Review and Evaluation of the progress of the Human Services Plan Phase One
4.1.2 Review and Evaluation of the progress of the Human Services Plan Phase One.
An independent qualified consultant has been contracted to undertake the review and evaluation of the progress of the Human Services Plan Phase One to date.
An Evaluation Framework for the Human Services Plan has been developed and was endorsed by the relevant stakeholders in June 2006.
This framework consists of a hierarchy of outcome, intermediate and process indicators covering the ten key priority areas.
Key tasks in developing the Evaluation report will include:
- Review of relevant plans and policies including the State Plan 2006 and Two Ways Together for Aboriginal people.
- Assembly and interpretation of 12 month data on outcome indicators compared to baseline data.
- Assembly and interpretation of 12 month data on service output and intermediate indicators compared to baseline data.
- Assembly and assessment of agency performance in implementing key actions and strategies, and
- Consultation with key stakeholders including government agencies, non government agencies and community.
The draft evaluation report will be prepared for circulation to the Human Services Plan Implementation Senior Officers Group for comment in early March 2008.
The Human Services Plan will continue to be reviewed and evaluated on a biennial basis to monitor progress and achievement of anticipated outcomes for the community of Redfern and Waterloo.
Source: RWA Submission to the NSW Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage page 29 No.
11, Redfern-Waterloo Authority
Evaluation and Review of Human Services Plan Phase One
I refer to your email of 11 February and advise as follows:
The requirement for the evaluation and review of the Human Services Plan Phase 1 was approved by NSW Government in December 2005.
The RWA contracted Richard Gilbert Consulting in 2006 to develop the evaluation framework for the Human Services Plan.
The framework includes:
- medium and long term outcome indicators;
- process indicators to monitor plan implementation by agencies; and
- An audit of the plan to align goals with strategies.
The framework also indicates that the first major evaluation of performance in implementing the Plan would occur 18 months after the release of the final Plan.
Government agencies have reported on their performance indicators in 2006 and 2007.
In June 2007, 18 months after the adoption of the Human Services Plan Phase 1, Richard Gilbert Consulting developed a proposal to provide the 18 month evaluation of the Plan. Key elements of the proposal include:
- Review of relevant plans and policies
- Interpretation of 12 month data on outcome indicators compared to baseline data
- Interpretation of 12 month data on service output and intermediate indicators compared to baseline data
- Assessment of agency performance in implementing key actions and strategies (process indicators)
- Review of data obtained through any community surveys and focus groups gathered throughout the process of the Plan being implemented. This includes review of meeting notes, Taskforce actions and working groups.
- Consultation with key stakeholders with responsibility for actions in the Plan. This includes government agencies and NGO’s.
- Preparation of the final report.
The review of the implementation of the Plan is focusing primarily on the actions that have been achieved, actions that haven’t been achieved and the reasons why, and a review of the processes utilised by lead and support agencies in implementation.
This review is around progress to date.
Consultation with the community to identify their understanding, perceptions and feedback on the impact of the Human Services Plan would be a separate piece of research utilising a specific methodology for this purpose. This type of research requires a sampling methodology that is statistically valid and representative of a cross section of the community. This is not in the current scope of the review project. However, the Consultant is currently meeting with NGO’s and Community based organisations such as Connect Redfern, and South Sydney Youth Services etc that are actively involved in the Plan’s implementation.
Should you wish to discuss this further, please contact Julie Parsons at the RWA office on 9202 9100.
Robert Domm
Chief Executive Officer, RWA
Source: Email to REDWatch dated 12th February 2008