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Human Services Plan Text Comparison of Final with Draft

This is a text comparison between the Draft RWA Human Services Plan Phase 2 exhibited in October 2006 and the Final Human Services Plan Phase 2 released in July 2008. This comparison has been produced from a comparison programme. While it has been manually checked and some changes made to reflect changes of the order of some points in the HSP2 it should be taken as a guide only. It has been produced for those familiar with the draft Plan who wish to get a quick idea of where changes have been made in the final Plan. Please confirm and changes highlighted in the document by comparing the Draft and Final versions rather than rely on the total accuracy of this document, formatting in particular is likely to be lost in such a document comparison.. In this document Green text indicates additions to the text where Red strike through indicates deletions and Red Underlined indicates changed text. The file is MS Word 251 KB.

HSP2 Draft Final Compare 2.doc — Microsoft Word Document, 251 kB (257536 bytes)