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HAF Preliminary Masterplan Agreement and HNSW / DFS Reports

On 27 October 2010 the Australian Government through the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) and Housing NSW (HNSW) signed an agreement under the Housing Affordability Fund (HAF) for the Redfern Waterloo Preliminary Masterplan. Here you will find details of what was covered by the agreement and the HNSW / DFS Project Performance reports submitted to the Federal Government.
File HNSW PMP Project Performance Report 4 - 8 June 2012
The forth Report to HAF was done by DFS and reports on: the Preliminary Master Plan community consultation, the Preliminary Master Plan and the Infrastructure Strategies Initial Stage. The Forth report notes that the "preliminary master plan and Infrastructure Strategy Initial Stage Reports will require review once proposed planning controls are finalised by the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority in order to achieve in-principle approval. The proposed planning controls have been delayed but are anticipated to be available in time to enable in-principle approval to be obtained by December 2012. The file is 47KB PDF.
File HNSW PMP Project Performance Report 3 -16 December 2011
The third Report to HAF was done by DFS and reports on: Preliminary Background Studies (Physical Services Infrastructure, Flooding and Drainage, Social and Demographic Analysis, Land Use Review, Redfern and Waterloo Tower Conversion Scoping Study, Urban Tree Assessment and Informal Market Sounding and Property Advice); Concept Staging Options (Physical Services Infrastructure, Social Services Infrastructure; Physical and Social Infrastructure Scoping; The Concept Plan and Community Consultation. The file is 49KB PDF.
File HNSW PMP Project Performance Report 2 - 24 June 2011
The second Report to HAF by HNSW reports on the Concept Plan Vision and the Concept Plan Staging Options. The file is 69KB PDF.
File HNSW PMP Project Performance Report 1 - 27 May 2011
The first Report to HAF by HNSW reports on the Desktop survey database, the Community building and engagement framework and the Preliminary community consultation. The file is 56KB PDF.
File HAF - HNSW Redfern Waterloo Preliminary Master Plan Agreement - 27 Ocr 2010
This is an extract from the HAF - HNSW Redfern Waterloo Preliminary Master Plan Agreement signed on 27 October 2010. It sets out what it was agreed to be funded and how it was to be reported. We have included only the key aspects of the report here so they can be compared with the subsequent Project Performance Reports. There have been a number of applications to vary reporting times since the initial agreement so the dates referred to have changed by agreement between HAF and HNSW / DFS. File is 56KB PDF
File Representation to Brendan O'Connor on behald of REDWatch over HAF Masterplan
Following approaches from REDWatch about the non release of the HAF funded Preliminary Master Plan and the associated HNSW/DFS performance reports Tanya Plibersek made the attached representation to Brendan O'Connor MP the Federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness. On 28 September REDWatch was advised by DFS that "Our colleagues at the Commonwealth, Managing the HAF funding, contacted us about your (REDWatch’s) recent request for copies of the HAF milestone reports for the Redfern Waterloo Preliminary Masterplan. We agreed that we’d send the reports to you directly". The Plibersek letter attached is 700 KB PDF.