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RWA Clarification on RWIU of 22 June 2011

Following Geoff and Lyn Turnbull's Redfern Waterloo Issues Update of 22 June 2011, the RWA provided the following clarifications regarding North Eveleigh, BEP2 Consultation Process and the Redfern Waterloo Transport Study.

Thank you for your update ... As always, this is a comprehensive overview of what is happening in the Redfern Waterloo area. I would like provide some clarifying remarks on a couple of matters that you have raised below as follows:

North Eveleigh

The SMDA is not aware of the final impact of the proposed City Relief Line on North Eveleigh.  As advised at the last BEMAC meeting, the SMDA has been in extensive discussions with the Department of Transport (formerly Transport NSW) and RailCorp regarding the possible impacts on North Eveleigh arising out of the former Government’s announcement of the Western Express project.  The discussions with both the Department of Transport and RailCorp regarding this project have been focussed on what, if any, the impacts of the proposed Western Express project will have on the North Eveleigh site over and above the current design as outlined in the North Eveleigh Concept Plan.

As advised at the last BEMAC meeting, the SMDA, the Department of Transport and RailCorp have identified areas of North Eveleigh that would potentially be temporarily required for the purposes for the construction of the City Relief Line/Western Express, however the exact final impact of the permanent design of the City Relief Line/Western Express (over an above what has already been allowed for in the North Eveleigh Concept Plan) are still the subject of further review by the Department of Transport and RailCorp.  As also advised at the last BEMAC meeting, this matter needs to be considered in the context of the NSW Government’s assessment of major transport projects and how the City Relief Line/Western Express project may proceed in this regard.

BEP 2 Consultation Process

As advised at the last BEMAC meeting, I can reaffirm that there is no disagreement between the SMDA and Housing NSW on the consultation process and its outcomes regarding BEP 2.  As advised by both Kathy Roil of Housing NSW and myself at that meeting, both the SMDA and Housing NSW are pleased with the process adopted for the consultation stage of BEP 2 and in particular the quantitative and qualitative results received as a consequence.  As also advised, there are a number of key issues and themes that have arisen as a consequence of the consultation process that both the SMDA and Housing NSW are giving consideration to, including measures for next stage of the consultation process.

As also advised, both Housing NSW and the SMDA are looking to build on the lessons learnt out of the consultation stage, and therefore we will liaise with key stakeholders regarding the next stage of the consultation for the BEP 2 project which, as previously discussed, will include Redwatch.

Redfern Waterloo Transport Study

As advised at the last BEMAC meeting, the SMDA has not completed its transport study.  The SMDA is in further discussions with key stakeholders regarding this review process, particularly how it can be integrated into other key transport and traffic studies that are being carried out in the surrounding areas, for example the Botany Road review etc.  As advised at the last BEMAC meeting, the current process is not complete, and as you would appreciate, it would not be appropriate for the SMDA to release incomplete work into the public arena.  The release of a Study undertaken for Redfern Waterloo area also needs to be considered in light of the wider Study requirements for the Redfern-Waterloo urban renewal precinct.

I trust the above helps clarify these matters.  As always, please do not hesitate to call if you wish to further discuss this matter.


Roy Wakelin-King, AM

Chief Executive Officer

Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority

Chief Executive Officer

Redfern-Waterloo Authority

Managing Director

Company Secretary

Australian Technology Park Precinct Management Ltd

PO Box 3332


Ph:  92029101

Fax: 92029111