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Healthy Ageing Talk Series - 5 November 09 Nov 06, 2009 from 02:00 AM to 04:00 AM The Long Room above The Park Café, Redfern Park (opposite 265 Chalmers Street),
Discussions on Hearing and listening devices & Aging & Lung Disease - Co-sponsored by Council On The Aging (COTA) NSW and South Sydney Leagues Club
CoS Community Forum Inner West - 17 November 2009 Nov 18, 2009 from 10:00 AM to 12:15 PM Erskineville Town Hall, 104 Erskineville Road, Erskineville ,
Community Forum for Darlington, Camperdown (South of Parramatta Road), Chippendale, Newtown - North of King Street & East of Church Street, Erskineville
The Family & Culture Day Nov 01, 2009 from 01:00 AM to 09:00 AM
I hope you can make it, because it will be a special day, and a perfect opportunity for our mobs to acknowledge the Families and Victims of our Pacific Islanders brothers and sisters who have been affected by the recent tsunami. Food Stalls, with delicious native foods and healthy fresh fruit. With your hosts "The Youth Yarn'n Circle". Family & Culture Day showcasing Indigenous Culture to the world.
Celebrating Community - Sunday 22 Nov Nov 23, 2009 from 02:00 AM to 06:00 AM South Sydney Uniting Church (56a Raglan St, Waterloo),
South Sydney Uniting Church celebrates its links with community groups with a worship service at 10am. Followed at noon by live music and a BBQ lunch catering for both vegetarians and omnivores.
REDWATER Community Markets - 19 December 2009 Dec 20, 2009 from 12:00 AM to 08:00 AM REDFERN PARK,
REDWATER Community Market will be held at Redfern Park and held between 8am and 4pm. These community markets are sponsored by the City of Sydney as part of a local community action plan and are organised by the Housing Communities Program (HCP) at the Factory Community Centre, in partnership with Surry Hills Neighborhood Centre and others. All monies raised from the stallholder-fees for the markets are injected back into supporting local environmental community projects such as the Waterloo Recycling Workshop. As the market is part of local community action on climate change, the focus of the market (not exclusively) is on sustainable goods, which are handmade, recycled, or second hand, and are environmental friendly. This is to assist in the reduction of waste strategies of the City Council. However all goods sold must be of reasonably high quality.
REDWATER Community Markets - 16 January 2010 Jan 16, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM REDFERN PARK,
Redwater Community Markets are held 3rd Saturday of the month at Redfern Park and held between 8am and 4pm. These community markets are sponsored by the City of Sydney as part of a local community action plan and are organised by the Housing Communities Program (HCP) at the Factory Community Centre, in partnership with Surry Hills Neighborhood Centre and others. All monies raised from the stallholder-fees for the markets are injected back into supporting local environmental community projects such as the Waterloo Recycling Workshop. As the market is part of local community action on climate change, the focus of the market (not exclusively) is on sustainable goods, which are handmade, recycled, or second hand, and are environmental friendly. This is to assist in the reduction of waste strategies of the City Council. However all goods sold must be of reasonably high quality.
REDWATER Community Markets - 20 February 2010 Feb 21, 2009 from 12:00 AM to 08:00 AM REDFERN PARK,
Redwater Community Markets on the 3rd Saturday of the month at Redfern Park and held between 8am and 4pm. These community markets are sponsored by the City of Sydney as part of a local community action plan and are organised by the Housing Communities Program (HCP) at the Factory Community Centre, in partnership with Surry Hills Neighborhood Centre and others. All monies raised from the stallholder-fees for the markets are injected back into supporting local environmental community projects such as the Waterloo Recycling Workshop. As the market is part of local community action on climate change, the focus of the market (not exclusively) is on sustainable goods, which are handmade, recycled, or second hand, and are environmental friendly. This is to assist in the reduction of waste strategies of the City Council. However all goods sold must be of reasonably high quality.
SURVIVAL DAY ON SYDNEY HARBOUR Jan 26, 2010 from 04:00 PM to 09:00 PM Meet at Sydney Fish Markets at 4.30pm for cruise 5-9pm,
The SSH invites you to join them aboard the Deerubbun - for a unique Australia/Survival Day experience on January 26.
ATP - Channel 7 Building Community Information Meeting - Tuesday 15th December 6pm Dec 16, 2009 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Room 6B, Bay 8 Locomotive Street Australian Technology Park,
A community information meeting is being held so that local residents, ATP tenants and businesses can find out about the arrival of Channe7 and its partner companies, and how the building and surrounding area will operate. The meeting is organised by the RWA & ATP.
ATP Conservation Management Plan Consultation – Monday 7th December 4-6pm Dec 08, 2009 from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM Meeting room 6A, Level 1, Bay 6 Locomotive Workshops (please enter via Bay 8),
Godden Mackay Logan are working on the revised CMP for the ATP and MacLaren North is working on the Section 170 Register. As part of the CMP revision there will be a consultation about the CMP revision on 7th December 2009 between 4-6pm at the ATP. There is concern as some equipment covered previously by the 1995 CMP and and the Management Plan for Moveablew Items has been marked with large pink crosses and tagged for disposal before any consultation.
REDWatch Monthly Meeting 6pm Thurs 3 December 2009 Dec 04, 2009 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Factory Community Centre - 67 Raglan Street Waterloo,
The final REDWatch monthly meeting for the year will be held on 3 December 2009. There will be no speaker for this meeting but there will be follow up discussion on Roy Wakelin-King's presentation at the last meeting and and some discussion leading to the ATP's plans to dispose of some heritage equipment and establish a Heritage Taskforce.
One Minto Tour Dec 08, 2009 from 02:15 AM to 06:30 AM Bus to Minto,
Housing NSW Strategic Projects has been working in South West Sydney public housing estates for the last 5 years on redevelopment/renewal projects in Minto, Bonnyrigg and Airds Bradbury. In Minto, significant work has been done on new roads, parks, a new Community Facility and many new homes are under construction. In the next 2 weeks, public housing tenants will move into new built public housing within the new development. This is an exciting milestone for the One Minto Project.
Family & Culture Day & RCC Christmas Celebration - Friday 18 Dec Dec 19, 2009 from 03:00 AM to 07:00 AM Redfern Community Centre & The Block Redfern,
The last Family & Culture day for the year and it’s a Huge Xmas party !!!
RWCC Christmas Celebration Breakfast - 17th December 2009 Dec 17, 2009 from 11:30 PM to 01:00 AM Park Cafe on Chalmers – Redfern Park (Opposite 265 Chalmers Street, Redfern),
The Redfern Waterloo Chamber of Commerce (RWCC) cordially invites local business people to join the Executive Committee of the RWCC for a deliciously catered Breakfast. This gathering over breakfast will give you a chance to meet the new Executive Committee members, to mark the progress made in the past year and to find out about our plans for 2010.
M5 Expansion PLans Meeting - 14 December 2009 Alexandria Town Hall Dec 15, 2009 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Alexandria Town Hall at 73 Garden Street, Alexandria,
The NSW Government proposes to expand the M5 corridor by widening the existing M5 from Prestons and building a new arterial road to service industrial areas in South Sydney. The purpose of the expansion is to increase capacity, improve travel times and reduce congestion. This is an important isue for our local community, and now is the time for our area to have input and shape the proposal in its early planning and design stages writes Kristina Keneally to local residents in her letter of 8 December 2009.
Canon shows off top shots - 9 January and 14 January 2010 CarriageWorks from Jan 10, 2010 10:55 AM to Jan 15, 2010 10:55 AM Carriageworks, Bay 19, 245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh, Sydney,
SYDNEY: Canon Australia has just announced that it will be holding the EOS Photo5 exhibition throughout January. The free exhibition will display almost 7,000 photos captured by photographers from its recent EOS Photo5 competition reports Grant Shepherd on .
M5 Expansion into South Sydney – RTA requests feedback by 12 March 2010 Mar 20, 2010 09:00 AM RTA, M5 corridor expansion, PO Box 609, Pyrmont NSW 2009,
The RTA is inviting initial submissions to help identify emerging issues to help scope the environmental assessments for the M5 expansion which includes a new two lanes in each direction link the M5 to Campbell Road at Sydney Park. This is likly to increase traffic into Redfern Waterloo.
Informal Agency & Community Group Gathering - 29 Jan Jan 29, 2010 01:00 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
This year’s First Monthly Informal Gathering 29 January 2010 at 1 pm. As usual, on the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together. we meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow you.
Syron Exhibition - 'Fight Back and Pay Back' Jan 25, 2010 from 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM Chapel by the Sea 95 Roscoe St, Bondi Beach, Sydney,
Mr Syron will be speaking more about the meanings of the stories in the artworks-exhibition at the Chapel by the Sea, Monday, 25th January, Eve of Australia Day at 5PM, level 1, 95 Roscoe Street, Bondi Beach (just off Campbell Parade)
Syron Exhibition - 'Fight Back and Pay Back' Jan 26, 2010 from 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM Chapel by the Sea 95 Roscoe St, Bondi Beach, Sydney,
Exhibition will be open on Australia Day Jan 26th from 3 to 6:00PM and Gordon will be there to talk to anyone who visits from 3 to 6:00PM.
Yabun – A Celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Cultures Jan 26, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM Victoria Park, Cnr Broadway and City Rd.,
Yabun will be a celebration of full Aboriginal and Torres Strait art, dance, music, heritage and literature. The event is being emcee-ed by Sean Choolburra and Lillian Crombie and will feature, along with many other acts, Bunna Lawrie, Zennith, The Last Kenection and the Black Turtles Yabun will run from 10am-6pm on Tuesday 26th January in Victoria Park, Cnr Broadway and City Rd. Yabun is a drug and alcohol free event.
Neighbourhood Advisory Board Elections – Redfern from Feb 02, 2010 12:00 AM to Feb 03, 2010 12:00 AM
Inner Sydney Regional Council’s Tenant Participation Resource Service will be holding election for Tenant Representatives to sit on the Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board (NAB).The NABs bring public housing tenants together with Housing NSW staff, police, council and other service providers to work on issues affecting the housing estates. Please contact David White on 9698 4558 or email for more information about times and venues. The Redfern Tenant Representative elections will take place on 2rd and 3rd February.
Nigel Helyer: GhosTrain - Daily for 1 minute Feb 11, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 01:05 PM Performance Space at Carriageworks — Carriageworks, 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh, NSW,
GhosTrain is a site-specific, sonic-sculpture that engages with the disappearing memory of Sydney’s recent industrial past. Each day, at 1pm, a siren will herald the haunting approach of a steam locomotive, whose acoustic trace will pass along the axis of the CarriageWorks foyer space
Stop the NT Intervention March and Rally Feb 13, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 01:05 PM The Block, Redfern,
On Saturday February 13th 2010 there will be a national day of action against the NT Intervention and for Aboriginal rights. This will mark the 2nd anniversary of the Apology to the Stolen Generations. Speakers will include Irene Fisher, Sunrise Health (NT), Pastor Ray Minniecon, Mal Tulloch, CFMEU and Jeff McMullen. Entertainment will be provided by The Black Turtles, Nadeena Dixon and Michael Donovan.
South Sydney FORMAL INTER-Agency meeting Feb 24, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM Redfern Townhall,
The next South Sydney Interagency take place on the above date. This is a great opportunity for formal information sharing, joint planning and discussion.
Monthly Informal Gathering Friday Feb 26, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 03:15 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
On the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together’. We meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow.
Lord Mayor of Sydney Waterloo Social Housing Community Forums Mar 03, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street, Waterloo,
The Lord Mayor hosts this meeting with Government and non-government agencies and residents. It is a great opportunity for you to raise any concerns about you local area and find out about the various projects and developments that are happing
Waterloo NABs – Learning, Employment, Enterprise Action Group Mar 04, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:45 PM Factory Community Centre, Raglan Street, Waterloo,
The above action group is open to all agencies and resident working on projects tackling the above issues. The next meeting will be focusing on forthcoming landscaping projects at PCYC and Cook Community Garden, and other related projects planned for 2010.
Waterloo NABs – Community Safety Action Group Mar 24, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM the Factory Community Centre,
The next round of meetings for the above group is open to all agencies and residents working on Community Safety projects and issues within the Waterloo area. There will also be an update on the progress of the Waterloo Green Action Plan.
GhosTrain - Nigel Helyer in residence. Mar 13, 2010 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM Bay 19 CarriageWorks 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh,
Meet the artist and discuss his ongoing project GhosTrain. Nigel Helyer is beginning research for the third stage of a project called GhosTrain with Performance Space @ CarriageWorks. In order to conduct research for this project and collect the individual and myriad stories and historical audio material to make the project a rich and informative experience for members of the public, we are inviting you to join us, so that we can explain the project and invite your expertise and contribution. Please RSVP to as refreshments will be served.
Good Neighbour BBQ - Golden Grove - Darlington / Newtown Wednesday March 17, 11am-2pm Mar 17, 2010 from 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM Golden Grove Housing, between Golden Grove and Forbes Sts, Newtown,
Redfern Police and City of Sydney Council are organising a series of Good Neighbour BBQs. The events aim to give people the opportunity to meet their neighbours, Police and Council staff, enjoy a free BBQ and a show put on by Erth Dinosaur Petting Zoo, children's activities and information about what's happening in local neighbourhoods, including safety and security initiatives.
Good Neighbour BBQ - Erskineville - Sunday March 28, 11am-2pm Mar 28, 2010 from 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM Reserve Cnr Harold and Gowrie Sts, Erskineville,
Redfern Police and City of Sydney Council are organising a series of Good Neighbour BBQs. The events aim to give people the opportunity to meet their neighbours, Police and Council staff, enjoy a free BBQ and a show put on by Erth Dinosaur Petting Zoo, children's activities and information about what's happening in local neighbourhoods, including safety and security initiatives.
Good Neighbour BBQ - Waterloo - Wednesday March 31, 11am-2pm Mar 31, 2010 from 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM Waterloo Green, Raglan St, Waterloo,
Redfern Police and City of Sydney Council are organising a series of Good Neighbour BBQs. The events aim to give people the opportunity to meet their neighbours, Police and Council staff, enjoy a free BBQ and a show put on by Erth Dinosaur Petting Zoo, children's activities and information about what's happening in local neighbourhoods, including safety and security initiatives.
Good Neighbour BBQ - Rosebery - Sunday April 11, 11am-2pm Apr 11, 2010 from 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM Turruwal Park, Harcourt Parade, Rosebery,
Redfern Police and City of Sydney Council are organising a series of Good Neighbour BBQs. The events aim to give people the opportunity to meet their neighbours, Police and Council staff, enjoy a free BBQ and a show put on by Erth Dinosaur Petting Zoo, children's activities and information about what's happening in local neighbourhoods, including safety and security initiatives.
Good Neighbour BBQ - Alexandria - Sunday April 18, 11am-2pm Mar 17, 2010 from 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM Reserve Explorer St and Railway Parade, Alexandria,
Redfern Police and City of Sydney Council are organising a series of Good Neighbour BBQs. The events aim to give people the opportunity to meet their neighbours, Police and Council staff, enjoy a free BBQ and a show put on by Erth Dinosaur Petting Zoo, children's activities and information about what's happening in local neighbourhoods, including safety and security initiatives.
Good Neighbour BBQ - Redfern - Wednesday April 21, 11am-2pm Apr 21, 2010 from 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM Poet's Corner, Morehead St, Redfern,
Redfern Police and City of Sydney Council are organising a series of Good Neighbour BBQs. The events aim to give people the opportunity to meet their neighbours, Police and Council staff, enjoy a free BBQ and a show put on by Erth Dinosaur Petting Zoo, children's activities and information about what's happening in local neighbourhoods, including safety and security initiatives.
RWCC Strategic Plan Consultation Breakfast Mar 25, 2010 from 07:00 AM to 10:00 AM Park Café on Chalmers , Redfern Park (Opposite 265 Chalmers Street, Redfern),
You are invited to HAVE YOUR SAY in the development of the RWCC Strategic Plan:
GhosTrain - Nigel Helyer in residence - Saturday 13 March, 3pm Mar 13, 2010 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM Bay 19 CarriageWorks 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh,
GhosTrain is focused upon the Eveleigh Railway Workshops, once the largest employer in New South Wales, and in its day a both a centre of technological innovation and of working class political organisation. The site was closed by the State government some decades ago and has recently been repurposed as a cultural zone, mirroring the redevelopment of its sister site (the Redfern Locomotive Workshops) as a Technology park. GhosTrain is designed in three stages and aims to recognise the importance of the soundscape that once characterised the site and endeavours to re-instate specific elements of its acoustic ecology and the memories contained within oral history.
Big Day In - Information Sharing Event for the Aboriginal Community Mar 19, 2010 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM Redfern Community Centre,
Come along and find out about the Opportunities, Programmes and Services available to you and your family from various groups and agencies. MC Pastor Ray Minniecon
Elaine Pelot-Syron : Thinking Outside The Square: A Retrospective (1972-2010) Mar 14, 2010 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM Uniting Church, 56a Raglan Street, Waterloo,
The exhibition title, Thinking Outside The Square typifies those in the images who often find themselves on the fringe of society. Over 200 black and white and colour carefully culled photographs, or perhaps they may even ‘visual transcripts’, are being exhibited in the collection at the opening within a church setting, providing the exhibition with a sense of the sacred and surreal.
Elders: Telling Your Story Mar 11, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Waterloo Library ,
Elders Project is a 4 week workshop for people from Redfern and Waterloo to tell their stories. Guided by John Hockney, an experienced facilitator, the Elders Project will teach people the skills to share their stories in an interesting and professional way. The project aims to honour the contribution Elders have made to our local community whether people were born here or came to Australia and settled. For more information call Waterloo Library on 9288 5688 or contact Marion Nicolson on 9310-2220 or email
Erskineville PCTC - Community Update Mar 18, 2010 from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM Erskineville Town Hall, 104 Erskineville Road, Erskineville,
You are invited to a community update for further opportunity to view draft proposals for Erskineville and to talk with the City’s transport planners and area traffic engineers.
REDWATER Community Markets Apr 17, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Redfern Park ,
The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527 and for general information call 9698 9569.
REDWater Community Market Mar 20, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM REDFERN PARK,
The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527.
REDWater Community Market May 15, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Redfern Park ,
The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527.
REDWater Community Market Jun 19, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Redfern Park ,
The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527.
REDWater Community Market Jul 17, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Redfern Park ,
The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527.
REDWater Community Market Aug 21, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM REDFERN PARK,
The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527.
REDWater Community Market Sep 18, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM
The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527.
REDWater Community Market Oct 16, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Redfern Park ,
The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527.
REDWater Community Market Nov 20, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Redfern Park ,
The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527.
REDWater Community Market Dec 18, 2010 from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Redfern Park ,
The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527.
Redfern / Waterloo Chamber of Commerce Mar 25, 2010 from 07:00 AM to 10:00 AM Park Café on Chalmers, Redfern Park (Opposite 265 Chalmers Street, Redfern),
You are invited to HAVE YOUR SAY in the development of the RWCC Strategic Plan: RSVP: Tuesday 23 March 2010 Mary Lynne Pidcock on 0419 657 888 This facilitated consultation and development of the strategic plan is one of the projects funded by City of Sydney Business Grant Scheme for 2009-2010 and the outcome of our discussion will guide RWCC activities over the next three years. It will also be used support our future applications for Business Grants. The participation of local businesses interested in a strong local chamber is welcomed and is essential for the success of this
Thinking Outside The Square: A Retrospective (1972-2010) from Mar 14, 2010 12:00 AM to May 20, 2010 12:00 AM Uniting Church, 56a Raglan Street, Waterloo,
"I have been documenting people, places and events for over three decades. As an American emigrant from Bradenton, a small country town in Florida, I came to cosmopolitan Sydney in 1971, with fresh eyes" Over 200 black and white and colour carefully culled photographs, or perhaps they may even form ‘visual transcripts’, are being exhibited in the collection at the opening within a church setting, providing the exhibition with a sense of the sacred and surreal. Images are laid out on the church pews creating a sense of engagement, and are a metaphor for presenting people “where they sat”. Hours: Tue - Thur 4.30 to 6pm; Sun 9am to 12noon
Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board Apr 06, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Our Place Community Room, Poets Corner, Morehead Street, Redfern,
The Neighbourhood Advisory Boards (NAB) are made up of elected tenant representatives, and both Government and Non-Government agencies, who work together to discuss and address issues and concerns important to tenants on the Public Housing Estates. The NABs were set up so that tenants could be involved in making decisions and discussing issues and concerns that affect those who live on the estates. Agencies, who provide services in the area, are also involved in working with the community.
Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board May 11, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM our place at Moorhead Street,
The Neighbourhood Advisory Boards (NAB) are made up of elected tenant representatives, and both Government and Non-Government agencies, who work together to discuss and address issues and concerns important to tenants on the Public Housing Estates. The NABs were set up so that tenants could be involved in making decisions and discussing issues and concerns that affect those who live on the estates. Agencies, who provide services in the area, are also involved in working with the community.
Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board Jul 13, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Our Place Community Room, Poets Corner, Morehead Street, Redfern,
The Neighbourhood Advisory Boards (NAB) are made up of elected tenant representatives, and both Government and Non-Government agencies, who work together to discuss and address issues and concerns important to tenants on the Public Housing Estates. The NABs were set up so that tenants could be involved in making decisions and discussing issues and concerns that affect those who live on the estates. Agencies, who provide services in the area, are also involved in working with the community.
Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board Sep 14, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Our Place Community Room, Poets Corner, Morehead Street, Redfern,
The Neighbourhood Advisory Boards (NAB) are made up of elected tenant representatives, and both Government and Non-Government agencies, who work together to discuss and address issues and concerns important to tenants on the Public Housing Estates. The NABs were set up so that tenants could be involved in making decisions and discussing issues and concerns that affect those who live on the estates. Agencies, who provide services in the area, are also involved in working with the community.
Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board Nov 16, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Our Place Community Room, Poets Corner, Morehead Street, Redfern,
The Neighbourhood Advisory Boards (NAB) are made up of elected tenant representatives, and both Government and Non-Government agencies, who work together to discuss and address issues and concerns important to tenants on the Public Housing Estates. The NABs were set up so that tenants could be involved in making decisions and discussing issues and concerns that affect those who live on the estates. Agencies, who provide services in the area, are also involved in working with the community.
Waterloo NABs – Learning, Employment, Enterprise Action Group Mar 25, 2010 from 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM Factory Community Centre, Raglan Street, Waterloo,
The above action group is open to all agencies and residents working on projects tackling the above issues. The next meeting will be focusing on forthcoming landscaping projects at PCYC and Cook Community Garden, and other related projects planned for 2010.
REDWATCH - April Monthly meeting - Postponed due to Easter Apr 01, 2010 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM to be advised,
The regular monthly meeting postponed, but during the month a meeting with Sydney University Vice Chancellor and a Transport Forum are being planned.
ELDERS JOHN HOCKNEY - Telling stories from your life Mar 25, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM WATERLOO LIBRARY, WATERLOO TOWN HALL, 770 ELIZABETH STREET, WATERLOO,
JOHN HOCKNEY migrated to Australia from England in 1964. He is an accredited member of The Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Inc, and The Oral History Association Of NSW. He has written two books: ‘REMEMBER WHEN—HOW TO UNLOCK LIFE STORIES ‘and ‘OPEN HEARTS -HIDDEN LIVES’. Stories help provide a greater understanding of humanity and the wide spectrum of traditions and cultures around the world. John believes there is no such thing as an ordinary person. We all have something unique to share, and invites you to tell your story of life experiences in the Elders project. He empathises with people, honouring and respecting what they share, and looks forward to listening and documenting your stories. He has travelled widely in Australia, UK USA, Singapore and Thailand working with communities and accessing their stories
ELDERS JOHN HOCKNEY - Telling stories from your life Apr 01, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM WATERLOO LIBRARY, WATERLOO TOWN HALL, 770 ELIZABETH STREET, WATERLOO,
JOHN HOCKNEY migrated to Australia from England in 1964. He is an accredited member of The Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Inc, and The Oral History Association Of NSW. He has written two books: ‘REMEMBER WHEN—HOW TO UNLOCK LIFE STORIES ‘and ‘OPEN HEARTS -HIDDEN LIVES’. Stories help provide a greater understanding of humanity and the wide spectrum of traditions and cultures around the world. John believes there is no such thing as an ordinary person. We all have something unique to share, and invites you to tell your story of life experiences in the Elders project. He empathises with people, honouring and respecting what they share, and looks forward to listening and documenting your stories. He has travelled widely in Australia, UK USA, Singapore and Thailand working with communities and accessing their stories
Monthly Informal Gathering Friday Mar 26, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
As usual, on the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together’. We meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow.
Monthly Informal Gathering Apr 30, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 04:45 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
As usual, on the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together’. We meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow.
Monthly Informal Gathering May 28, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 04:50 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
As usual, on the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together’. We meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow.
Monthly Informal Gathering Jun 25, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 04:50 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
As usual, on the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together’. We meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow.
Monthly Informal Gathering Jul 30, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 04:55 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
As usual, on the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together’. We meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow.
Monthly Informal Gathering Aug 27, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 04:55 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
As usual, on the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together’. We meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow.
Monthly Informal Gathering Sep 24, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
As usual, on the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together’. We meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow.
Monthly Informal Gathering Oct 29, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
As usual, on the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together’. We meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow.
Monthly Informal Gathering Nov 26, 2010 from 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden),
As usual, on the last Friday of the month, we invite agencies and community groups reps and volunteers to come together for an informal lunch time ‘get together’. We meet at the Norfolk Hotel – Cleveland Street (Beer Garden). It is a great chance to take time out of our busy schedules and catch up with each other, sharing news, and information informally. You buy your own refreshments and lunch and can stay a short or as long as time will allow.
University of Sydney & Darlington / Redfern - Improving the Neighbour Relationship Apr 20, 2010 from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM The Sydney University Settlement, 17 Edward St, Darlington,
REDWatch is organising a community meeting with Sydney University Vice Chancellor Michael Spence to explore how the University and the surrounding community can better work together in the future.
University of Sydney Community Meeting on North Eveleigh - 28 April 2010 Apr 28, 2010 from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM Track B Carraigeworks,
The University of Sydney is hosting a public forum to begin a discussion with the local community about proposals for the future of North Eveleigh.
Redfern Waterloo Public Transport Forum Apr 15, 2010 from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM The Factory Community Centre at 67 Raglan Street Waterloo ,
A Public Forum on the Future of Public Transport in the Area to be held at The Factory Community Centre at 67 Raglan Street Waterloo on Thursday 15th April 2010 commencing at 6:30 pm with speakers from the Community Transport sector, NSW Rail, and State Buses.
"Poverty — What can be done?" - Fr Bob Maguire - SSH Fundraiser Jun 18, 2010 from 06:30 AM to 10:00 AM Buon Gusto Restaurant in Abercrombie St, Darlington,
The South Sydney Uniting Church & The South Sydney Herald present FATHER BOB MAGUIRE Hosted by Julie McCrossin for a fundraiser for the SSH.
2010 Redfern ANZAC Commemoration Apr 25, 2010 from 12:30 PM to 04:30 PM Block to Redfern Park,
The Coloured Digger Project, NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Veterans’ Services Association & Babana Aboriginal Mens’ Group Redfern INVITE YOU TO ATTEND 2010 Redfern ANZAC Commemoration
Me-mel: Goat Island through Bennelong’s Eyes - Sunday 18th April 2010 Apr 18, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM GOAT ISLAND,
Cruise to Goat Island to discover the Aboriginal cultural heritage of Goat Island.
Deaths in Custody Public Meeting - 10th April 2010 Apr 10, 2010 from 01:00 AM to 02:00 AM REDFERN COMMUNITY CENTRE (THE BLOCK),
Waterloo Community Forum May 14, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre, near the IGA,
The local member and premier hosts this meeting with government and non-government agencies and residents. It's a great opportunity for you to raise any concerns about your local area and find out about the various projects and developments that are happening.
Redfern Social Housing Open House Community Forum May 26, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Redfern Centre 9 Ogden Lane, Redfern,
The Lord Mayor hosts this meeting with government and non-government agencies and residents. It's a great opportunity for you to raise any concerns about your local area and find out about the various projects and developments that are happening.
Redfern Social Housing Open House Community Forum Nov 17, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Redfern Centre 9 Ogden Lane, Redfern,
The Lord Mayor hosts this meeting with government and non-government agencies and residents. It's a great opportunity for you to raise any concerns about your local area and find out about the various projects and developments that are happening.
Waterloo NABs – Community Safety Action Group Jun 24, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM the Factory Community Centre,
The meetings is open to all agencies and residents working on Community Safety projects and crime prevension issues within the Waterloo area. There will also be an update on the progress of the Waterloo Green Action Plan.
Waterloo NABs – Community Safety Action Group Sep 21, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM The Factory Community Centre,
The meetings is open to all agencies and residents working on Community Safety projects and crime prevension issues within the Waterloo area.
Waterloo NABs – Community Safety Action Group Dec 08, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM The Factory Community Centre,
The meetings is open to all agencies and residents working on Community Safety projects and crime prevension issues within the Waterloo area.
South Sydney FORMAL INTER-Agency meeting Apr 28, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM Redfern Town Hall,
Formal information sharing, joint planning and discussion between local agencies and community groups hosted by Inner Regional Council for Social Development.
South Sydney FORMAL INTER-Agency meeting Jun 23, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM Redfern Town Hall.,
Formal information sharing, joint planning and discussion between local agencies and community groups hosted by Inner Regional Council for Social Development.
South Sydney FORMAL INTER-Agency meeting Aug 18, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM Redfern Town Hall.,
Formal information sharing, joint planning and discussion between local agencies and community groups hosted by Inner Regional Council for Social Development.
South Sydney FORMAL INTER-Agency meeting Oct 27, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM Redfern Town Hall.,
Formal information sharing, joint planning and discussion between local agencies and community groups hosted by Inner Regional Council for Social Development.
Waterloo NABs – Learning, Employment, Enterprise Action Group May 20, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM the Factory Community Centre,
This group meet bi monthly as part of the Waterloo Neighbourhood Advisory Board new framework. It brings together local residents and agencies involved in projects and sercicees wich seek to improve access to learning, employment and learning action within Waterloo and Redfern.
Graffiti Action Day 2010 May 02, 2010 from 03:20 PM to 04:20 PM George St Waterloo or Morehead St Redfern,
Graffiti vandalism has negative financial and social impact upon the community, specifically residents, business owners, local government and transport operators. Graffiti Action Day is a result of a partnership between Keep Australia Beautiful & the NSW Government and is a first for Australia! The key aims of the Graffiti Action Day are to: • Engage the community in removal of graffiti • Raise awareness of good graffiti removal methods • Support non-government and community run facilities in repairing damage caused by graffiti
PLAYGROUPS IN THE PARK - 22 June 2010 - Redfern Jun 22, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 01:30 PM REDFERN PARK,
Baby Animal Farm & Pony Rides, Jumping Castle, Music & Movement, Clown, Mobile Playbus, Kids Flower Arranging, Trackless Train, Face painting, other children’s activities, Community info, free raffle with great prizes and much more. BBQ lunch provided. This event is for local families with children under 5 years of age. Remember to bring a hat for your child. Wet weather venue undercover in the park.
Darlington Food Garden Meeting - Saturday 15 May 2010, 2pm - 5pm May 15, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM Redfern Community Centre 29-53 Hugo Street Redfern,
When Council talked to local residents about upgrading Charles Kernan Reserve it was suggested it might include a food garden. In response an area has now been set aside for food growing, and will be developed as part of the renewal of the reserve. Council are holding a meeting for those who wish to be involved with the Food Garden on May 15. The letter sent to those who expressed an interest earlier is below.
FAMILY & CULTURE DAY on The Block - Movie Night Under the Stars Apr 24, 2010 from 05:05 PM to 09:05 PM The Block, Redfern,
'Chicka' Dixon, Short Black Films, Between the Lines, Rabbit Proof Fence, Youth Rememberance. Bring your chairs, blankets, cushions for comfort. Healthy food and popcorn available. This is a drug and alchohol free event.
Erskineville Gardening and Composting Day Apr 25, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 05:40 PM 52-54 Erskineville Road (opposite BP),
Hello Erko neighbours/ keen composters and gardeners, We are composting and gardening on council vacant land at 52-54 Erskineville Road (opposite BP). We are aiming to continue using this land and enliven a vacant space in our neighbourhood, compost organic waste, grow local edible plants, KEEP THIS LAND OPEN AND AVAILABLE FOR COMMUNITY USES, NOT FOR COUNCIL TO SELL FOR DEVELOPMENT IF YOU WOULD COME BY AND HAVE A LOOK... THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 25, AROUND 10am, WE WILL HAVE A WORKING BEE/ TIDY/PLANTING YOU CAN BRING SOME COMPOST FOR THE BIN, YOU CAN BRING A PLANT, OR JUST COME BY, HAVE A LOOK AND CHAT
Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce Eveleigh Sub-Committee May 12, 2010 from 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM
The Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce has been established to identify opportunities for the active conservation, interpretation and, where appropriate, the adaptive reuse of the heritage of the Redfern Waterloo area, in tandem with the revitalisation and renewal of the area. A project based approach has been chosen in order to achieve a broad and comprehensive treatment of the area’s diverse heritage values. The Taskforce is also seeking to establish a Sub-Committee to specifically address matters relating to the heritage of the former Eveleigh Railway Workshops.
ISRCSD & RWA - Human Services Forum May 20, 2010 from 03:30 PM to 05:00 PM National Centre for Indigenous Excellence 180 George Street, Redfern ,
The Forum is aimed at bringing all NGOs and interested residents located in the Redfern/Waterloo area together to hear what is happening in our area, what is planned for the area and, most importantly, to provide input and ideas for future planning and to discuss and try to resolve any problems or concerns that may be raised.
REDWatch Meeting - 6 May 2010 6pm May 06, 2010 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM Factory Community Centre 67 Raglan Street Waterloo,
The Monthly meeting of REDWatch will be held at the Factory on Thursday 6 May 2010.
RWCC Networking Function - May 26, 2010 from 05:30 PM to 07:30 PM Woolpack Hotel, 229 Chalmers Street, Redfern,
The Redfern Waterloo Chamber of Commerce (RWCC) cordially invites you to their next Member Networking EventAt the Woolpack Hotel. Deliciously catered, this gathering over a relaxing drink will give you a chance to meet with your Executive Committee and other members, and to hear about the RWCC Strategic Plan for 2010-2013.
Gathering Ground 2010: Timelessness past, present and future May 27, 2010 from 06:30 PM to 09:00 PM The Block, Redfern ,
Gathering Ground is Back for its Third Performance. If you have seen either of the earlier performances you will want to come back - if not don't miss this opportunity. [We have added a link below where you can see some photo's from the last Gathering Grounds].
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