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RWA Response to REDWatch Meeting Questions - 5 March 2009

The Minister for Redfern Waterloo, Kristina Keneally attended the REDWatch monthly meeting on 5 March 2009 with RWA CEO Roy Wakelin-King. The following written responses were received subsequently from the RWA to both questions supplied at the end of the meeting and as follow up to questions from the meeting.



Q. Sydney consumes too much and we need sustainable transport options and buildings. How can we be more sustainable in Redfern Waterloo?

This is a question bigger than Redfern- Waterloo and we have a growing population in Sydney, which will reach 6 million people in the next 20 years. Overarching frameworks provided by the Metro Strategy provide for sustainable development. A number of infill development in the Redfern-Waterloo, for example Green Square, are consistent with the Metro Strategy.

North Eveleigh has many sustainability requirements within the concept plan including:

  • 4 Star Green Star (Office Design) - Green Star is an environmental rating system established by the Green Building Council of Australia in 2003. 4 Star represents industry best practice.
  • 4.5 Star National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) Office Energy (Base Building) - NABERS is a national initiative managed by the NSW Government.
  • BASIX water and energy consumption benchmarks in accordance with the benchmarks established under State Environmental Planning Policy (Building Sustainability Index: BASIX 2004)

In addition, the developer must investigate the achievement of higher targets and the provision for water sensitive urban design measures in open space areas in accordance with the relevant City of Sydney's requirements.

Q. Current blacksmiths shop being a working interpretation?

The Blacksmith's Workshop in North Eveleigh has been adaptively re-used and now hosts the highly successful Eveleigh Markets. An interpretation strategy has been prepared and is in the process of being implemented. This principally includes interpretative panels in keeping with the panels on the viewing platform adjacent to Carriageworks.

The Locomotive Workshop at ATP houses Wrought Artworks Pty Ltd, which is an operational blacksmith's workshop.

Q. Large erecting shop and friends of Eveleigh with the RWA master plan showing a 12 storey building on the site. 

RWA CEO visited the site recently and was able to see first hand the workings of the Large erecting shop.

The RWA has no interest in redeveloping this site. The future use is a matter for RailCorp in consultation with the licensee of the site, 3801 Pty Ltd.

Q. Channel 7 building and if the Government was paying for that. Also the further DA currently being considered by RWA for satellite dishes?

The Government is not paying for the Channel 7 Building. NSW Treasury provided a loan to the RWA for the construction of the ATP NICTA building.

The Director General's Report on the Concept Plan Application for the Channel 7 development in January 2007 refers to roof detail. In relation to the satellite dishes it reports the deletion of satellite dishes from this application and deferral for subsequent application with EMF (Electro magnetic radiation/frequency) information to be submitted.

Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, an applicant may elect to lodge an application to either:

1.      Modify the Part 3A Project approval under Section 75W of the EP&A Act, or

2.      Lodge a development application for assessment and determination under Part 4 of the EP&A Act, in accordance with Clause 9A and Clause 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the SEPP.

The case of the Channel 7 building, the applicant has elected to do the latter and they have provided the relevant information on EMF, which, along with the remainder of the application, is currently under assessment by the RWA.

Q. What is the status of the Human Services Plan Phase 1 Evaluation Report Phase 1?

As advised to the City of Sydney Forum of Thursday 19 March 2009, the new CEO of the RWA is currently finalising this report and in accordance with the previous commitments that have been given in relation to this matter, will provide it to the community accordingly.

As was advised at the forum, the finalisation process needs to include all relevant State based agencies who have a responsibility under this plan. 


Q1.            Below is an extract from the Eveleigh-Locomotive workshop Conservation Management Plan. This was how the Northern section of the blacksmithing bays was to be dealt with (not the Southern side which was to remain operational). When will this be implemented?


The refurbishment of Locomotive Building Bays 1 & 2 North, including the preparation of an interpretation plan and displays, refurbishment of the Pump House, Boilers and the exterior facade of Bays 1 & 2 South are components of ATP's Capital Works Program planned for 2009/10 and 2010/11.

Q2.            Below is an extract from the CMP, that forms the DA consent conditions for the site, concerning the blacksmithing operation on site. Should the future sale of the ATP to a private entity eventuate, how will the Government safeguard the state significant heritage machinery and the Operating Heritage Blacksmithing Shop in perpetuity?


Its important to note that heritage orders attach to a site, not to an owner. That is, heritage orders remain even if a site changes ownership.

The sale of the ATP was announced as part of the mini budget. The details of this process are currently under consideration. Any future proposal will need to comply with the relevant heritage orders relating to the site

Q3: What will happen after Wrought Artworks 12 year lease expires or if Wrought Artworks cannot sustain the large rental increases? Below is an extract from the CMP concerning the blacksmithing operation (and machinery relocation)? Note a business plan was to be prepared in order to address the operation in perpetuity?


Wrought Artworks and ATP are currently in discussions regarding the terms of a proposed lease for 4 years. The proposed lease also includes options for a further 4 year terms plus another 4 year term (initial term would extend to 2012 and the options would extend to 2016 and 2020). In the event Wrought Artworks lease in not renewed in 12 years, ATP will comply with its specific obligations as detailed in the Conservation Management Plan. 

Q4 Below is the press release from the Planning Minister concerning a $300,000 (to be matched $ for $ by the ATP) for funding the CMP implementation. Only a small portion of the grant was spent, the money was returned to Government. Can funds be reallocated to fund the restoration work and reactivation of the steam powered equipment as per the CMP?


In the 2008/09 financial year the following conservation work has been carried out at a cost of approximately $51,000:

  • De-scale and paint the water tower
  • Paint the eastern exposure of the Locomotive Workshop
  • Paint the air receivers in the plaza
  • Paint the façade of bay 2 and the stacks for the boilers
  • Paint the accumulators at the entrance of bay 4
  • Paint the facade of bays 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

ATP requested that 3801 clean up the carriage and remove the graffiti and they responded by repainting the rail carriage to original colours

A further $50,000 has been allocated in the 2009/10 budget to paint the façade of bays 10 – 16 and the rear of the locomotive workshop

Further capital works will be considered as part of the ATP's ongoing responsibilities in managing this site.


The question of the status of the Heritage Grant was asked as a Question on Notice in Parliament twice. Below is the question on Notice concerning the heritage works at the ATP? Robert Domm asserts the funding was spent on its intended purpose and could be accounted for in the SHFA annual reports 2001-2004. There is no physical evidence of the funding being used for its intended purpose. Can the Minister look into this? What can the Minister do to see that the conservation work is carried out?


Please refer to the Answer to Question 4

Question 6

Are the RWA and DoP seeking to unwind the consent conditions granted for development of the Locomotive Workshops? If not how can the Authority and Department demonstrate its compliance to the DA Ministerial consent and the Conservation Management Plan that forms part of it? Below is an excerpt from the DA consent conditions stipulating a detailed program of the heritage aspects of the site to be submitted for the approval of the Director General. Was this done? Is there a copy of such? 


The RWA and the DoP are not seeking to unwind consent conditions. The ATP is required to meet is requirements under the CMP for any development carried out on the site.

Question 7

These final three questions are of some concern as the signify reluctance by the ATP/RWA to accept their heritage obligations:

As a general comment, the RWA and the ATP are not reluctant to meet their heritage obligations. These are important matters which are respected by both organisations, and they are obliged to comply with heritage requirements as stipulated in relevant legislation, regulations and other planning/heritage instruments.

A:                When will the Hydraulic Pump room (Bay 3 annex) be made assessable to public view?


A contamination assessment will be conducted in April 2009 with a view to remediate the Pump House area and refurbish as part of the 2009/10 Capital Works Program. Access to the Pump House will then be available thereafter, pending the outcomes of the contamination assessment.

B:               When will the Wheel Press and Cranes be conserved and suitably relocated in their original locations as per the CMP?


The Wheel Press and Cranes are planned to be relocated to their original locations in 2009/10

C:               When will the ATP respond to Wrought Artworks requests to finalise their tenure arrangements and honour other commitments in the Heads of Agreement. Most importantly to fix the unsafe floor in the workshop, damaged when new services were being laid during the ATP refurbishment?


The finalisation of Wrought Artworks tenure can be finalised when Wrought Artworks sign their occupation licence for which discussions are currently underway