Forum on 10 May 2010. Questions asked include: Lack of Primary School places in the region; Role of the concierges; What is happening with the Rachel Forster Building?; Lack of nearby good shopping centre; Inadequate bus services and the Upgrade of Redfern Station.
RWA Update - June 2010
In this RWA Update: NEWS - Waterloo high rise initiative / New community garden for Redfern / Roll Up Redfern campaign announced / Heritage Taskforce update / Rabbitohs support Gambling Awareness Week / Make over for The Shop, Waterloo / NGO Forum to deliver better outcomes / Redfern-Waterloo volunteers recognised / CarriageWorks change in management - DEVELOPMENT NEWS - Gibbons Street car park exhibition held / Abercrombie and Cleveland St, Redfern application / Cafe at 8 Central Avenue, Australian Technology Park - WHAT’S ON - South Sydney Herald Fundraiser 18 June / Playground in the Park 22 June / Aboriginal Women’s Corroboree 25 June / Family and Culture Day 26 June / Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / Artisans’ Market – 1st Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm.
RWA Update – 13 July 2010
This RWA Update Covers: NEWS - Funding available for community groups / Paving the way for pedestrians and cyclists / 2010 Christmas banner competition / Redfern Park and Oval receives architecture award / Local schoolboy learns RWA work / Heritage plans at ATP / $42 million for Indigenous Arts / New Services Map - DEVELOPMENT NEWS - Abercrombie and Cleveland St, Redfern application / Cafe at 8 Central Avenue, Australian Technology Park - WHAT’S ON - 13 July - Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board meeting / 13 July - Microsoft RISE! Free Making “IT” Work for Your Business Training / 30 July - Monthly Informal Gathering / Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / Artisans’ Market – 1st Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm
$9.8 Million Redfern Health Centre Officially Opened
Redfern and Waterloo residents will now have access to improved health services with the official opening of the new $9.8 million Redfern Health Centre - a single, central facility to provide a range of community health, drug and alcohol, and mental health services to the local community reports this media release from the Premier of NSW on 5 August 2010.
RWA subsumed by new Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority
As a priority, the authority will focus on areas currently administered by the Redfern Waterloo Authority, including North Eveleigh and the Australian Technology Park. It is anticipated Redfern and Granville will be the two priority areas for the SMDA over the next 12 months. A new interim board has been appointed and the RWA CEO becomes the interim CEO of the new Authority reports this media release of 23 September 2010 from Planning Minister Tony Kelly.
Keneally Creates Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority
Premier Kristina Keneally on February 21 2010 announced the State Government would set up a Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority – to drive future transit-oriented development and urban renewal.
RWA Statement on Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority
The CEO of the RWA advised that the work of the RWA will continue as per the current plans and that the Australian Technology Park will remain part of the RWA and will ultimately be transferred to the SMDA in this statement on 29 September 2010 regarding the RWA and the Sydney Metropolitan Development Aiuthority (SMDA).
RWA Annual Report 2009-10
This is the Redfern Waterloo Authority Annual Report for 2009 - 2010 issued in November 2010. REDWatch has also extracted text from this Annual Report and made this available as a text document similar to the text version originally produced by the RWA in 2006 and 2007. File is 2.1MB.
Redfern-Waterloo Authority 2009-10 Annual Report – Text Extract
This document extracts the text sections from the RWA 2009-2010 Annual Report with an aim to make it more accessible to researchers and easier to electronically access. The Financials and Notes to the Accounts have been excluded from this text version.
New SEPP covers Redfern Waterloo Eveleigh and Darlington
The NSW Government announced a new SEPP (State Planning Policy) on 16 December covering all of Redfern Waterloo Darlington & Eveleigh. The SEPP requires the RWA successor the Sydney Sydney Metropolitan Development (SMDA) to undertake a planning study of the area. The study will look at a wide range of issues such as infrastructure capacity, traffic and flood modeling, urban design outcomes, landscaping, environmental issues and economic and social factors. The SEPP limits the consent activities of the City of Sydney - The full media release is below. On 17 December the Government published Orders bringing the SMDA under the Growth Centres (Development Corporations) 1974 Act and transferring no Aboriginal Employment RWA staff to the SMDA (links also below).
December 2010 - RWA Redfern Waterloo Update - Text Version
In this RWA Update: Driving housing and employment / A message from our CEO / Training in bloom / Indigenous food in Italy / NCIE receives $500,000 boost / Better business opportunities / REDFERN WATERLOO Business Advice Service / Revitalising The Block / Family Violence Taskforce Forum / Redfern East Development / Q & A with Rabbitohs’ Dave Tyrrell / Souths Cares continues to shine / Supporting local elders / End of an era / A new home for SSYS / Heritage showcase at ATP / Capturing the past / Eveleigh Farmers’ Market / Koori graduate makes his mark / Yaama students have recipe for success / More than just a market /Community Groups Supported by Eveleigh Markets in 2010 / The Cupcake Princess of Eveleigh Market / Fun day out for the whole family/ New local community gardens / Supporting victims of domestic violence / Flying high at Book Week / Asian Moon Festival / Knockout footy performance / Playground in the Park / Find out the latest from the Redfern Waterloo Authority: / Season’s Greetings
December 2010 - RWA Redfern Waterloo Update - PDF Version
This is a PDF version of the December 2010 RWA Update issued on 17 December 2010. The File is 1.9MB PDF.
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