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Studies related to Preliminary Master Plan

A series of studies will be undertaken as part of the Preliminary Master Plan. Some like those associated with the Draft BEP2 and the Baseline study have already been done. As more studies become available we will post them here. We have also included a compilation document based on HNSW and RWA/SMDA documents setting out what the Master Plan is expected to include.
HNSW Redfern Waterloo Community Baseline Survey
This is a copy of the Redfern Waterloo baseline survey (promoted as the Redfern Waterloo Community Survey) which was undertaken by Sweeney Research, a market research company, on behalf of Housing NSW about how tenants felt about their community and what was important to them. The rationale of the survey was to establish base line data before any development started to be able to assess any post development changes. The file is no longer on the HNSW website but can be downloaded from the REDWatch website.
What to Expect in the Master Plan
REDWatch has prepared the following summary of what to expect in the Master Plan from the HNSW Planning Pyramid, the What goes into a Preliminary master Plan, the Community Engagement Schedule, references in the BEP2 to the Master Plan and relevant sections in the SMDA precinct brief for Redfern and Waterloo. The document aims to show what is expected to be in the Planning Controls, the Preliminary master Plan and the Final Master Plan. It also seeks to show the SMDA's ongoing interest through the precinct brief. We will update this list as more information becomes available.
Airds Bradbury Baseline Study
The baseline study for Redfern Waterloo was based on the Baseline study for Airds Bradbury. REDWatch requested the Airds study be made available so the community could see how the Redfern Waterloo baseline study compared to what was found at Airs Bradbury. One of the difference was that satisfaction level with tenant's dealing with Housing NSW offices was lower in Redfern and Waterloo than at Airds Bradbury. Here you can download the Airds Bradbury baseline study and make your own comparisons. File is 1.2 MB PDF.
Baseline study missing part of the base
In 2010, in preparation for the Master Planning process, Housing NSW undertook a baseline study of its public tenants in Redfern and Waterloo reports the October 2011 issues of the South Sydney Herald.
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