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Council to Consult SMDA on Planning Activities in Redfern-Waterloo Growth Centre

Below is the text of a letter from The Director General of the Department of Planning to the Lord Mayor of Sydney requesting council to "Council defer finalisation of the DCP amendment for the Lachlan Street Precinct until the SMDA have been consulted with, and their views have been considered. More broadly I encourage you to consult with the SMDA on other planning activities and amendments that you propose within their identified growth centre for Redfern-Waterloo".

Office of the Director General

Councillor Clover Moore    11/03064

Lord Mayor of Sydney

GPO Box 1591

Sydney NSW 2001

Dear Councillor Moore

I refer to Council's Draft Amendment to South Sydney Development Control Plan 1997: Urban Design — Part G: Special Precinct No. 9: Green Square (Lachlan Precinct).

As you may be aware, the precinct is included within one of the growth centres of the recently established Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) and is also a potential urban renewal precinct in State Environmental Planning Policy (Urban Renewal) 2010, The SMDA was established to drive housing and employment opportunities in specific areas, and build economies of local centres. In addition to being an implementation and delivery agency, the SMDA will also undertake land use planning investigations and develop an overarching precinct plan for each of their growth centres.

I therefore request that Council defer finalisation of the DCP amendment for the Lachlan Street Precinct until the SMDA have been consulted with, and their views have been considered. More broadly I encourage you to consult with the SMDA on other planning activities and amendments that you propose within their identified growth centre for Redfern-Waterloo.

Yours sincerely

Sam Haddad

Director General


Source: Memo Relevant to Item 8.3 | PDF 70 Kb and  Item 8.3 Attachment A | PDF 77 Kb

A copy of the area covered by the SMDA can be seen on the SEPP Map at the foot of - Urban Renewal SEPP.