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Community Consultation Strategy

A section covering the Communtity Consultation Strategy for the Draft Human Services Plan was added to the RWA website on 14 October 2005 with the launch of the RWA Draft Human Service Plan Consutation. There were also some changes made to the home RWA page which are also mentioned below.

Draft Human Service Plan - Community Consultation Strategy

The Redfern-Waterloo Authority is committed to community consultation on the Draft Human Services Plan with service providers, the community and other relevant stakeholders. The consultation period will close on Friday 11 November 2005.

The consultation strategy includes:

  • a public information forum to be held on Saturday 29 October from 1.30 – 3.30 pm at the Redfern Town Hall, 73 Pitt Street, Redfern
  • four information service meetings with service cluster groups including youth, children and families, health and Aboriginal;
  • an information meeting with Aboriginal organisations;
  • an information meeting with youth organisations;
  • a youth forum organised in partnership with the NSW Youth Advisory Council;
  • distributing the Redfern-Waterloo Update October 2005 edition with a focus on the Draft Human Services Plan, to every household in Redfern and Waterloo;
  • all information, including a copy of the Plan available on the RWA website, www.redfernwaterloo.com.au

Feedback from the community and stakeholders is encouraged and can be submitted in writing, by email or via the feedback form on the RWA website.

Find us at Level 11, Tower 2, 1 Lawson Square, Redfern
Write to us at PO Box 3332, Redfern 2016 or
Fax us on 9202 9111
Phone us RWA on 9202 9100
Email:on the Draft Human Services Plan should be directed to humanservices@rwa.nsw.gov.au

This information appeared on 14 October 2005 at http://www.redfernwaterloo.nsw.gov.au/community_consultation/draft_human_services.htm  


The RWA Home Page also made reference to the HSP

Draft Human Services Plan on exhibition

The Draft Redfern-Waterloo Human Services Plan will be on public exhibition until close of business on 11 November 2005.

Redfern-Waterloo Update October 2005 provides an introduction to the Plan and a summary of the priority areas and key actions.

Feedback from the community is encouraged and can be submitted in writing, by email or via the feedback form on the RWA website.


A Public Information Forum about the Draft Human Services Plan will be held on Saturday 29 October 1.30 – 3.30 pm at the Redfern Town Hall 73 Pitt Street, Redfern. More ...

This information appeared on 14 October 2005 http://www.redfernwaterloo.com.au/index.html

Due to the large size of some of the files referred to on this page we have removed links so you do not accidentally start a large download. If you wish to access the files that are referred to above the links to the relevant files on the REDWatch archive are:

The Draft Redfern-Waterloo Human Services Plan (288Kb) www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/humanservices/hsp051014/draft_human_services_plan.pdf

Redfern-Waterloo Update October 2005 PDF (603 Kb) www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/humanservices/hsp051014/DHSP%20newsletter%20final_101005.pdf

Redfern-Waterloo Update October 2005 text www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/humanservices/hsp051014/051014rwa

Feedback www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/humanservices/hsp051014/feedback