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RWA Update - June 2010

In this RWA Update: NEWS - Waterloo high rise initiative / New community garden for Redfern / Roll Up Redfern campaign announced / Heritage Taskforce update / Rabbitohs support Gambling Awareness Week / Make over for The Shop, Waterloo / NGO Forum to deliver better outcomes / Redfern-Waterloo volunteers recognised / CarriageWorks change in management - DEVELOPMENT NEWS - Gibbons Street car park exhibition held / Abercrombie and Cleveland St, Redfern application / Cafe at 8 Central Avenue, Australian Technology Park - WHAT’S ON - South Sydney Herald Fundraiser 18 June / Playground in the Park 22 June / Aboriginal Women’s Corroboree 25 June / Family and Culture Day 26 June / Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / Artisans’ Market – 1st Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm.


Waterloo high rise initiative

New community garden for Redfern

Roll Up Redfern campaign announced

Heritage Taskforce update

Rabbitohs support Gambling Awareness Week

Make over for The Shop, Waterloo

NGO Forum to deliver better outcomes

Redfern-Waterloo volunteers recognised

CarriageWorks change in management


Gibbons Street car park exhibition held

Abercrombie and Cleveland St, Redfern application

Cafe at 8 Central Avenue, Australian Technology Park


South Sydney Herald Fundraiser 18 June

Playground in the Park 22 June

Aboriginal Women’s Corroboree 25 June

Family and Culture Day 26 June

Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm

Artisans’ Market – 1st Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm


Waterloo high rise initiative

A $12 million, three-year program, which includes "concierge" style front desk staff, on-the-ground maintenance teams, and extra security measures, especially at night will be trialled at six Waterloo high-rise public housing buildings to improve safety for their 1,500 residents. The project is modelled on similar plans run in New York and Melbourne, which have increased tenant support, and reduced vandalism and anti-social behaviour in public housing high rises. All parts of the plan will become operational between July and December 2010. For more information, please visit: www.housing.gov.au.

New community garden for Redfern

Local residents are being encouraged to manage a new community garden at James Street Reserve in Redfern as part of a network of community gardens throughout the city. Beds for growing flowers, fruit and nut trees - primarily for the production of food – will form part of the garden to give city residents a chance to build a sustainable area and to learn gardening skills. The community garden has received an $8,000 grant in the first round of the City of Sydney’s 2009/10 “Community Gardens and Greening the Village” Matching Grants Program. Local groups interested in getting involved should contact Annie Walker, Community Garden and Volunteer Coordinator on 02 9265 9333 or email anwalker@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au.

Roll Up Redfern campaign announced

Telling the world what a great place Redfern-Waterloo is to live, work and play is part of a new partnership to change the perception of Redfern. The Roll Up Redfern Group comprising of the City of Sydney, Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA), Redfern Waterloo Chamber of Commerce (RWCC), REDWatch and Souths Rabbitohs, was formed in 2009 to work collaboratively on business and community development issues in the Redfern and Waterloo area. In consultation with residents, community groups and local businesses to identify and celebrate the key strengths of the Redfern-Waterloo, the results will shape the branding and communications strategy moving forward. The project is due to be completed in September 2010.

Heritage Taskforce update

The Redfern-Waterloo Heritage Taskforce (RWHT) has received three formal nominations for heritage projects in the area from the Dictionary of Sydney, the Office of Rail Heritage and the Performance Space, with another project to enhance the understanding of the history of Eveleigh being considered. Mr Dillon Kombumerri, Senior Architect Indigenous Design with NSW Government Architect’s Office, has been appointed as the Indigenous community representative. In recognition of the importance of the Eveleigh area to Redfern-Waterloo, an Eveleigh Steering Committee has also been established with the first meeting held in May. For further information, please contact Juliet Suich at the Redfern-Waterloo Authority on 9202 9100 or email juliet.suich@rwa.nsw.gov.au.

Rabbitohs support Gambling Awareness Week

Rabbitohs players joined the Hon. Kevin Greene Minister for Liquor Gaming and Racing and Sandra Bailey, CEO of the Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council (AH&MRC), for the Responsible Gambling Awareness Week Launch ‘Lets Talk Gambling’ on 17 May, 2010. The launch was held at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence in Redfern in as a joint AH&MRC and Souths Cares initiative. The week was marked with a number of events and activities to promote responsible gambling practices. Find out more at: http://www.ahmrc.org.au/gambling.php.

Make over for The Shop, Waterloo

CEOs transformed The Shop in Waterloo, a centre for women and children, as part of the ‘CEO Day of Caring’ event organised by United Way. A dozen CEOs, including Redfern-Waterloo Authority’s CEO Roy Wakelin-King, worked hard to improve the centre including decorating a playroom, painting a fence, and revitalising the garden.

NGO Forum to deliver better outcomes

The RWA in conjunction with the Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development hosted an NGO Forum on 20 May at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence in Redfern. The Forum provided an opportunity for a positive discussion between NGO and Government agencies with the RWA outlining its key priorities for human service delivery. The key message was for organisations to work together to deliver better outcomes for the community.

Redfern-Waterloo volunteers recognised

At a special presentation hosted by The Factory Community Centre, volunteers from the Redfern-Waterloo area were recognised for their hard work and dedication to improve the community. Held on 27 May, the Volunteer Awards were presented by Roy Wakelin-King, CEO of Redfern-Waterloo Authority, and Councillor Irene Doutney from City of Sydney Council. Winners included South Sydney Multicultural Centre, the Food Distribution Network and REDWatch.

CarriageWorks change in management

CarriageWorks has announced the resignation of its inaugural Chief Executive Sue Hunt. In a statement from Linda Gregoriou, Acting Chair of CarriageWorks’ Board, Ms Hunt has been appointed as Executive Director of The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation in Melbourne. Ms Hunt leaves CarriageWorks as an arts organisation that directs commercial revenues in the arts sector. By the end of 2010, around $4 million has been reinvested in to the small to medium sector in the first three years of operation. 


Gibbons Street car park exhibition held

The public exhibition for the Part 3A application for the redevelopment of the car park located at 7-9 Gibbons St, Redfern, concluded on 23 April 2010. The Department of Planning forwarded the submissions onto the applicant/proponent (Lawson Square Pty Ltd C/- Kass Hermes Urban Planning and Development). These are currently being reviewed. 

Abercrombie and Cleveland St, Redfern application

The public exhibition of the Part 3A application for a four-storey mixed use development at 136-144 Abercrombie St and 157-161 Cleveland St, Redfern concluded on 21 May 2010. The Department will be forwarding on the submissions and any late submissions to the applicant/proponent (Robert Sargis) for review. 

Cafe at 8 Central Avenue, Australian Technology Park

The development application for a cafe and associated fit-out and signage within 8 Central Avenue building at Australian Technology Park was notified and advertised from 19 May to 2 June 2010. The RWA will commence a detailed assessment of the application which will include consideration of any submissions received during the exhibition and notification period.


To view the full online listing of the What’s On Calendar for Redfern-Waterloo visit: http://www.redfernwaterloo.nsw.gov.au/community_consultation/whats_on.htm.

Here are some of the highlights:

South Sydney Herald Fundraiser

Join speaker and media personality Father Bob Maguire on 18 June at a special fundraiser ‘Poverty – What can be done?’ presented by The South Sydney Uniting Church and the South Sydney Herald. The event is hosted by Julie McCrossin and is being held at Buon Gusto Restaurant, Abercrombie St, Darlington. Contact Trevor Davies on 0400 008 338 for tickets. 

Playground in the Park

Come and join the fun of Playgrounds in the Park on 22 June at Redfern Park with pony rides, an animal farm, a jumping castle, face painting, community info, and more for local families with a child under 5 years of age. A barbeque lunch is provided.

Aboriginal Women’s Corroboree

Join Aboriginal women making a stand against domestic violence and sexual assault on 25 June from 10.30am-2pm at the Aboriginal Women’s Corroboree at Alexandria Town Hall, 73 Garden St, Alexandria. There will be song and dance from Aboriginal women and children, an Elders tent, stalls, a free sausage sizzle and also speeches from various women.

Family and Culture Day

Family and Culture Day, a grassroots community oriented event, is happening on 26 June at The Block in Redfern. The aim of this event, which takes place on the last Saturday of each month, is to bring families back to The Block and to show off the incredible talent within the Redfern Indigenous community. For the children there is a jumping castle, face painting and other entertainment.

Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm

Eveleigh Farmers’ Market is an undercover, traditional, authentic weekly Saturday Farmers’ Market held in the historic Blacksmith Workshop of the one-time Eveleigh Rail Yards on Wilson Street in Darlington. It is Sydney’s only ‘rain, hail, shine’ venue and an inspiring heritage backdrop. The Farmers’ Market is held every Saturday from 8am to 1pm. For more information please visit www.eveleighmarket.com.au.

Artisans’ Market – 1st Sunday of the month, 10am to 3pm

Showcasing the best in Australian independent design, art and crafts, the Artisans’ market, hosted by Eveleigh Market, takes place on the first Sunday of the month from 10am-3pm under the heritage listed Blacksmith Workshop.

To include your event in the RWA What’s On Calendar, to be added to the RWA Update distribution list, to make comments, or to suggest a news item, please contact RWA’s Communications Officer Natalie Kikken on 9202 9112 or email natalie.kikken@rwa.nsw.gov.au.