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Redfern-Waterloo Authority Transition Fact Sheet

Below is the text of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Transition Fact Sheet released by the RWA on 2 November 2011 advising of the changes within the RWA's activities as a result of the winding up of the RWA.



Commencing operation in 2005, the Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) was established to undertake urban renewal and revitalisation across the built environment, employment and enterprise, and human services in its local area. The Redfern-Waterloo Authority was established as a temporary organisation and during the past six years, there has been over $300 million of investment in the area through improved development, job creation, health and community services.

The Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) was established in December 2010 to identify, plan and develop substantial new urban centres within greater Sydney. The SMDA will be assuming many of RWA’s functions and has two precincts currently under review being RedfernWaterloo and Granville.

Subject to parliament, the RWA Act 2004 should be repealed by late 2011.

Fact Sheet purpose

The RWA Transition Fact Sheet is to provide an overview for the transition of the RWA’s functions including:

  • The achievements of the RWA and its partner agencies
  • The NSW Government’s commitment to Redfern-Waterloo
  • What will happen to RWA’s functions
  • The role of the SMDA
  • The next steps

Achievements of the RWA and partner agencies

As a consequence of the implementation of the Redfern-Waterloo Plan and the work of the RWA and its partner agencies, the following has occurred:

  • The $53 million National Centre for Indigenous Excellence which opened in February 2010 including the direct support of $500,000 from the RWA;
  • The concept planning and sale of the Rachel Forster Hospital for a 150 dwelling residential development valued at $70 million upon completion;
  • The development of Australian Technology Park including $123 million for 8 Central Ave (Channel 7) and the $47 million NICTA Building;
  • The establishment of Eveleigh Market;
  • The redevelopment of the Redfern RSL ($25 million) and Gibbons St Carpark ($35 million) for residential and commercial use
  • The enhancement of heritage in the local area through the Redfern-Waterloo Heritage Taskforce, the Heritage Interpretation Plan and heritage-related projects at Australian Technology Park with more than $3 million being invested in the Redfern area;
  • Improved perception of Redfern-Waterloo by the wider community;
  • Assisting Redfern police in the reduction of serious crime;
  • An improved range of targeted local health and community services;
  • Improved training and employment opportunities for Aboriginal people via the Aboriginal Employment Program including Koori Job Ready and Yaama Dhiyaan. Since its inception, over 850 employment opportunities have been created for the Aboriginal community;
  • The implementation of Phase one and two of the Human Services Plan. Phase one focused on improving health services, services for Aboriginal people, youth services, alcohol and mental health issues, and services for children and young families. Phase two looks at improving human services delivery for older people, people with disabilities, migrant communities and homeless people; and
  • The RWA has provided over $1 million in community grants over the past six years.

What you need to know

What is the NSW Government’s commitment to the Redfern-Waterloo area.

  • The NSW Government is committed to the long term social outcomes for Redfern-Waterloo and its ongoing renewal to bring positive and lasting benefits to the area;
  • Redfern-Waterloo will continue to see future significant and positive developments through the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) and other agencies; and
  • The NSW Government will continue to consult closely with the community.

Why is the RWA winding up

  • The RWA was established to facilitate change up to a 10-year period. It was always a temporary organisation;
  • The RWA has made a positive contribution in the Redfern-Waterloo area and has facilitated change through collaboration with agencies and the community; and
  • The RWA has delivered a strategic framework for human services reform. Agencies will continue the reform process initiated by the Redfern-Waterloo Plan; and
  • Significant change has occurred in the Redfern-Waterloo area over the past six years with real and lasting benefits for the community in the areas of investment, job creation, health and community service.

What will happen to RWA’s functions

  • Many of the responsibilities of the RWA will continue through the SMDA and other agencies;
  • The transition of RWA’s functions has already commenced with the transfer of Development Applications to City of Sydney and the Aboriginal Employment Program now being supported by Australian Technology Park Sydney Limited;
  • RWA is committed to creating sustainable pathways for the key programs under the RedfernWaterloo Plan and will be discussing with its partner agencies the best ways to ensure programs continue to operate successfully in the local area; and
  • The RWA will keep the community updated as the transition plans develop.

What is the role of the SMDA

  • The role of the SMDA is to drive housing and employment opportunities in specific areas serviced by public transport and infrastructure and build economies of urban centres;
  • As a priority, the SMDA will focus on the urban renewal of the Redfern-Waterloo and Granville precincts;
  • While the SMDA will continue a number of the core planning and development functions of the RWA, it has an entirely separate legislative platform;
  • SMDA takes a state significant view of metropolitan precincts and projects, not just State significant sites;
  • The SMDA will adopt the urban renewal functions of the RWA including planning and development to continue the renewal of Redfern;  and
  • The SMDA will be delivering further plans for the Redfern-Waterloo precinct including the Built Environment Plan 2 and an Urban Renewal Study; and
  • The SMDA will continue to consult with the community.

More information

Further fact sheets on the transition of the activities of the RWA will be provided in the future. If you have any questions in the interim please contact:

Redfern-Waterloo Authority

Tel: 9202 9100 Email: redfernwaterloo@rwa.nsw.gov.au

Level 11, Tower 2, 1 Lawson Square, Redfern NSW 2015


Source: http://www.redfernwaterloo.nsw.gov.au/other/latest_news/transition_fact_sheet_021111.pdf