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You are here: Home / UrbanGrowth, SMDA & RWA Plans & Activities / Eveleigh Rail Heritage / Heritage Listings & Significance / ATP Eveleigh Moveable Items / Volume 1 - Draft Management Plan for Moveable Items Eveleigh Railway Yards Locomotive Workshops

Volume 1 - Draft Management Plan for Moveable Items Eveleigh Railway Yards Locomotive Workshops

This Volume 1 of the ATP "Eveleigh Workshops Management Plan for Moveable Items and Social History" 1996. This document sets out the methodology for the significance of equipment, assemblages, collections, systems and operating groups and the conservation policy. It sets out the Management Plan for dealing with the Moveable heritage that is detailed with specific plans in Volume 3 of the report. This document was reviewed in 2009 with some items designated for disposal hence we have made available on the web the original Management Plan and details of the equipment it covered. This section of the website also contains a text index for matching the names of equipment with their 1996 Inventory Numbers. This pdf file is a scan of part of the original document.

1996_06 V1 Eveleigh Management Plan Vol 1.pdf — PDF document, 3760 kB (3850246 bytes)