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New SEPP covers Redfern Waterloo Eveleigh and Darlington

The NSW Government announced a new SEPP (State Planning Policy) on 16 December covering all of Redfern Waterloo Darlington & Eveleigh. The SEPP requires the RWA successor the Sydney Sydney Metropolitan Development (SMDA) to undertake a planning study of the area. The study will look at a wide range of issues such as infrastructure capacity, traffic and flood modeling, urban design outcomes, landscaping, environmental issues and economic and social factors. The SEPP limits the consent activities of the City of Sydney - The full media release is below. On 17 December the Government published Orders bringing the SMDA under the Growth Centres (Development Corporations) 1974 Act and transferring no Aboriginal Employment RWA staff to the SMDA (links also below).


Maps have today been published showing the boundaries of the first three areas to be investigated for revitalisation and renewal by the NSW Government.

Minister for Planning, Tony Kelly, said the maps are part of the new Urban Renewal State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP).

The aim is to create revitalised and more vibrant centres, with a broader range of housing and employment options, which are located near public transport and other existing or planned infrastructure,” the Minister said.

“The SEPP will play an important role in delivering high-quality urban renewal, which is expected to supply an increasing number of housing and jobs in both Sydney and regional areas in coming decades.”

Newcastle CBD, Redfern-Waterloo and the Granville town centre are the first three precincts identified for renewal.

Mr Kelly said the maps show the areas around these centres which will be investigated as potential precincts.

“However, it doesn’t necessarily mean planning rules will change in all streets within the boundaries,” the Minister said.

“Implementation of the SEPP will involve a planning study for each precinct being publicly exhibited for a minimum of 30-days.

“The Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority will study Redfern-Waterloo and Granville precincts, while the Department of Planning will lead the Newcastle study, with the relevant local council.

“Each study will look at a wide range of issues such as infrastructure capacity, traffic and flood modeling, urban design outcomes, landscaping, environmental issues and economic and social factors.

“The SEPP will be the key to achieving the housing and employment targets in the Metropolitan Plan and Regional Strategies, building on the strengths of each location, transforming under-used or dilapidated areas, boosting local economies and providing a mix of uses and activities which meet the needs of the community and attract newcomers.”

While Newcastle, Redfern-Waterloo and Granville have been chosen as the first three precincts using the new SEPP, other suitable precincts will be included in the future.

Typically, a potential urban renewal precinct will be within one kilometre of a transport hub such as a railway station. A guideline setting out the criteria for precinct selection will be published shortly.

Relevant consent authorities (usually councils) must not, while a precinct is being investigated, approve projects valued at more than $5 million unless they are consistent with urban renewal objectives.

Source: Minister's media release of 15 December 2010

You can find more details at: Urban Renewal SEPP and precinct maps published. Also on 16 December 2010 the NSW Government has released the Metro Strategy – more information can be found at: New Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036

On 17 December two NSW statutory instruments were published on the NSW legislation website bringing them into effect:

The first instrument was the Growth Centres (Development Corporations) Amendment (Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority) Order 2010 (2010-752) , this adds the SMDA as an Authority in the 1st Schedule of the GROWTH CENTRES (DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS) ACT 1974. The SMDA is now formally in existence under the Growth Centres (Development Corporations) Act 1974.

The second instrument Public Sector Employment and Management (Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority) Order 2010 (2010-747) establishes The Office of the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority as a Division of the Government Service responsible to the Minister for Planning, transfers some staff from the Office of the RWA to the Office of the SMDA.

The instrument states “ All branches (other than the group of staff who, in the opinion of the Director-General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet, are principally involved in the Redfern Aboriginal Employment Program) are removed from the Office of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority and added to the Office of the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority”.